General Trading Chat


Read your post, and thought about an incident last week. Have a friend who along with his wife are earning around 10L/month. They have saved and invested in properties, FD's over the years and have seen multifold returns. They could have choosen to leave the job 5 years back without having to worry for the next 2 generations. But considering the lucrative jobs, they both continued till there was a reorganisation in the company for my friend and he was offered the same position, but would have to relocate.

Considering his family is settled abroad and the children are doing well in schools, he declined but was looking for another position. But the sad fact is that inspite of having so much, the stress of losing his share of lucrative income of about 3.5L (his wife is more qualified and in a better position than him and earns more) he got anxious, and inspite of a healthy lifestyle (diet + excercise) his undiagonised blood pressure went high and he had a stroke (brain hemorrage for which he underwent surgery) For 15 days he was in ICU, two days back he is now under observation in general ward. Do not know the extent of damage, if he will be able to walk/talk and function normally.....

The thought came to my mind - What do we live our lives for? If we are driven internally, we will be focussed, but sadly for my friend, his focus was too much on making money.... for which he is now paying a very high price.... Which goes to show if the focus of our life is excessively on the external, money, politics, arguments, ego, emotions etc. will be the tiger we ride on, and difficult to get off.....
What is the use of all the money and the property.Greed has no boundaries.

One should aspire for good life,few necessities like a good house to live,bank balance for financial independe and we should do our duties in life with full commitment. But once one achieves all that then your assets and bank balance is just a figure in your balance sheet and bank passbooks.The happiness is much beyond that...happiness does not come from money and wealth alone though we need money for a good life.



Well-Known Member
Real happiness is beyond the material acquisitions and pleasures...
I am not getting into any argument

I think for TJ member material acquisitions are the Thanks bottom & for that very purpose they try to act what they are not (so humble & knowledgeable).

Real happiness is beyond the material acquisitions and pleasures but people still dream of having more (big bigger biggest house / car) (sound like hypocritical words now a days)

By the way I am quoting against your word not against you (so don’t mind).
I am not getting into any argument

I think for TJ member material acquisitions are the Thanks bottom & for that very purpose they try to act what they are not (so humble & knowledgeable).

Real happiness is beyond the material acquisitions and pleasures but people still dream of having more (big bigger biggest house / car) (sound like hypocritical words now a days)

By the way I am quoting against your word not against you (so don’t mind).
No arguments my friend...everyone can persue his happiness in his own ways...that is the reason I just dropped the hint and said will not invite new arguments....this thought is very unpalatable in traders forum....but I mean what I said after achieving success,assets,money,wealth but will not get into an argument on this with anyone....question of personal belief...

End of discussion from my side...God bless you...

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Well-Known Member
No arguments my friend...everyone can peruse his happiness in his own ways...that is the reason I just dropped the hint and said will not invite new arguments....this thought is very unpalatable in traders forum....but I mean what I said after achieving success,assets,money,wealth but will not get into an argument on this with anyone....question of personal belief...

End of discussion from my side...God bless you...

Yes no argument

I have already discussed my happiness & my dream in the very particular thread (fortunately it’s not big house / not car). That’s why while trading I get out of my trade without trailing it too much (because I am happy with my small profit).

Yes we both are happy for each other that we found our happiness in true way.

Thanks & God bless you too….

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