Be careful while buying Market data provider data feed


Active Member
That's true, their reps are rude. They think they know the world and we are just irritents to them.
Anyway, one question. something which occurs to me after going through the thread. MDP uses ODIN converted data and supplies it to us. If that is so, can we not use ODIN ourselves and use any converter or extractor that takes data from odin and sends it to Ami or anyother TA software. ODIN is available easily with a few broker firms that give ODIN to their net clients. Just like PIB, they have some commitment. One I know got it for adv. brokerage of 4000 / Yr. Check Religare or Angel's net client setup.
If so, then we can get odin and use some converter to show data to TA software. That would be really intresting.
Also, is it correct like one of the member mentioned the odds of MDP, to do EOD analysis, U need to be connected online? What shame if it is so.
Your comments Please.

if you are able to trade successfully using yahoo data or data convertors then i can assure you that your trading will improve much more with e-signal or MDP. But then you got decide whether you want to shell out 3-4 times more for e-signal for almost same service from MDP.

One big advantage i had noticed with MDP is that when ever i log on i have data coming into my TA software without any problems and that my friends is a wonderful booster to your trading confidence.


I would like to tell u that Esignal data service is not 3-4 times as u have suggested.It costs $85+$23 =108/mo_Or Rs 5200/mo.Now compare this to Rs 2000/month.This is the only package comparable to esignal as only this package allows exploration and scanning in realtime.One more disadvantage in this package besides usual incorrect data is that u get only 15 days of intraday data,whereas in esignal u get all the IEOD data since inception.the biggest advantage in using esignal or qc is the peace of mind that u are geting authentic data feed from the NSE itself and not some scrapped off feed from ODIN,which is highly unreliable and erratic.
I would like to tell u that Esignal data service is not 3-4 times as u have suggested.It costs $85+$23 =108/mo_Or Rs 5200/mo.Now compare this to Rs 2000/month.This is the only package comparable to esignal as only this package allows exploration and scanning in realtime.One more disadvantage in this package besides usual incorrect data is that u get only 15 days of intraday data,whereas in esignal u get all the IEOD data since inception.the biggest advantage in using esignal or qc is the peace of mind that u are geting authentic data feed from the NSE itself and not some scrapped off feed from ODIN,which is highly unreliable and erratic.
peace of mind === well said.
we traders dont have that. I am also inclined towards authentic rather than some scrappy data feed.
Second disadvantage, one has to continue the subscription with MDP forever!!! What I mean is that, I had many studies marked on the chart. The day the subscription ends, one will not be able to see the data or chart. So cannot see the studies also! It all dissapeared!

Now if I continue with MDP it is fine. Otherwise, if I switch to anyother vendor, all the hard work is also lost! Take subscribing to MDP as a marraige! Be with MDP forever, or leave as early as possible. More you are attached, more pain, when gets separated.

Hi, this to my mind is a serious issue, something that will impact my decision to try MDP or not.

this is from the site FAQ
# Where is the data stored - On Your Server or on My Computer?

Ans. It is already stored on your computer but is in encrypted form. Run Data Provider and the data will be shown on the chart.

if I use Amibroker as the charting frontend, and enable local storage when creating the database (settings), data should be stored locally, and all line and curve studies with it. From the above it seems that since the locally stored data is encrypted, I cannot see it offline, or use this database when taking on another data provider. This is a nasty hook.

Also I understand that except with the RT$ package which gives everything live and streaming, all other packages only stream the selected symbol. RT4 works on "PUSH DATA" basis, all mothers work on "PULL DATA" basis. So if you have a exploration running on live data, you need RT4.

I request MDP+Amibroker users to share their experience on this. And MDP, if you are listening, maybe you can clarify too. Tx.
Hi, going by the rave reviews that Esignal gets on this forum, I'm either in the abject minority, or I dont know how to use their service (unlikely...I'm quite a app geek)

I post my views on another MDP thread, if you are interested.

1. not enough symbols. Track 187 F&O stocks + 20 odd indices and you hit the symbol count limit.Forget world indices.
2. They lie when they say that they supply corp action adjusted data. They do only if you spoon feed them with details of the corp action, the ratio, the ex date etc. I'm here to trade. not maintain the freaking database for esignal. Not even if they offer me a discount for giving them info they should be concentious enough to get on their own in any case. Not that they are offering me a discount. For this reason alone, MDP is worth trying. + NSE Symbols
3. continuous futures (near, next far)can only be seen in their own packsge. cant export to AB.
4. data drops every now and then (and my internet connection blazes)
5. EOD history only from Nov07 and an overt apathy about doing anything about it even when I offered to get the data for them.
6. No options data.

so you guys still think the esignal subscription is great? All power to you.


Active Member
MDP data is damn scrappy and their support is Pathetic. I was logged off their support thrice consicutivelt without the query being resolved. The support was more concerned with my typo errors in the message than the real issue (as can be seen in this message too. ) If one rep or department can resolve the issue, you are taken to another rep of dept and have to repeat the whole thing all over again. the max time for one person to query is i guess 5 mins, after that irrsepective of the issue being resolved or not, you get disconnected from the support. They sleep over the query messages i belive. When I asked them an issue of EMAMILTD not giving rt data for today, they asked to see if it meets volume requirements and if it is in the SP 500 list. What ****. the volume is 600000+. They have to mention all these conditions of data vending before hand as to what will be given and what will not be given. There is nothing of that sort on their site whereas the support says otherwise. In anycase, emamiltd meets all such requirements. Still no data. Still no support willing to resolve issue in three attempts. The damn guy at support acts like a geek and take us for some dumbshit.
The very first time when I logged into their support - that was before I paid them - I put up a query asking them if a particular script is included or not in their data vending list and the support guy arrongantly replied as to how I can ask them this question when i have not even used their services even once. They should have just answer the query correctly or should have updated the list on the site. Rather that doing that, they pick faults with the person asking them questions or clarifications for their errors they themselves make. They want you to first pay them the money and ask questions later. Even after paying them you will realise that their attitude is the same. Arrogance Personified with a capital A. LOL ! That particular script was not in their list on the website that I enquired for.
What about EOD data adjusted for splits and bonuses. I would like to know from fellow boarders who alos use MDP about this issue. I don't see the adjusted data. Rather the splits are very much visiable in their eod mode too. Just check educomp and reliance to name a few. RT4 exploration package. their support is mum on this issue. Worst still, for analysis, even if you have a registered version of ami, the data doesnot save and you have to be online and their app running to do anykind of analysis. One can still do that with just the bhav copy without spending a penny. Even on the online mode, you can't do analysis for all the stocks even for the eod mode after market hours too as the data is not accurate. So why give any money at all for something which can be achived free of cost. Rather you atlest get rt intraday data from yahoo at a fractional cost.
Here's another one for you guys. Their feed is delayed. I have crossed checked it on various time occassions with either PIB of ODIN or D2C (Shriram Insight - a friend has an account and I took my Lappie to him in market hours to crosscheck). Rather have Yahoo for a fraction of the cost they ask for their bogus business. The delay is not long - say 2 secs - but delayed none the less. Yahoo is also of the same delay more or less.
I plead fellow members to be very very weary of MDP. This one person it the begning of the thread who is all praise for MDP, I like to ask him in the face of these issues as to what is his opinion now. Does he see adjusted data for eod? Do you brother? No wonder your thresds and polls were deleated from where ever they were. And I would not doubt that you are an imposer for MDP as everyone except you does face problems and that too without being resolved.
This has been my experiance with them in 3 market days. Like they say, "well begun is half done" and I'm all done with MDP. My opinion may not change even while i'm done with my subscription period which will end this month as flawed business models are very hard to correct. The Last word - Don't subscribe to Market Data Provider.
Manish Chugani.


Well-Known Member
So much so hatred about a data vendor ???
& now their support people too?

EMAMI exits in their Master List, u hav to select to take it in Today's RT List,
RT data should then flow in, have u done this?
I will check it tomoro, as I dnt hav this script in my selection.
They have predefined lists too for ease.


Well-Known Member
Dear McNish,
The EMAMI RT data flowing in,
Please see there might be some prblem at ur end in selection of script.
bye regrds
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Active Member
Dear PKG, Data for emami streaming today which wasn't the case earlier. I can assure u there was no goofup on my end. I am pretty ok with playing around with new applications and figuring out their usage.
Anyway, the post created quite a buzz to reach the right ears and has come a full circle. I wasn't very surprised when it came back to me in the manner it did. Atleast it confirms my apprehensions about a shadow of the vendor. Thanks for affirming it.


Well-Known Member
Dear PKG, Data for emami streaming today which wasn't the case earlier. I can assure u there was no goofup on my end. I am pretty ok with playing around with new applications and figuring out their usage.
Anyway, the post created quite a buzz to reach the right ears and has come a full circle. I wasn't very surprised when it came back to me in the manner it did. Atleast it confirms my apprehensions about a shadow of the vendor. Thanks for affirming it.
PLEASE discuss in detail "I wasn't very surprised when it came back to me in the manner it did."