Hi, May i know details about Margins on Stocks/ Liquid Bees. charges etc. I searched the whole site but unable to find.

I informed you that it was ready within 4 hours on 6th April but we held it back because we had to participate in the exchange mock session on April 7th during market hours. Post that, we introduced it.

Updates on Thematic will take a while.
Very simple question - when will customised themes be made available to your customers?



----- Full-Time ----- Day-Trader
New pre-loaded watchlists are very good.

One important suggestion about watchlists:-
Automatic Word Wrap Alignment is required like EXCEL. So that, Data in the cell wraps to fit the column width automatically.
Presently to view the 'Full Symbol Name' we need to drag watch list by width too much and then there are unnecessary big gaps created between columns. Such unnecessary Gaps between Columns are taking useful screen spaces for Tech Charts! Full symbol Names in watch list are also required.

01fyers watchlist.png

Tradingview watchlist has much lesser gaps:-

01 trading view watchlist.png