how much return you expect from commodity market

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shortly i will give average risk and average reward level for all the nine commodities which will help all viewers to form a trading strategy according their capital and risk level which they are ready to take on day to day basis
i am going to share average risk required to be taken and average reward which we we can expect from market as a trader,on day to day basis
whether you are pure intraday trader or you are swing trader or you are position trader ,if you will not do blunders then in all the three cases reward and risk will come same as i am going to give for all the nine commodities -to be continued
i am going to share average risk required to be taken and average reward which we we can expect from market as a trader,on day to day basis
whether you are pure intraday trader or you are swing trader or you are position trader ,if you will not do blunders then in all the three cases reward and risk will come same as i am going to give for all the nine commodities -to be continued
silver stop loss required(risk)1000 point -profit expected every day(reward)500 point


Well-Known Member
can anyone explain about the risk reward ratio?
for 1 unit risk the reward should be minimum 2 and above, but here its half, can any one explain whether its prudent to take the trades?
can anyone explain about the risk reward ratio?
For 1 unit risk the reward should be minimum 2 and above, but here its half, can any one explain whether its prudent to take the trades?
dear trump
i have given per day profit not total profit which you are going to earn,gold entry came on 1/11 at 27190 that day risk required to be taken was 1000 rs and gold closed on 1/11 at 27529 giving 339 point which was 3.39 time of risk taken same day,but from 1/11 gold is still a long
yesterday as compare to risk of 1000- the reward was 19880 rs(1988)point and gold long is still open against risk 1000Taken it is giving reward of more then 1000 every day
risk you have taken once and reward you are taking every day
at present against one risk in gold reward is more then nineteen not two-i think now every thing is clear to you
Ashwani Sir,
Your risk/reward make perfect sense to me, but what if when SL hit at first chance? In that case we have to make two trades to get the breakeven and there is a risk in those two trades. If anyone out of two again run in loss then getting a breakeven is 4 trades away and so on....
I might be totally wrong in understanding the RR ratio in commodity market as I just started trading in commodity and reading everything you wrote till date. Asking this question just to clear my doubt.
I use to trade in Forex when I was in US, came back to India this Diwali. Per my understanding Indian Cash/Future markets are too much manipulated and not worth of trading for a person who is not in touch with Dalal Street. Only commodity market is worth trading coz it follows International prices (specially Crude, Silver, Gold, NG) and not Indian Agri commodities (these are again manipulated).
just my 2 cents..
At last want to say a big thanks to you for all your contribution for commodity traders, there are very less resource available on commodity for Indian traders and your views and teachings are commendable.
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