A trader must practice Yoga


Active Member
Which plants ?? How many such species are there ?
Not all roots are underground, though. For example, water plants may have roots that float in the water. Epiphytes are plants that live in trees with roots that cling to tree branches.

There are even some plants that don’t have roots at all. Remember: the plant kingdom is huge. It’s hard for the human mind to grasp the number and wide variety of plants that exist on Earth.

Not all plants have vascular systems. Mosses and liverworts, for example, conduct photosynthesis, but they don’t have a classical plant structure like vascular plants.

Mosses grow in damp places and soak up the water and minerals they need directly from their environment. They anchor themselves to rocks and trees with rhizoids, thread-like growths that are not roots./-http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/do-all-plants-have-roots/


Active Member
you might have think that the yoga has not much potential as you have't improved
much inspite of all the efforts to rise the internal energy.This may be due to the over
spending of energy than you are accumulating by yoga.Your mind should be calm
as far as possible to rise energy substantialy.
''Relative to our physical existance,prana or vital energy is a modification of
the air element,primarly the air we breathe that allows us to live in this physical
world.Yet as air orginates in ether or space, prana arise in space and remain
closely connected to it.Wherever we create space,there energy or prana must
arise automatically.Air and space ,energy and space,and energy and mind,
which is a kind of space,remain closely linked and cannot be separated."


Active Member
Foods to reduce or Avoid

* Meat , Fish and eggs
* Artificial processed food
*Canned foods
*Pure quality oil and animal fats
*Dairy products from factory farms
*Garlic ,onions and overly spicy food
*Fried foods of all types
*White sugar and white flour
*Artificial sweetners
*Any overly cooked foods,old,stale or recooked food
*Alcohol,tabocco,and other stimulants
*Artificial beverages
*Microwave cooked foods
*Genetically made foods
*Foods taken in a disturbed environment or eaten too quikly.


Active Member
The air is the allmighty.It is in the human body as well as in outside.
You are the microcosam and the universe is the macrocosom.
In the universe the air has forms as burning of fire,winds,flow of rivers,formation of rain and clouds etc.
The imbalance of the air leads to fiercy winds,natural disasters,climatic change, big tides in sea etc.
In the human body the air or prana flows through the nadis.There is 72000 nadis in the
human body.Because of the power of the bodly air that the bodly heat stimulates and you experience good health.
As in the universe the imbalance of the air happens in the body and which leads to poor health and fatique.
This will also leads to the psychological misbehaviour .You can treat the mind and the body by treating the air in the body.By letting it to flow without hindrance.
The air present in the body has five forms,namely prana,udana,samana,vyana and apana.Each has its own
functions.When these five forms of air is balanced we have a healthy body and mind.Then you are attuned
with the natural force,there is no restriction in the flow of the air and you experince vitality and health both
mentaly and physicaly.
There are mainly three ways to calm down the the agitated vayu in the body.
a) By changing the quality of the food
b) By massaging the body with the oil
c) By yoga
The quality of the air in the body is dry,cold,light and active.So the quality of the food taken should be
less of these qualities in order to maintain a balance.We should take less dry,cold and light foods.Foods and drinks should be always warm.
Dry and frozen foods should not be taken.By massaging the body with the oil will leads the prana to flow
without block.For it a downward stroke massage should apply.
Oil therapies are also beneficial.It will calm the air and you will experiance a healthy body and mind.
Yoga and pranayama will also help the air to flow freely and destroy the unnatural imbalance.


Active Member
Prana is the substle energy of the air.Prana is the breath.It is the jeevatma.
By it's power the body functions properly.Prana is increased mainly through the practice of pranayama.And most specialy through the prelonged natural retention of breath.This is aided by keeping the body and senses still,which requires the
practice of yoga posture and control of senses.As long as the body is agitated
or contains accumulated stress in the muscles and joints, the prana cannot move freely.As long as mind follow impulses of senses,our breath and vitality must remain
agitated.And we must learn to relax the body and to control the senses.
The best time to gather prana is in Bhrama Muhurtha,when prana is most
available to the psyche.The times of sunrise,noon and sunset are also useful, as in these transitional moments ,the movement of prana can be changed in a significant
We must learn consciously direct the energy of breath.This is helped
by understanding the five pranas and their different movements.This can be aided
by visualizing the activities and movements of prana through the different channels
and chakras.Most important is directing the energy of breath up the spine during
inhalation and down the spine during exhalation
.Keeping the prana in the spine
calms the mind,centralizes our energy,and faciliates peace of mind.
One should begin with prelonged deep breathing and only gradually
develop prelonged retention as it comes of itself(not forcebly)Although pranayama
generally increase prana,right nostril(solar breathing)increase thejas and left nostril
(lunar breathing) increases ojas.Hence pranayama can be used for developing
prana,thejas and ojas depending on how it is performed.
When thought begins to to subside and our life energy is directed inwards,
the breath naturalylly comes to rest.This is what we should focus more.That is why
the energy increases when we leads a tentionless life.


Active Member
Avoid non veg food as it has no life in it.Those who consume it will poision both the body and the mind,it will cause to reduce the prana sakti of the body and many
disease will be caught.
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