I will HELP You with Anything you ASK in Forex

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Well-Known Member
Re: Taxation of Forex Income in India

So, as Business Income, make daily accounting of

And, yes trading forex is semi legal, semi means 50%, because you are not permitted to bank wire for margin calls / margin trading.

Any further questions will be answered on my website after 2 weeks, when I am done with the basic Legal setup with permission of RBI
I understand deposits should be made thru CC, e-money but are bank wires allowed for withdrawl from forex account...in that case can we show it as business income.

Of course...for withdrawl...one had to win consistently in forex which very few do:lol:
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Re: I need help designing something

I guess wordpress is better content management system than joomla with many better templates.

With wordpress one can add financial widgets, e-commerce, adsense, forum, blog and many other things.
already complet3ed in joomla and phpBB


hello Preetji,

Your visions may well come true...I have read predictions from some of the financial astrologers like Mahendra Sharma, Merriman with similar things.

However, many had predicted market crash during end of july and august which has not happened....well untill yet.;)

Mahendra Sharma has predicted beginning of bull run in US and Indian stock markets with targets of 35000 for sensex and 25000 on Dow and also rise of US dollar from august onwards.....fall of euro as a currency within next 2 years....lets see.
If these help one make money...well and good.

link to mahendra sharmas prophecy page
Link to my post


- $700-billion TARP bill.
- $787-billion economic stimulus bill the president deemed necessary to keep unemployment under 8%.
- $410-billion Omnibus bill with 9,000 pork-barrel projects.
- $1.3-trillion deficit in fiscal year 2009.
- $1.4-trillion deficit estimated for fiscal year 2010.
- $1 trillion or more for a health care bill that the majority of Americans didnt want.
- Auto industry bailout with complete disregard to the bankruptcy laws, which turned the U.S. government into an equity owner and granted an ownership stake to the United Auto Workers union.
- $500-billion bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
- $145-billion bailout of Greece.
- Billions spent by the Federal Reserve to purchase toxic assets.
- $10.6-trillion dollar public debt the day Obama took the oath of office. In nineteen months, the public debt stands at $13.3-trillion (a 25% increase).

if you still think US dollar can get strong and DOW Jones Index can climb then think again


Active Member
Link to my post


- $700-billion TARP bill.
- $787-billion economic stimulus bill the president deemed necessary to keep unemployment under 8%.
- $410-billion Omnibus bill with 9,000 pork-barrel projects.
- $1.3-trillion deficit in fiscal year 2009.
- $1.4-trillion deficit estimated for fiscal year 2010.
- $1 trillion or more for a health care bill that the majority of Americans didnt want.
- Auto industry bailout with complete disregard to the bankruptcy laws, which turned the U.S. government into an equity owner and granted an ownership stake to the United Auto Workers union.
- $500-billion bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
- $145-billion bailout of Greece.
- Billions spent by the Federal Reserve to purchase toxic assets.
- $10.6-trillion dollar public debt the day Obama took the oath of office. In nineteen months, the public debt stands at $13.3-trillion (a 25% increase).

if you still think US dollar can get strong and DOW Jones Index can climb then think again
No... Dont think again! then may be you'll realise that STILL the USD can get stronger!!


No... Dont think again! then may be you'll realise that STILL the USD can get stronger!!
40 years back India had a currency component called Dhela which was 25% of 1 Paisa

35 years back it was phased out, and 1 paisa coins were replaced by 5 paisa and 10 paisa and 25 paisa coins

as RBI kept printing money to meet budget deficit, paisa was phased out completely by 1 rupee couns

in 1990 1 rupee coins were phased out an paper currency became more popular with denomination of 10 rupees and 100 rupees

Today, even 1000 rupees has little purchasing power, sugar itself is 50 rupees to a kg

as more currency gets printed it looses its value

atleast that is what i think

pepsico is selling 1 Kg of potatoes to Indians for 1000 rupees a Kg after buying it from them @ 2 rupees a kg in the form of Lays chips :rofl: and it is not an Indian company at all

2 gm of concentrate and 2 litre of water sells as pepsi :rofl: n we Indians love it


Well-Known Member
Hello Preet,
As i get from your above posts you want to say something about growing deficit of US.
But still you should know US is not India its economy is very strong.
More then that any budget deficit is fulfilled by Investment back into the US by other countries.
Consider purchase of US Treasury bonds by china.
The US is smarter the outsource their work to chop shops like infosys in India.

But as i said India, is not worth being called a super power neither it will be.
A population of above 100 crore and a budget of 3 trillion dollar and consistent rise in inflation just signaling poor economy.
Most of the National income is being gathered from Tax Payers and substandard Manufacturing.
You said it right sugar is very expensive and that only gives us a benchmark for other goods.
Now a days even 30,000 a month is a very less(sick) amount.;)

This countries future lies in rot India would have been further better off when they were following communist path(but that was difficult for them),as foreign reserves were running low.

Now a days even punjabi swords in india are the one manufactured in China.:rofl:
Punjab lies in peril because their is shortage of electricity and Mr Badal want to make Punjab an IT paradise,(i guess stealing business/economic model doesn't work all the time):rofl:

Mr Preet once again you are right,before about UK.
this time about poor Indian fools.:cool:
See you soon.


found something interesting on CNN, link in title

Is this finally the economic collapse?
FORTUNE — The Great Depression. Wall Street in 1987. Japan in 1997. Points of economic collapse are generally crystal clear in the rear-view mirror. Professional politicians in Japan have been telling stories for 20 years as to why they can prevent economic stagnation. In the US, the storytelling started in 2007. All the while, stock market and real-estate prices have repeatedly rallied to lower-highs, then collapsed again, to lower-lows.

Despite the many differences between Japan and the US, there is one similarity that continues to matter most in the risk management model my colleagues and I use at Hedgeye, our research firm — debt as a percentage of GDP. Now that the US can’t cut interest rates any lower, the only option left on the table is what the Fed just announced it would start doing — buying Treasury debt. And that could lead the country to the brink of collapse: According to economists Carmen Reinhart & Ken Rogoff, whose views we share, crossing the 90% debt/GDP threshold is the equivalent of crossing the proverbial Rubicon of economic growth. It’s a point from which it’s almost impossible to return.

On July 2nd, we cut both our third quarter 2010 and full year 2011 GDP estimates for the US to 1.7%. At the time, the consensus around US economic growth estimates was about 3%. Now we’re starting to see both big brokerage analysts and the Federal Reserve gradually cut their GDP estimates, but not by enough. Even our estimate for 2011 is still too high.

Slowing growth, both domestically and in China, is core to our bearish views on both the strength of the US dollar and US equities. There will be a downward bias to our US growth estimates as long as debt-financed-deficit-spending continues to be the solution politicians and central bankers turn to as a fix to our financial crisis.

… the ‘government is good’ crowd leaked word that this second round of “quantitative easing,” known as QE2, was coming, and that Ben Bernanke was going to respond to our buy-and-hope begging. (The first round of quantitative easing was the Fed’s unprecedented purchase of agency debt to prop up the housing market, along with credit facilities for big banks, which began in 2008 and ended earlier this year.)
So now what?
With 40.8 million Americans on food stamps (record high) and 45% of the unemployed having been seeking employment for 27 weeks or more (record high), what’s left if (or when) QE2 doesn’t kick start GDP growth? Should we start begging for QE3? Should we cancel the bomb of the National Association of Realtors’ existing home sales report, scheduled for public release on August 24th? Or should we bite the bullet and accept that current economic policy dictates 0% returns-on-savings, even as Washington continues to lever-up our future to the point of economic collapse?

Before the Fiat Fools — Hedgeye’s name for political actors and bankers who have placed their hopes of economic recovery in printing endless supplies of new cash — run out campaigning for QE3, maybe they should analyze some real time market results to yesterday’s announcement of QE2:

1)The US dollar is battling for resuscitation after 9 consecutive down weeks — down 9% since June.
2) US Treasury yields are making record lows on the short end of the curve, with 2-year yields striking 0.49%.
3) The yield spread (in this case the difference in return between 10-year and 2-year Treasury bills, which shows a long-term confidence when high) continues to collapse, down another 4 basis point day-over-day to 223 basis points.
4) The S&P 500 is down below its 200-day moving average (a common signpost for the health of a market or stock) of 1115.
5) US Volatility (VIX) is spiking from its recent stability.
6) In Japan, long time quantitative easing specialists found their markets closing down overnight by 2.7%, which makes them down 11.9% for the year to date.

Lest our doom and gloom seem built entirely on technical measurements, what they boil down to is actually quite simple — an idea about our country which dates back to 1835. Alexis De Tocqueville, author of Democracy in America, which was published that year, seemed to warn of this day when he wrote: “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”


Active Member
40 years back India had a currency component called Dhela which was 25% of 1 Paisa

35 years back it was phased out, and 1 paisa coins were replaced by 5 paisa and 10 paisa and 25 paisa coins

as RBI kept printing money to meet budget deficit, paisa was phased out completely by 1 rupee couns

in 1990 1 rupee coins were phased out an paper currency became more popular with denomination of 10 rupees and 100 rupees

Today, even 1000 rupees has little purchasing power, sugar itself is 50 rupees to a kg

as more currency gets printed it looses its value

atleast that is what i think

pepsico is selling 1 Kg of potatoes to Indians for 1000 rupees a Kg after buying it from them @ 2 rupees a kg in the form of Lays chips :rofl: and it is not an Indian company at all

2 gm of concentrate and 2 litre of water sells as pepsi :rofl: n we Indians love it
Not necessarily. only if it is not helping to boost growth and output. then there is the demand and supply. as we know, the USD is well supported by foreign demand and there is no sign of weakness in that demand. otherwise only a runaway inflation can cause such problems. but I dont see any thing of that happens in the near future.


Not necessarily. only if it is not helping to boost growth and output. then there is the demand and supply. as we know, the USD is well supported by foreign demand and there is no sign of weakness in that demand. otherwise only a runaway inflation can cause such problems. but I dont see any thing of that happens in the near future.
Zimbabwe is a nice place to live

1 bottle of milk = Z$100 Billion

provided u find it in stores
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