I am in touch with NEST plus team for this Amibroker / MS api to NEST Plus.
The demo is not completely ready from Omnesysindia. It's typical 1.0 product.
If you are using some AFL in amibroker and thinking automated trade on same afl, it's not great idea. It's not because of Omnesysindia but you need to consider lot of other parameters while generating completely automated scripts e.g. order type etc. Please see below order types pdf.
Here is something I get from Nest team which can be used on Zerodha trader. (once it matches the version requirements etc)
For API to AMI
The manual
All the help videos are available here:
All user manual related to Nest Plus are available here:
Nest Trader FAQ files available at the following links:
I think it will not be overnight shift for everyone on Zerodha trader as they will migrate people in batches. Secondly NOW is nothing but lower version of same product, so people do not have to worry about look and feel and basic features. It's like windows XP and XP with service pack 3. You get some more features, most of issues of now are fix, better quality. As I have over 17 yrs exp in software, I am sharing this based on my exp. This has nothing to do any inputs I got from NEST team.
In my opinion, if Zerodha trader goes live for retail by 3rd Sept, you should ideally go live for automated trades using Amibroker etc after 1 month.
It will take good time to test your AFL in real time AT scenario. Remember this API does not give you live data to your Amibroker, you have to either get it from GDFL or Josh's utility. AFL which shows great profits on Amibroker charts will not be same as ordering will make lot of difference.
Many people have not documented exact rules of trading, they look at AFL chart and also look at other charts or some indicators in other sheets and make final call to buy/ sell. You need to have all things documented as rules, ensure AFL covers all corner cases, else your will be expecting great profits but your AT AFL will take all money from bank before market ends and give you great losses.