60 min Flow in International Commodities.

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Well-Known Member
congratulations all the gold lovers...we just crossed 15700 for the first time....this rally seems to have a max strength till 16400...lets hope we get there without reversing...


Well-Known Member
Curious to know why you r trading the 2nd month contract..volumes there are 1/10 of the current month contract.

Any particular logic....or just that you like less traffic.

ps: What period did your filter of 35> work good?
Completely agree with Rakesh here, we should look at current month charts only and start to rollover when we have around 5 trading days for contract to expire coz after that there are Delivery related problems and all.

Regarding Filters I think max we should use is 30, leaving 50 pts. as a filter on every trade will definitely impact the overall bottomline at the end of year, we cannot escape whipsaws even with a 100 pt. filter so we should better learn how to recognize False Breakout and try to get back into original positions.

Even I was stopped out of Longs yesterday but switched back to longs when I saw the bar taking out the stops ending at the highs. We owe something to Nifty which has taught us so much about Whipsaws.

And I request all to not discuss Filters here, these filters were the reason for 60 min. Mother Thread getting closed. We should backtest ourselves and if required can PM each other but not pt our Filter open to everyone



Well-Known Member
Mini Gap and breakout and ?failure in progress.......

Saint I dont know why Faith's charts are showing such huge Gap up, we closed at 14582 yesterday and first bar's low is at 14600, 18 pts. is nothing for a security of value 15700.


Well-Known Member
For people following Copper, a very nice bearish flag is forming on the charts, time to load your positions
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