Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis


Well-Known Member
@Anil, you can start singing that song a bit louder in joy, to be precise 300 nifty points(maybe even slightly lower) higher from todays high :)

I sincerely wish that what you are wondering sir should come true. I have been shortselling for months and now as I am scanning the charts and seeing all those big breakout green candles on every second chart I am having difficulty in figuring out things. I am feeling disoriented to be honest. I have become so accustomed to dropping long red candles that I have no idea how I am going go through bullish climbing full of sideways moves on every step. I think I am having some kind withdrawl symtoms already. :D It is a situation bit like that song of our fathers and grandfathers generations that says, someone should bring back my old days. Those old days, those lovely times. :)

I wish all of you great trading times tomorrow.
Keep an eye on VIX. It is surging although market is up.
Yeah. Vix is up by 15.6%. This could also mean that in the coming sessions there is a chance of the Vix coming down.. works 2 ways, doesn't it ?
@Anil, you can start singing that song a bit louder in joy, to be precise 300 nifty points(maybe even slightly lower) higher from todays high :)
I know what you mean sir. 5850-5950 band TL is approaching but I would not hold my breath. Only after banknifty closes below 10000 and Nifty below 5220 then and only then shortselling would be worthwhile. Therefore instead of finding some party pooping signs I am looking for a corrective gap to make an entry in the traffic going north. And judging by the green hammers all over the place I guess any downmove would be just some reluctant shallow HL followed by more blast off. So I may be given only one chance by the market to make my move. Curious thing is that this upmove is filtering across the board and doesn't seem the usual TA follower. More like news driven and in sync with world markets and may not stop until the last herd of fools has been dearly sold to. They shall be the ones who would initiate the proper down move by throwing the towel en masse. But when? No Idea. A year or so perhaps. May be longer who knows. As per my observations the nearest is around 1000 points away from here. :)

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