Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis


Well-Known Member
One of the best books that I came across on the psyche and the mindset of a trader. Mark Douglas's both books 'The disciplined trader' and 'Trading in the zone' should be a part of every educated trader's library.

There is a random distribution between wins and losses for any given set of variables that define an edge. In other words, based on the past performance of your edge, you may know that out of the next 20 trades, 12 will be winners and 8 will be losers. What you dont know is the sequence of wins and losses or how much money the market is going to make available on the winning trades. This truth makes trading a probability or numbers game. When you really believe that trading is simply a probability game, concepts like right and wrong or win and lose no longer have the same significance. As a result, your expectations will be in harmony with the possibilities. - Mark Douglas: Trading in the Zone


Well-Known Member
Books,quotes,sayings etc &all blah blah r gud fr lesiure time only.1 hav HAS 2 MAKE LOSSES initialy 2 learn & earn & gain xperiance 2 make ur own strategy like a bicyclist who falls ..bruises ..rises..& wil nevr frget d art of bicycle ride thruout his life. Sum up --SHOW ME D MONEY !!


Well-Known Member
Not sure if the bicycle analogy is apt. Most traders want to be helicopter / airline pilots from the first day itself. (Get a x 100% return) from day one - just get on in the plane/helicopter and fly away. Books, studies, strategies, biographies, heck who needs that? I totally agree - all one needs to be is smug confidence. No wonder many a enter the market and burn the equity away multiple times and vanish.

While nothing will teach you like a painful experience, - if one is open on a true quest for learning, he can learn from a fool as well - not to repeat his mistakes. Market wizard series, Mark Dougla's books are the kind which opened my eyes to the reality of trading, and helped me to learn from other's experience and mistakes and to not commit the same. My journal is filled with do's and don'ts learnt there as well as from my personal experiences.

But then, each one to their own....

Books,quotes,sayings etc &all blah blah r gud fr lesiure time only.1 hav HAS 2 MAKE LOSSES initialy 2 learn & earn & gain xperiance 2 make ur own strategy like a bicyclist who falls ..bruises ..rises..& wil nevr frget d art of bicycle ride thruout his life. Sum up --SHOW ME D MONEY !!


Well-Known Member
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Those who earn money and experts in trading most of them never be in public forum..those who come in most of them are losers .irrespective of their excellent comments
I doubt there is some exceptions...
haha........ truly i do in one among the "quote"..
These statements are too generalised and not true. There may be many successful traders in this forum. This is proved by the fact that in last Zerodha challenge there were a few from this forum who were profitable over a 2 months period. And Zerodha challenge is no End of the day wise talk but it is actual real money real trade account results...and one cannot get a better proof than this.

In the current Zerodha challenge also there are a few guys who have made good returns so far and they will come in the final tally of profitable traders.


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