Going With The 60min Flow!!!

Which Futures do u all trade with real Money?

  • MiniNifty

    Votes: 28 40.6%
  • Nifty

    Votes: 50 72.5%
  • Aban

    Votes: 16 23.2%
  • L&T

    Votes: 18 26.1%
  • Hdil

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • JP asso

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • RIL

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Relcap

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • Suzlon

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Educomp

    Votes: 8 11.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well-Known Member

Now it is clear :)
Abt 3 bar or 5 bar is again a matter of situation :eek: as in.... if the move is substantial then 3 bar can become a pivot... otherwise 5 bar...
Now what is a substantial move? How to know that? I am too naive in this field to say anything...
I think Sir, it will come with experience(eventually I am not that experienced)
Indeed you are a senior member and experienced one... So your comments are valuable in this issue :)
I just try to share what ever I am learning over here... Maybe I am wrong most of the times :eek:


Hi Milky
Thanks its avery good idea we should look for minor pivots while we have vertical move



Well-Known Member
Hello all,

NF for July 7th

July Series

Number	Trade	Level	SL	Initial Risk	P/L(Close)	Remarks

6	Long 	3922+	3816-	-106		+42

5	Short	3863-	3922+	Closed		-59

4	Long	3914+	3863-	Closed		-51		Not taken a/c gap

3	Short	4127-	3914+	Closed		+213

2	Long	4152+	4127-	Closed		-25		Gap Intraday

1	Short	4127-	4152+	Closed		-25		Gap Intraday

Total booked P/L = +53

Dear Milky we are long at 3914 and then 5th trade is a short ??? is it due to Gap but this gap has not occured against our postion i.e for long trade at 3914 we have stop at 3809 + space so i think that gap did not violet our intia stop/pivot so we should not do any thing till that pivot crack and we still long with trailing stop hope you consider this ....



Well-Known Member
Hi Satya, MB and vinst,
I am also interested in trading NF using Saint's 60 min flow method. But before I actually start trading using this method I would like to spend some time on paper trading. I have identified according to this methos we are in uptrend now and if we are carrying any long position then the SL and reversal point would be 3904 NIfty Spot. Pls comment.
For your reference I am attaching here Nifty Spot 5 min and hourly charts. Pls guide. Thanks
Hi Deb yes i think you are right



Well-Known Member

Now it is clear :)
Abt 3 bar or 5 bar is again a matter of situation :eek: as in.... if the move is substantial then 3 bar can become a pivot... otherwise 5 bar...
Now what is a substantial move? How to know that? I am too naive in this field to say anything...I think Sir, it will come with experience(eventually I am not that experienced)
Indeed you are a senior member and experienced one... So your comments are valuable in this issue :)
I just try to share what ever I am learning over here... Maybe I am wrong most of the times :eek:

Again you are right even we had different views some day back about sustantial move and 2 bar method



Active Member
Hi Satya, MB and vinst,

Thank you all for your inputs. Here I have identified our next major pivot low which is according to me is 4001 Nifty Spot, craking which we should reverse our current long position. Please have a look at the charts attached here with and confirm. Thanks,



Well-Known Member
Hi Satya, MB and vinst,

Thank you all for your inputs. Here I have identified our next major pivot low which is according to me is 4001 Nifty Spot, craking which we should reverse our current long position. Please have a look at the charts attached here with and confirm. Thanks,
On 60min NS charts, still 3897 is PL.


The SL for the latest long position (See below) is marked at 3816, below which the trade will be reverted to SHORT.

July Series

Number Trade Level SL Initial Risk P/L(Close) Remarks

6 Long 3922+ 3816- -106 +42

But as per Satya's latest graph, HigherPivotLow (HPL) is at near 3915... So which should be considered?... MB, Satya, Vinst, Waiting for ur response.

If this Q is wrong, forgive me... I am jus trying to learn... Not having any open pos right now...



Well-Known Member
last post 12:22 AM 7/7/2008
THIS POST 7:22 am 7/7/2008

Must have taken 30 min to log of traderji and go to sleep(if there were no pivots in head):D
Must have taken 30 min to wake up and log on to traderji
Only about 6 hrs of sleep :eek:
Take care of your health buddy
because health is wealth :D
Oops did I sleep for 6 hrs?
Thanks pal for the concern :)

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