My System - My trades.


Well-Known Member
Varun ji !!! Your points are well taken, trading is simple but not easy :D ,it is the hardest way to earn easy money ;) ,what you made is to earn this easy money in simplest possible easy way :)
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Thanks ST ji for coming to my rescue. I donot intentionally or unintentionally want to rub anybody's feather the wrong way. I do not want Bad Karma on me. That is the sole reason i desist from commenting on anybody's thread. That does not mean that people should stop commenting on mine. Infact i always encourage constructive criticism.
Most welcome.

I am sure that people posting in this thread are all serious people and they post because they have doubts/ not understood something or post some constructive suggestions all with the sole aim of making this thread useful for general traders .Experienced traders can pickup things pretty fast but new learners take time to grasp the concepts and I am sure you too want this thread to be more useful to new and struggling traders.The goal of everyone here is same so we ignore the minor misunderstandings and move ahead .....

Guys look at my prediacment. When ST ji made this thread sticky, he reposed so much faith in me that i have to tread very delicately before treating any observation of mine as a rule, as i also am using these ribbons for the first time with you guys. I know what i am looking for in my trades, i just want to be doubly sure whether the ribbons are also doing what i want them to do. I donot want to mislead anybody with half baked ideas that is why i say that the system is evolving. Only the seniors can vet the efficacy of this system (not my reasoning though) because i can and was trading quite successfully without the use of these ribbons. That said i would be lying if i did not tell you how much these ribbons and the AFL's Happy ji has given me have helped me in my trading. May God bless him always.
OBV is a good concept.But bands,supports and resistances based on the bands etc Varunji is also new so let us not be too harsh on him that he should give rules and not change them.The application of the bands are evolving and let it take time .Till then we work with basic rules and our own observation how market moves with moves in OBV. If we use OBV with the system we are trading that should give good results and also it may give new ways of using OBV.

Smart_ trade


Well-Known Member
Thanks Xray ji for your words of encouragement. (I hope they are not sarcastic ha ha ha)
Seriously varun ji !!! very good concept for traders !!! many of them confused with multiple methods ,but you updated from basic to advanced level !!! Practice makes them perfect !!!

i my self making a notes of your method under 3 mins trade time !!!
Now let me lead you through my reasoning of evolving this system point by point.
There are primarily 3 types of moves in the market. Uptrend, downtrend and sideways.
We know for a fact that real sustainable moves both in uptrend or downtrend only happens when both price and volumes are in sync. This is the time when we get good moves and are captured just at the right time by the system. In the case when both are not in sync, at worst we do not get to trade or if they are both going in opposite direction ( it happens sometimes during distribution or accumulation phase) or we come out with a reasonably small stoploss. To capture the 3rd kind of movement (the sideways movement) we are using 1min.charts so we are also able to churn out small chillar profits or sometimes losses in these trades as very often even on non trending days, we get very small tradeable trends in 1min. TF. Something like playin the channel. This is the basic gist behind this system.


Well-Known Member

Posting 15 min chart of HDFC bank.It was in a short term downmove till the close of 2-3-2017. On 3-3-2017 OBV quickly after open went above the closing OBV level on 2-3-2017 and stayed above it all day long thus starting a fresh short term upmove which continued for next 3-4 days ( still continuing).


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