Creating wealth with 25000...impossible?? No...possible

What i have to do, I am looking for a damn suggestion from you guys

ICICI Call strike: 480 @8.9 , lot : 350

I dont know what i have to do
could you suggest me .. as i have to wait for some time or else shoulld i have to square-off my position currently the premium is (bid-rate)20 and there is no writer for that

ratan jain

RJ and serious, are you joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But he seems to be as serious as Optimist!!! :D
Dear, if he can quote at 9:51 in the morning that I did so and so yesterday, then even I can say I entered at low of the day with 75000 lots

Heck, add another " 0 " to it for all I care :)

ratan jain

:D only 75000 lots arrange some more money n work with 7500000000000000000000000000000000000000000 lots to b richest man or poorest man on earth:p:D god bless u
Dear, at 75000 lots I was just taking a .000000000000000000000001 % exposure from my equity, so I dont need to arrange the money I already have the money to take the position mentioned by you.

What i have to do, I am looking for a damn suggestion from you guys

ICICI Call strike: 480 @8.9 , lot : 350

I dont know what i have to do
could you suggest me .. as i have to wait for some time or else shoulld i have to square-off my position currently the premium is (bid-rate)20 and there is no writer for that
sqaured off @20.60 350
initial : 3115
profit: 4095
total: 7210

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