My Yahoo RealTime Data Viewer

On yahoo finance site ,while giving stock prices, they have added following as note

Starting September, we will no longer be offering real-time ECN data due to pricing changes by the exchanges. For real-time quotes (including real-time pre/post market data), sign up for a free trial of Real-time Quotes

Does this mean we will not get yahoo prices from 01/09/2006?
Kindly check and advise.
I checked the same VSNL.NS through, i am not sure what's goona happen after september.

We will keep watching...!

Hey Guys..

I am pretty new to traderji and also to Stock market... Let me Introduce myself breifly, I am a software Engineer working for an Indian IT firm.

Since quite some time I am working on developing a offline excel based Portfolio tracking system(Stocks Performance Monitor)... I am almost 90% done and planning to release trial version soon.

I need some Inputs from Satya, Murthy and other Experienced persons as to what all features they want in Portfolio Managment system ? I am creating a webpage with available features @ .

I request you to have a look and suggest with possible features you'd like to have in a offline Portfolio tool.

I really appreciate your Inputs.

email : [email protected]
Hi All,

Please download the latest version of My Stock Tools 2.0.45 (BETA) Version.

This is a COMPULOSRY Install

The following problems are fixed
1. Trial Version: It will no more prompt TRIAL VERSION Expired
2. Screen Size problem for those using small monitors (tried as much as i can)
3. minor bugs if any....

Officially, I opened my HEART to make Stock Tools into BETA. It is now available for many to use and test it. It will work in full capacity with out any restrictions (including TRIAL VERSION EXPIRY)

the link to dowload is as always


Hi satya ,

I have some historical 30 min data in txt format . These files do not have a ticker symbol in the file .File is named after ticker .is there anyway i can import these automatically ? or do i need to add each ticker data manually ?

Format is enclosed .


Last edited:
Hi All,

Please download the latest version of My Stock Tools 2.0.45 (BETA) Version.

This is a COMPULOSRY Install

The following problems are fixed
1. Trial Version: It will no more prompt TRIAL VERSION Expired
2. Screen Size problem for those using small monitors (tried as much as i can)
3. minor bugs if any....

Officially, I opened my HEART to make Stock Tools into BETA. It is now available for many to use and test it. It will work in full capacity with out any restrictions (including TRIAL VERSION EXPIRY)

the link to dowload is as always


Hi Satya,

I have downloaded your software and loaded it to my windows xp machine. The software looks very useful and reliable. PIB synch for The futures datas are working well. The problem is yahoo RT data is getting updated in display dash board but not in amibroker. When I checked, RT_dump123.txt is being created but no datas are in the file and the file RTdataBFYahoo_Sep_01_2006.txt is getting created but no data in it again. And One more problem is PIB synch for cash is not working. How it can be resolved? Please guide me.

with regards,
Hi Satya,

I have downloaded your software and loaded it to my windows xp machine. The software looks very useful and reliable. PIB synch for The futures datas are working well. The problem is yahoo RT data is getting updated in display dash board but not in amibroker. When I checked, RT_dump123.txt is being created but no datas are in the file and the file RTdataBFYahoo_Sep_01_2006.txt is getting created but no data in it again. And One more problem is PIB synch for cash is not working. How it can be resolved? Please guide me.

with regards,

the problem could be sometime 2 process of AB may be running in background.

go to TaskManager->Process Tab and check for Broker.exe, if 2 instances exist, kill both of them and follow below steps.

close AB and StockTools, open AB and then StockTools.
Hi satya ,

I have some historical 30 min data in txt format . These files do not have a ticker symbol in the file .File is named after ticker .is there anyway i can import these automatically ? or do i need to add each ticker data manually ?

Format is enclosed .


for AB we need to code it, like taking the file name as ticker name.

metastock provides an option in downloader where you can enter ticker name when importing.
