Indian Trading League / SAMCO

it;s nice way to lurk customer.... and in end only staff relative or Directors long distance cousin will win that lottery based price..

NIce way to attract more customer ....
yes if an1 customers leave zerodha and other gud brokers, then those traders r gambling in der money and losing gud service provider for always....
Dear Members,

Somehow I feel, the thread has lost relevance having been clouded by personal biases and misconstrued facts. I would like to take this opportunity to address some of those issues with the hope that meaningful dialogue may continue going forward.

First is the issue of the league being backed by Kapil Dev, and there are some who consider this to be a failed venture similar to his earlier dealing with ICL. ICL, in my opinion was not a failure. It was an innovative concept based along similar lines of T20 already existing in England at the time. It had such immense market potential in India that it took considerable lobbying to deny ICL the kind of players that would have made it big like the IPL is today. So it was not Kapil Dev's short coming that led to its demise.

Next is the issue of the current ITL being a cheap copy of Zerodha 60-day challenge. Let's all be open minded and try to understand that Zerodha did have first mover advantage in the field of discount broking. Discount broking might appear to be an innovation by Zerodha, but has been in existence in the developed markets like US and Europe since early 2000s. Samco has recently entered the fray, and just like any new business, you need sound marketing and strategy to garner market share from existing providers. Therefore, what Samco is doing through this competition is no fraud scheme, it's simply marketing.

Lastly, the fear of traders losing their accounts and it being akin to gambling is baseless. If you don't trade with sound principles, it wouldn't matter where you trade, you'd still lose money.

That such competitions don't last long would be incorrect, for this concept is similar to the World Cup Trading Championship which is currently into its 32nd year. So my point is, when T20 got adopted in India in a big way, discount broking gave advantage to the small retail investor, why would this league, which is based on a successful model not be successful here?

Definitely, we can argue about the brokerage plans of Samco and the features of its trading platform and customer service vis-a-vis other providers. But as far as the league itself is concerned, I believe it is a great opportunity to put skills to the test.

Disclosure: I have taken part in this league solely for the purpose of understanding where my trading stands compared to others. This despite the fact, that I had a cheaper brokerage plan with my previous broker.
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Well-Known Member
last week winners announced..

Without surprise 1st prize winner in EQ is option trader with net return of close to 70% in a week

but what is surprising is 1st prize winner in commodity also with net return close to 50 % in a week
last week winners announced..

Without surprise 1st prize winner in EQ is option trader with net return of close to 70% in a week

but what is surprising is 1st prize winner in commodity also with net return close to 50 % in a week
Yes, in his interview verbatim, it is mentioned that he bought 1 lot of 780 Put on Adani Enterprises @ Rs 15 and closed the trade @ Rs 60 when the stock broke down to 740. His total trade profit was 500*45 = 22,500 on a capital of 25,000 (even though the trade only cost 7,500). I feel either he was extremely lucky in coming up with the kind of analysis which he did or he may just be that good.


Well-Known Member
Yes, in his interview verbatim, it is mentioned that he bought 1 lot of 780 Put on Adani Enterprises @ Rs 15 and closed the trade @ Rs 60 when the stock broke down to 740. His total trade profit was 500*45 = 22,500 on a capital of 25,000 (even though the trade only cost 7,500). I feel either he was extremely lucky in coming up with the kind of analysis which he did or he may just be that good.
I am not surprised with this option trader winning in 1st prize.. but my surprise is commodity trader winning above 50% per week.


Well-Known Member
last week winners announced..

Without surprise 1st prize winner in EQ is option trader with net return of close to 70% in a week

but what is surprising is 1st prize winner in commodity also with net return close to 50 % in a week
the %ages are calculated on the amount deposited with broker ...
Now, in commodities, you will be aware, very high leverage is offerred ... at times, with a couple of right trades and with Cover orders, you can get 50 % in a day too !!

I was skeptical about this competition earlier but now im convinced its useless...

the competition seemingly doesn't differentiate between a 1 lot trader and a trader with a bigger a/c size ...

good luck to Samco when they give out own funds of 1million USD to a 1 lot trader/1st prize winner to trade/manage .. :D :rofl:

and the kind folks who reason that they are entering this contest to see where they stand, id say why would you want to compare with such a/cs ... most of the winners will be having outlier trades which will make a mockery of the % rate of returns ... 70-100-200 % ...

comparison with such figures will be only detrimental to ones trading in the long run ...

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