How to choose the right software for trading


Well-Known Member
Hi beginner_av,
I have tried many trading s/w. I personally found Amibroker to be most versatile.
Though I have a huge compilation of AFLs, yet I found that none serve my purpose.
Similar was the case with other popular softwares. Further, hopping from one program to another consumes lot of time and energy in learning and data transfer, which otherwise could be diverted to trading.
Though I can write basic AFLs, yet my skills in this regard are limited.
At present I wish to learn some programming language, with the sole objective of writing better AFLs. Which language do you recommend, which will solve my purpose, with least effort. At present my programming skills can safely be taken as zero :eek:.
I am of the opinion that you should learn the language that is closest to that of your software, and would hence recommend C. If you find it difficult, you can learn Java/C#. But if you leave out pointers, you can very well learn C.


Well-Known Member
Don't mind Sir but do you really think that any software can make money for a Trader ? It can only help in analyzing in a better way and most important quick enough. This is all I expect from a Trading software .
Yes, it can. Provided the software is built to support your trading philosophy, helps you easily implement your strategy->tactics, and allow you to extend it the way that helps you in your trading.


New Member
I am of the opinion that you should learn the language that is closest to that of your software, and would hence recommend C. If you find it difficult, you can learn Java/C#. But if you leave out pointers, you can very well learn C.
Hi beginner_av,

First of all, a wonderful thread. I've been scratching my head for the last month, on which software to buy, till I stumbled on this.

I get the gist of what you're saying - that AB allows you to program and backtest you programs, if you are so inclined.

I still have a problem getting a handle on this.. I have programmed with C/Unix, but its been more than 10 years now. I can definitely pick up my old Kernighan and Ritchie and brush up in a couple of weeks.

But, this still leaves a lot of other questions, like say I learn one of the languages you mention, then what is the next step... Where do i get a compiler, what about any other libraries needed to link with AB.. What else do I need to know.

Essentially, after I buy Amibroker, learn C or C++, what else do i need to know before I can put Amibroker to good use? Does AB come with documentation dealing with these issues, or would the forums on *****groups help? Or, does AB come with some preliminary programs that you can go over and kind of infer how to write your own programs.

In short for someone who is new to this, the whole thing is a bit cloudy. In such a scenario, one might be forgiven for looking for a software that pretty much does all this. If such a beast existed ofcourse..:)

thanks again for starting this thread.



Well-Known Member
^^ You have a host of built in functions that you can use to achieve what you want. Amibroker uses C like syntax, so you can do a lot of things if you know C. If you want to go deeper, they give a C++ ADK for free and also exposes lot of objects to be manipulated through the COM interface.

BTW if you are learning a modern language like C#, you must check out Ninja Trader, which is free of cost, if you are not routing your trades to a broker.
If anyone is interested I can share some of my experience (I am also learning, like you), about choosing the right software for your trading needs. Do let me know.
Thx for your initiative. I have recently started trading in Options. Could u please suggest me the free software for Options watlist as well as portfolio.




Well-Known Member
bav you wrote java or c#/C in response to citrus question. I am learning java nowadays because I wanted to learn some porgramming language. So I would like to know will it serve me anygood if I apply it to what is being discussed in this thread. Also what are pros and cons of java vis a vis other languages like c/c#and which software is closest to java.
wow i had absolutely no idea , java , c , c# :eek: .. is there no hope for me then , learning a software and techniques is fine , but learning the language it was coded in to make it work ! .. i will work towards this , but is there an alternative ? this has just thrown everything out of gear .. perhaps I should just spend time working out a trading strategy and when a little proficient , think of going for a professional TA software .. any inputs guys ? icharts then , for now ??


Well-Known Member
wow i had absolutely no idea , java , c , c# :eek: .. is there no hope for me then , learning a software and techniques is fine , but learning the language it was coded in to make it work ! .. i will work towards this , but is there an alternative ? this has just thrown everything out of gear .. perhaps I should just spend time working out a trading strategy and when a little proficient , think of going for a professional TA software .. any inputs guys ? icharts then , for now ??
Hi GauravC,
For basic charting and indicators there is no need to learn programming in any of the trading software. These are provided by default in all the softwares.
Programming is required for advanced system writing and backtesting.
Even in Amibroker, you can write and backtest simple systems by learning the simple Amibroker Formula Language or even without learing it, by using their compiler.
Moreover, In case of Amibroker and Metastock lots of third party utilities are available on the net and many on this forum that can be used without knowing any programming.