Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
Dear Mr. Tejas,

if we need innovation then we have to pay the price (brokerage based on turnover)
if we need price then we have to suffer mediocracy (NEST, NOW)
if we have innovation and price, then we suffer downtime (KITE)
If we have truly international plaform and discount brokerage (IB), then we have certain failures to adjust indian market conditions (need to take out the fund one day in quarter and then credit it back to broker account, cant pledge the stock, no leverage).

unlike any other business the monopoly of the market leaders (discount broker - z, full service broker - icici) never seems to be threatened. how can you sleep well without up..ing this game. i mean there is always something in us to win and never wanting to settle as number 2.

please atleast provide different types of accounts (discount brokerage, brokerage based on transaction). i am sorry to say .... it long way to go for FYERS. even though i am not using FYERS, my eyes are always at it.

Good luck Mr. Tejas
Hello @pannet1,

I understand that you have had several bad experiences and hence speak out of a certain animosity about the current circumstances in the brokerage industry. Here's what I think:

1. Implementing robust features and delivering an amazing hassle-free platform is possible at the lowest charges (per order brokerage) as long as the revenues can compensate our efforts. We look forward to solving all the problems faced by traders/investors in India but our success will be determined by our capacity to fund our business which has to be based on revenues.

2. Maximum uptime can be achieved by us since our server architecture & back-ups are well set up. We want to be able to do this with more resources. There are many layers to pay attention to here and unexpected failures are rampant in the data center business and also the network providers' leased lines often fail and back-ups arrangements need to be made. On the core application level, we are pretty robust already.

In our business, product development is a journey and not a destination. Thankfully, we have built a capable technology team that can work on your requirements unlike most other brokers in India. We will do things step by step. If you would like to extend your contribution to our growth story, feel free to refer your friends to us. It will definitely help us boost our speed. Thx.

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
We recently wrote an article on the Financial Express with the title "5 smart ways to make money in a volatile stock market".

Do read it and share your thoughts. If you think I could've added anything to the article, let me know. The next time we get an opportunity write such an article will try to include some other strategies. The article has been considered more technical and trading oriented already by the news outfit. I was really bored of writing conventional material and made an effort to write something different.
Hi Fyers team,

Is it possible to create customised themes and buy them in fyers thematic investing?

If not available, please bring in this feature ASAP. There is no necessity to stick to available themes created by your research team.

Users should also have a choice to create their own theme (zerodha has this option).

You may suggest that user can buy his theme directly, but it will not distinguish long term holdings (a specific stock bought at a specific price) and a the same stock being bought every month. The price will get averaged then. Also re balancing will not be possible.



Well-Known Member
SEBI reaches out to the exchanges and large brokerage houses for suggestions. Unfortunately, we were neither a member of the committee that represented brokers or invited to voice our opinions. Size is everything for the regulator and we are relatively new to the other brokers as you already know..
If size is your concern then I am sure each and every member in this forum will support you if you raise the petition online


Well-Known Member
@Tejas Khoday
Initially that POA was in place to protect the brokers when customers use margin money. Now we have all kinds of triggers levels, span margin, exposure margin and the moment we fail to induce more money when the margin level is breached, broker automatically square off our position then when do they need POA ?