Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
Hi Fyers team,

Is it possible to create customised themes and buy them in fyers thematic investing?

If not available, please bring in this feature ASAP. There is no necessity to stick to available themes created by your research team.

Users should also have a choice to create their own theme (zerodha has this option).

You may suggest that user can buy his theme directly, but it will not distinguish long term holdings (a specific stock bought at a specific price) and a the same stock being bought every month. The price will get averaged then. Also re balancing will not be possible.

Valid points, we have this in mind and will make it happen when we upgrade Thematic Investing platform in the near future.

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
If size is your concern then I am sure each and every member in this forum will support you if you raise the petition online
That's easier said than done @john302928. Anyways, once there is more clarity on the issue we will discuss it here and take things forward. For an appeal to be taken seriously, it has to signed by a very large number of traders. Let's see when it comes to it.

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
@Tejas Khoday
Initially that POA was in place to protect the brokers when customers use margin money. Now we have all kinds of triggers levels, span margin, exposure margin and the moment we fail to induce more money when the margin level is breached, broker automatically square off our position then when do they need POA ?
The Power Of Attorney is useful for other things too. I have written about it this post - https://fyers.in/power-of-attorney-for-demat-account-why-it-is-important/

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
6 months have passed by since I'm waiting for you to start MCX. Still no signs at all. Do you have any particular date in mind?
If I was the license issuing authority, I would've definitely given a date. But unfortunately, we are the seekers of the license :) . We have been approved by the Membership committee and we will have to begin the enablement procedures which includes a tedious documentation process and setting up with the required infrastructure which includes dedicated servers & leased lines with backups, system testing & approvals, changing our account opening documents accordingly, etc.

Hence, we cannot put a finger on a date and declare that we will surely have the membership that day. I understand how you feel because any normal person would expect us to have it a few months ago but the reality of the situation is very different. The membership got delayed because the many bank's securities divisions were applying for MCX licenses simultaneously so the membership department's table was overloaded with applications.


Well-Known Member
Can I open trading account without demat account with fyers?