Going With The 60min Flow!!!

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Well-Known Member
Re: Going With The 60min Flow!!

Still holding JP Assoc shorts.....Stops at 223

SESA GOA:Longs stopped at 4130 and reverted to short ......+60pts on the longs.Shorts from 4130 still 2 lots only initial position.If gap down,reverting to longs over 5 min high.

ABAN:Longs stopped at 3980 and reverted to short.........-135 pts on the long trade.Shorts from 3980 2 lots initial posn,added 2 lot at 3945,another 2at 3906.Holding 6 lots at avg of 3943,stop loss at 3970......If gap down tomorrow,looking to exit all and long on first 5 min high.


Thus far:SESA Short=+115,ABAN short=+10,JP long=-10.8,SESA Long=+60ABAN Long=-135
Dear Saint,

How is the Sesagoa changed to short at 4130? Should it not be at 4175(made on 30th May) and got taken on June 2nd?
I cannot see 4130 on the charts :confused:
Can see 4175 and before that 4155

Please clarify to this student!



Well-Known Member
Ok it was pivot break out so went long but your point is very much valid i may be wrong not looking hourly bar so closely before going lon and thank you for this point

yes there is no rule about how much room u give to pivots as it was 4825 so thought 4800 level if it were 4860-4865 then my stop would be at 4850

But one thing Gautam
your first post to me it was satya ,,, now Sir ( and you are saying its not a criticise ) i know u are more knowledgable but your post towards me is demanding if u trying to say i m wrong by going long then i accept nothing harm to accept one's fault ,,,,even learnt that cross prev bars high

But your veiws with a right spirit always welcome friend and you can point where i have gone wrong that is why i m posting trade according to this method

Well satya, the "sir" part is inadverent.... after doing service for a long time it has become a second nature to call all and sundry SIR!!!
Please do not even think I am more knowledgeable....the post may seem demanding but it is not, be assured it was for simple purpose of knowing what pivots are all about!!! I was not trying to say that you are wrong, I cannot validly comment on a subject I am totally new to... But I felt some anomaly was there if not wanted to know why? I am just not at all conversant with pivots... believe me the Kol Ind. is he first TA indicator I have tried. My TA knowledge is minimum.
Now still Satya I cannot see the Pivot Breakout at 4900!!! What am i missing out something!??? Do we take guidance of some other time frame???
As per my understanding the Pivot Breakout came at or above 4925 then why go long at 4900/- ???
Re: Going with the 60min Flow!!

When do you sleep Saint!!! Posting at 3.27 AM!!!

Saints don't sleep!!!! Too busy helping others!!!

Simply great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards

R K Karnani
I have read somewhere in this forum that Saint lives in Singapore so local time there should be 12:55 (while 3:27 in India).;););)


Well-Known Member
Re: Going With The 60min Flow!!

Stops brought down in ABAN to 3780......yes,Satya,2 bar method,only if proceedings get vertical,.........and revert to long once triggerred.

Will add to Post 1 the above........was quite reluctant to bring out this so early on,but looking at the way you guys are eyeballing the charts,think it's good timing anyway.


ps:Added 2 shorts below 3730(minor pivot) and at 3678........avg 10 lots at 3848,stops at 3780

I again can't find 3730(minor pivot), and why 3678??? Stop at 3780, why?
My chart shows... 3692 minor pivot today 11am bar...
Stop at todays 10 am bar high... 3792
And nowhere 3678 on the 60min chart :( :( :( :confused:



Well-Known Member
Hello, I am trying to post and request all to rectify my errors in this post.
I am trying to identify the trades in 1 hourly charts as per pivots :
I start from the start of May series i.e 25th April 2008 :
We are always in trade method...we exit long to go short and vice versa...

Trade A : Go long above 5065 SL 4991
This trade continues upto 5270 on 5th May.

Trade B : Go short below 5211 (5th May ) SL 5272
TradeC : Go long above 4998 (12th May) SL 4923
Price goes upto 5080 and comes down to 4932 almost near the SL !!!
Trade D : Go short below 5100 (16th May) SL 5168
Trade E : Go long above 4925 (28th May) SL 4828
Trade F : Go short below 4828 SL (30th May, We got the entry opn 2 June in Jun series)
This trade is still on....

So the trades in short are :
- 5211 + 4998 = +223
+4998 - 5100 = +102
-5100 + 4925 = +175
+4925 - 4828 = - 97
-4828 still on CMP 4706 (Present trade is 122 points in plus)
So MAYseries gave : 403 points in just 4 saudas!!!
We are 122+ in June as on the close of 3rd June 2008.

Now it is requested that I am rectified!!!!
I am attaching a chart, have tried to mark the trades A - F



Well-Known Member
Hello, I am trying to post and request all to rectify my errors in this post.
I am trying to identify the trades in 1 hourly charts as per pivots :
I start from the start of May series i.e 25th April 2008 :
We are always in trade method...we exit long to go short and vice versa...

Trade A : Go long above 5065 SL 4991
This trade continues upto 5270 on 5th May.

Trade B : Go short below 5211 (5th May ) SL 5272
TradeC : Go long above 4998 (12th May) SL 4923
Price goes upto 5080 and comes down to 4932 almost near the SL !!!
Trade D : Go short below 5100 (16th May) SL 5168
Trade E : Go long above 4925 (28th May) SL 4828
Trade F : Go short below 4828 SL (30th May, We got the entry opn 2 June in Jun series)
This trade is still on....

So the trades in short are :
- 5211 + 4998 = +223
+4998 - 5100 = +102
-5100 + 4925 = +175
+4925 - 4828 = - 97
-4828 still on CMP 4706 (Present trade is 122 points in plus)
So MAYseries gave : 403 points in just 4 saudas!!!
We are 122+ in June as on the close of 3rd June 2008.

Now it is requested that I am rectified!!!!
I am attaching a chart, have tried to mark the trades A - F

Hi Gautam,

Fantastic! No errors at all!

Good profits is it not? :D

But I would have gone long at 4689 + today(looking forward for confirmation from members here with SL of 4626- )

In tht respect also good profits with 60min... but as Saint says... NF trading is bit difficult with 60, because of gap up/down...

But looks lucaritive :)

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