Ichimoku Kinko Hyo trading system...!

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Well-Known Member
Its not a filter...! Its where stop loss is placed. Its a hard stop. tomorrow, if we go flat near 5378 lvl then i might find reasons to hold on to a short trade. but if 5648 gets hit, I am definitely out of the trade...!
Confusion.... Confusion.... Confusion.... Confusion....

Let me observe your trading style for the time being... :)
Here is the 60min Gold Chart:

Had earlier planned to Short it at Kijun Sen Touch.... But missed the move as the Terminal was closed :)..... Paper Trading it.....

Nice chart bhai :)The TK has diverged on the weekly It could go any where! momentum is still north ! I still have my eyes on for the daily Span-A if broken I would expect the move to take us to 1490


Well-Known Member
Linkonji.....trading with 300+ point's stoplosses ....:)

I neverseen putting this much far stops before :lol:
my stoploss are normally 8-15 points normally...!

but here the chart is weekly.. so a weekly follower is looking for 500-600 points ride...and normally has 250-300 points stoploss...!


Well-Known Member
VJAY, I see where Linkon is coming from with regards to the 5678. A stop loss is retrospective. I don't know this for sure, but if I had to guess, Linkon uses a very conservative position size relative to the capital in his account. a 300-point stop loss to him could be the same as a 30-point stop loss is to a day trader.

Linkonji.....trading with 300+ point's stoplosses ....:)

I neverseen putting this much far stops before :lol:


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Hi Timepass! I've been hanging out in this thread for a long time. Just the name would magnetize me to it.
Okay, just one man's view, so here we go:

First I was hoping for the market to find its way to at least the bottom of the weekly cloud at 5563. That would have created a more sure explosive reversal. As of Wednesday, I'm now convinced that will not happen. I got a little help from the TL drawn off the posted daily chart. As is the nature of TL breaks, they get corrected back to at least the point of the break, which in this case is about 5305.
From here one of two things happens:
1. The top of the cloud will act as S one more time.
2. Price will take out the cloud on Friday, and then we will get a more complex or even volatile correction.

Regardless, we are back in the DOWN, at least correctively. We'll know for sure when we get to the bottom in the 4953--4915 range. Expect support at the kijun. Notice how straight lined it is. It makes even more formidable support, but it should be broken in favor of heading to the bottom of the cloud. Treat the bottom of the cloud as a decision point. If broken, then we are back in the longer term DOWN. If it hold, then we treat this whole move as a correction.
I don't make trading decisions according to my guy, but it is in my guy we head lower than the cloud.

Ha!! Gotcha Pips. Now that you are in this thread, we want your analysis of nifty for weekly and monthly as per ichimoku :)


Well-Known Member
Can someone dissect THIS chart here ... LINKON bro ... 4XP ..
This is Chambal Daily EOD Spot.

I dont have chambal's eod data on me...

Need you to draw the horizontal support / resistance line on CS and the trendline coming down from the highest point on CS and another one the lowest point on CS moving up...! sort of triangulation...!

Next need the RSI plotted below the price chart...!

and then stoch to see the cycle...!
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