Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis


Well-Known Member
Weekly update:

Nifty- Week on week there has been negligible change although volatility was quite high during this expiry week. The positives we can draw from the week gone by is that we had a weekly close above 5700 after quite some time(last seen in April 2011) and have shown resilience compared to the global markets. We must not forget the fact that from the 4770 lows we have rallied 20 % and to give back 2-3 % from these levels would only be a healthy sign. On Friday, we once again had the retest of the upper channel before giving up some of the gains( refer chart). Nifty at the moment looks overbought and is bound to correct and consolidate in the coming days. Nifty will find support at the dotted lines marked in the chart.

Global Market- Much awaited correction finally came about in the global markets and SP500 came close to 1425( target posted on 15th sept) before bouncing back, only to close lower for the second consecutive week. I expect this correction/consolidation to continue for some more time before we have a final dash at higher levels.

Shanghai Composite- IMO it looks like the multi year bear market in the Chinese market has come to a sooner than expected end. In the days/weeks ahead SSE will once again make an attempt to go below 2000 only to reverse and rally higher getting into a multi month/year bull phase.

USD/INR- The week gone by was extremely good for our currency which gained substantially. However, IMO, the rally should have come to an end with the lows made on Friday and we are about to see a trend reversal which can be quite agile taking people by surprise.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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Well-Known Member

This is daily Spot Nifty. The Black Support line drawn by joining bottom of 6 Sep and 11 Sep. is more reliable. Till that is not broken we are heading for 5750 - 5780. If that gets broken downside, we are heading for 5550-5450. Market is not bound to move according to my wish. ;):cool: Suitable stop loss is to be kept.

Market made a small flag last week and closed outside the black support line on Thursday. However, the gap up opening on Friday brought it back above the support line. Market went up to 5735 but could not sustain there though it closed above Thursday's high.

5638 - 5650 has become a crucial support now. If Nifty closes below that, we have a double top and downward trend in short term which can go up to 5450. If it remains above 5638, there can be a sideways correction and up trend remains intact.

There is a difference between Prada's chart and my charts. Prada's chart is showing a breach of upper Trend line by Nifty while mine does not. I would like to clarify that this is due to difference of scale. While I am using Logarithmic scale on Y axis, Prada, as per my guess, is using arithmatic scale.
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Friend, have you made money in the rally from 5300 to 5700, if yes, then happy. Forget about the new rally, please trade with the present market. No body can predict the big levels just like that...............

Level predictors never make good money, always they miss the trend.
Good Traders will never miss the trend, they will win at last.

You decide, you want to predict or want to trade ! ! ! !
Totally agree with your views. All traders I guess eventually reach this point where you realise that predicting can be hazardous to your wealth. Just go with the TREND that you can see with your eyes. If trend is up then trade on the long side despite what is happening around you & what analyst tell you on tv. And likewise if trend is down.

Regards to all & Trade safely.


Well-Known Member
i made some short position on Friday on nifty at the closing.i ll cover them at 5650 if it comes or if the stop loss of 5734 hits ill be buying in bulk
Nifty Futures intraday : 01 Oct 2012

Buy above 5747 SL 5732 T1 5769 T2 5789

Sell Below 5712 SL5732 T1 5690 T2 5670
we all do prediction but in some other way...........ya trend is important and u r betting on the trend ,
according to me u r predicting the trend we don't know what will happen tomorrow
we see nifty is in trend we buy/sell{we predict}
everyone do predict
but some predict with probability
I predicted about the market WITH A SUPPORT OF PRABABILITY
because of probability i bought calls {predict} on 6 sep where lots of people were bearish
prediction r hazardous but some day trend has to change

think and trade............................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
@Angrish, during momentum, market can remain overbought for a prolonged period. I am as eager as you for a correction. Either market sticks to the upper channel and rides it until 5800 or else it drops like a hot cake to test the mid channel. Not sure which one will happen first. Throw-overs above the upper channel are rare and if that happens, reversal will be just around the corner.

Dear prada sir, Is market in over brought condition.will it correct? What should be the strategy?

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