Come into the Trader's Den


Well-Known Member
Dear Tnsn2345,

Thanks.My thx button is not enabled.

Please explain in depth as you are trying to teach physcology which is the area where words are just powerless.Just adding few questions.%0

???? I am bit surprised, what happened to the content of this post I had put....???? Just vanished...I was editing some corrections and the TJ site hanged... just realised that the content is gone only for the couple of first lines....which are appearing in this post

will post later in the day..



Well-Known Member
Dear tnsn2345,
i thought its U,may not like to tell all the harsh way to do Right.So u may have edited. But now i understand its a bug........that erase what u give to us.
Again awaiting for ur post.
First step.........U. we may syncronise with per U.
Kindly tell ur development u become a Master Trader?


Well-Known Member
Dear Tnsn2345,

Thanks.My thx button is not enabled.

Please explain in depth as you are trying to teach physcology which is the area where words are just powerless.Just adding few questions.

1. What do you mean by knowing oneself ?
2. To learn about oneself - What needs to be done ?


Best Regards,
Eagerly waiting for ur prized post....where u shall tell , after knowing u, u syncronise urself with that most of ur decision makings r Right.
Dear Friends,

Markets everywhere in the world have mind of their own, something like how our mind functions, Markets function on the collective 'minds' of the participants. Hence like us, who behave logically, illogically, rationally, irrationally, emotionally, upbeat, depressed etc, markets also behave so.

Now if the Market has a Mind (from collective sources) then what we try doing all the times is to judge the thought process of the Market. Simultaneously at the same time there is another mind which is at work i.e. our own. And it is this mind that a novice trader never notices.

We all have a character, since our childhood, what we are, how we think, react, behave - in general. So either we are miser, generous, cunning, humble, fearful, foolhardy, gutsy, speculative, calculative, trustworthy, disloyal, wanderer, etc etc etc. If we look back in our own history we can build up a personality of our own selves by putting the pieces of our own behaviour during various events (good, bad, moderate) of our lives.

To earn from the market (which has it's own 'personality' like us), we need to fit our personality to the market and not vice-aversa. It is something like there are two random particles moving in the air, you hope that both will collide with each other. So what is more easier, studying our personality is much easier than judging the market's mind.

So eventually as a successful trader progresses in his life, we find different types of traders, some who try to pick the bottom, some who wait for reversal and some who wait for confirmation of the trend. All are there, but ultimately they have fit their ownself to the market. They trade ONLY when they think that their mind is in sync with the market's mind. The outcome of such trading (where you trade only if the market provides opportunities suiting your personality) is you take less trades, the trades are very high probable trades and outcome almost in most cases is favourble. I would simply put it like this, calculate the amount you have made, if you were to exclude all your loss making trades til date. To give benefit of doubt to random profits, even if you divide this amount by half you would still be a happy man. So know yourself, strive for high probable trades, even higher and even higher. (Did anyone hear me say...Six Sigma...:), noway I can produce those concepts here atleast)


p.s. Not too sure if I have been able to convey my thoughts in words, but still this was little effort from myside.
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Well-Known Member
So eventually as a successful trader progresses in his life, we find different types of traders, some who try to pick the bottom, some who wait for reversal and some who wait for confirmation of the trend. All are there, but ultimately they have fit their ownself to the market. They trade ONLY when they think that their mind is in sync with the market's mind. This helps a trader not only trade very high probable trades but also makes him stay longer with such trades'..................tnsn2345
Now can u elaborate how u become a master trader?
And how u trade different style with keeping syncronization ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tnsn2345,for those edition..............but can elaborate last 2 queries with soln from ur end?
So far u have told........................
1] know thyself?
2] find superiority/edge for u in market.
3] Since u know urself, market in certain condition........u may feel at home,.........definitely know before hand know what may happen in this type of scenario.take only those high probable trade.Reject other time /case...........SINCE lossmaking trades r rare event, money flow naturally high.


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

Markets everywhere in the world have mind of their own, something like how our mind functions, Markets function on the collective 'minds' of the participants. Hence like us, who behave logically, illogically, rationally, irrationally, emotionally, upbeat, depressed etc, markets also behave so.

Now if the Market has a Mind (from collective sources) then what we try doing all the times is to judge the thought process of the Market. Simultaneously at the same time there is another mind which is at work i.e. our own. And it is this mind that a novice trader never notices.

We all have a character, since our childhood, what we are, how we think, react, behave - in general. So either we are miser, generous, cunning, humble, fearful, foolhardy, gutsy, speculative, calculative, trustworthy, disloyal, wanderer, etc etc etc. If we look back in our own history we can build up a personality of our own selves by putting the pieces of our own behaviour during various events (good, bad, moderate) of our lives.

To earn from the market (which has it's own 'personality' like us), we need to fit our personality to the market and not vice-aversa. It is something like there are two random particles moving in the air, you hope that both will collide with each other. So what is more easier, studying our personality is much easier than judging the market's mind.

So eventually as a successful trader progresses in his life, we find different types of traders, some who try to pick the bottom, some who wait for reversal and some who wait for confirmation of the trend. All are there, but ultimately they have fit their ownself to the market. They trade ONLY when they think that their mind is in sync with the market's mind. The outcome of such trading (where you trade only if the market provides opportunities suiting your personality) is you take less trades, the trades are very high probable trades and outcome almost in most cases is favourble. I would simply put it like this, calculate the amount you have made, if you were to exclude all your loss making trades til date. To give benefit of doubt to random profits, even if you divide this amount by half you would still be a happy man. So know yourself, strive for high probable trades, even higher and even higher. (Did anyone hear me say...Six Sigma...:), noway I can produce those concepts here atleast)



Hi tnsn 2345

I slowly get nervy about your post's.

In the traders Den, it is every thing, you try to post. Even on a much higher level. There is nothing to top as every thing was already posted once in the past.

Why don't you once post a whole thought process, when you make any trade by your self and this now and not after one hundert words?

We then can leave, sorry to say, mama thoughts and start ultimately with what is going on in reality, and not in thoughts. :cool:

Dan Hmm and very sorry, but enough is enough

I also had to grove up once and I was told it the same way I do it to you now.


Well-Known Member
Hi tnsn 2345

I slowly get nervy about your post's.

In the traders Den, it is every thing, you try to post. Even on a much higher level. There is nothing to top as every thing was already posted once in the past.

Why don't you once post a whole thought process, when you make any trade by your self and this now and not after one hundert words?

We then can leave, sorry to say, mama thoughts and start ultimately with what is going on in reality, and not in thoughts. :cool:

Dan Hmm and very sorry, but enough is enough

I also had to grove up once and I was told it the same way I do it to you now.
Dear Dan,

A few things,

I am not on this forum as regularly as I see many people here. For me this forum is a medium to unwind. Ocassionally, when I refer to some threads and some members posts and I see my past, I feel like posting my thoughts.

I am not here to teach anyone (don't mind if it sounds harsh, but simply I don't know at what level the readers are) nor can I devote that much time here. I do not have to corrobarate my thinking into actions and how I do it. My trade-secrets (suitable for me, may not for others) are with me and will remain, sometimes may come out during such sharings. If I we

Ocassionally, I seek guidance from friends like you on the accessories related to trading (fow which I am thankful to TJ) and not on the trading itself.


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