My System - My trades.


Well-Known Member
Bro, just asking if anything can be gleaned eod, same as we can in price action. Price may or may behave the way we expect, but some guesses can be made na? :D
Yes !!! take OBV clues in normal days ,but when there is gap down in up trend and gap up in down trend !!! you have to trade on basis of price factor leaving apart OBV...just telling you from my back test result...


Well-Known Member
Xray ji today was a gap up day but still OBV helped you to stay away from longs how can you say it does not help you in gap up or gap down days. It was OBV which helped us not to go long in the morning. How could price action tell you about the rest of the day. Just trying to understand your point of view.
sirji !!! just check the condition i have quoted !!! you will find the answers !!!



today was gap up in up trend !!!!


Well-Known Member
In fact all the trades which i took today were short trades but because of no real movement at all they were all more or less scratch trades (with very little profit). The long trades would also have resulted the same and would have given little loses.
yes !! varun ji market had eaten up today in intra day :(


Well-Known Member
Varunji, understood how sell came at 230 level by cross of zero line.
But not able to understand how buy came at 180,
can you please elaborate more? Also what is the role ribbons in this case?

This is a chart of Compressed OBV of Natural gas for the current contract. The dotted lines are the PDC levels as per Happy ji's AFL. See how easy it was to actually see when NG topped out and bottommed out positionally. Same way you can pull up any chart of any instrument to get this information. Do post some charts also for others to realise the potential. The sell as per this method came during the last week of January around 230 levels. And the buy at around 180 levels during the last week of Feb.


Well-Known Member
Me too away from system sir, will be able to post only by tomorrow.

This is a chart of Compressed OBV of Natural gas for the current contract. The dotted lines are the PDC levels as per Happy ji's AFL. See how easy it was to actually see when NG topped out and bottommed out positionally. Same way you can pull up any chart of any instrument to get this information. Do post some charts also for others to realise the potential. The sell as per this method came during the last week of January around 230 levels. And the buy at around 180 levels during the last week of Feb.
Vipul ji post this chart with price pane too and i shall explain. I had to reboot my system and lost the earlier data in NG

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