My Yahoo RealTime Data Viewer

Today morning I had started yahoo finance, ami ant st.
Data was coming alright. I closed ami and st at 10 40am. Later after an hour I started again but data comes in st and not in ami. I tried a number of times in vain. Log details are as follows
fetching Yahoo data for Cash List...
finished fetching Yahoo data for Cash List...
processing Yahoo data...
processing of Yahoo data is finished ...
Built HTML file of Yahoo data...
AmiBroker Update: Updating AmiBroker with C:\RT_Dump.txt...
fUpdate Futures file C:\Indiabulls Securities Limited\Power Indiabulls\HB1285\data\FUTIDX-NIFTY-31AUG2006*.csv not found...
fUpdate Futures : 53File not found
fUpdate Futures file C:\Indiabulls Securities Limited\Power Indiabulls\HB1285\data\FUTIDX-NIFTY-28SEP2006*.csv not found...
fUpdate Futures : 53File not found
Last Update On: 8/11/2006 4:18:05 PM...
Timer Now: 16:18

pl check and advise
In this IT IS ALSO REPORTING THAT FUTIDX-NIFTY-31AUG206 file not found whereas it is available in the data directory.
pl advise
I am not using the newer version . But i think this solution will work for you too . Goto ST folder and remove PBIB_bf.txt and rtdataBfyaoo files . Then start ST ..You will get the data in ami .

Hope this helps .

I now started yahoo finance , st and ami. Last data has come in ami. with this, I think new datas will come in ami in market hours.
Present log details are as follows

fetching Yahoo data for Cash List...
finished fetching Yahoo data for Cash List...
processing Yahoo data...
processing of Yahoo data is finished ...
Built HTML file of Yahoo data...
AmiBroker Update: Updating AmiBroker with C:\RT_Dump.txt...
fUpdate Futures file C:\Indiabulls Securities Limited\Power Indiabulls\HB1285\data\FUTIDX-NIFTY-31AUG2006*.csv not found...
fUpdate Futures : 53File not found
fUpdate Futures file C:\Indiabulls Securities Limited\Power Indiabulls\HB1285\data\FUTIDX-NIFTY-28SEP2006*.csv not found...
fUpdate Futures : 53File not found
Last Update On: 8/11/2006 7:21:29 PM...
Timer Now: 19:21

In pib, futind-nifty-31aug2006 file is available, and I opened pib also but st is not able to find it. Also, what is--- 53file not found?
In my st folder, file mentioned by you---PBIB_bf.txt is not avalable.
Does this have any significance?
Seems i gave too mnay typos ...

Its pib_bf.txt , and RTDataBFYahoo_Aug_11_2006.txt were the actual file names . pib_bf is fetching data from PIB data folder and import in to Ami as per my undertsanding .
reg file -- pib_bf.txt --- this file is also not there in my st folder.
May be st should create this file, which has not been done.
Once I had used st2015, and in that folder, this file is there.
Which version you are using?Are you getting pib data in ami?
Sometimes, yahoo data and pib data differ drastically. Hence I am interested to get pib data in ami.
srisara may comment on this.
Hi All,

It's been a stable week for MyStock Tools. I hope not many problems with it.

If anyone of you still face the problem, please do post it here.

Coming to the Update...

Not much was happening in Enhancing the MyStock Tools for the last 2 weeks. Most of the time was spent on fixing the bugs. Just took a short break from coding (almost reached a saturation point).

All the while I was experimenting and thinking of providing AmiBroker (if possible MetaStock) Interface.

What I mean by AmiBroker Interface is

1. You can modify AmiBroker's Scrip List (right from MyStock Tools)
2. Auto Update of base information of Each Stock (like Ticker Name, FullName, Adress, OutStanding Shares...)

3. Importing EOD Data directly to AmiBroker (if possible with Split) from any ASCII File or Invest Bulls Website
4. importing IntraDay Data BackFill from Invest Bulls Website.

and many more features....including Portfolio Management..

I am just attaching a Screen Shot... It's real AmiBroker Information shown in MyStockTools (Still in Development, can take some weeks to code all those related TABS)

Please add any new ideas you have or comments here.. It will encourage me more and more.



reg file -- pib_bf.txt --- this file is also not there in my st folder.
May be st should create this file, which has not been done.
Once I had used st2015, and in that folder, this file is there.
Which version you are using?Are you getting pib data in ami?
Sometimes, yahoo data and pib data differ drastically. Hence I am interested to get pib data in ami.
srisara may comment on this.
I am using version 2.0.28 .
Mt portfilio is very small . I have 3 nifty futures , reliance fut and cash and relcapital .I am getting data from PIB for futures and for cash its from yahoo .But if i sync charts in PIB and push Update from PIB in stocktools ,cash charts are also updatinbg with PIB data .The only issue pending is Nifty backfill . Nifty cash is not getting backfill from PIB .So if disconnected from internet for whatever reason we dont be abe to get backfill .And Ami broker charts willbe updating with a timegap of 3-4 mins .It may be due to PIB itself writing data to its datafolder in intervals as pointed out by Soumya .

Whatver the data you want get from PIB ,You must have those scrips in Marketwatch of PIB . Check that also .

Naresh Cherukuri
On yahoo finance site ,while giving stock prices, they have added following as note

Starting September, we will no longer be offering real-time ECN data due to pricing changes by the exchanges. For real-time quotes (including real-time pre/post market data), sign up for a free trial of Real-time Quotes

Does this mean we will not get yahoo prices from 01/09/2006?
Kindly check and advise.