New Intermed Uptrend!!

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ragh_ash said:
hi saint,
tell me about kotak bank, ceat and bilt?
Hi ragh_ash,
Sorry........Missed your post!

CEAT:It's at resistance now ,for a conservative entry,let it either pull back here and form a higher pivot low or plough through the resistance and then pullback.For now,stalk it.

BILT:Weekly still in anice uptrend.You could enter here with a stop loss of 113 and raise stops accordingly.

KOTAK BANK:Again on daily in the midst of a p/b.Stalk it for entry once p/b is over.

Happy Trading!!

aman1973 said:


what you guys really are

amitbe, joy, ravi t and yourself

G E N I U S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanx Aman for ur kind words! :)
SSM said:
Hi Saint
thanx for those kind words. Wanted to know what u made of 2days move in IOB and India cements
Odyssey tech -BSE only also made a neat move.
take some more toruble for us
Thanks again
I presume you are in already.....great going,all still looking great.All looking set to continue in its uptrend.

roneeth said:
Hello Saint!

Any stocks which one can enter today??


Hi Roneeth,
Basically I have done quite a lot of buying.For now am enjoying this ride up.Taking profits here and there.The time to enter again will come.Shall keep you updated.
But one stock that's got my attention is TV TODAY.It's making a nice higher pivot low on the weekly.Over 112.2 is a nice entry with a stop loss of 102.

Happy Trading!!
saint said:
Hi Roneeth,
Basically I have done quite a lot of buying.For now am enjoying this ride up.Taking profits here and there.The time to enter again will come.Shall keep you updated.
But one stock that's got my attention is TV TODAY.It's making a nice higher pivot low on the weekly.Over 112.2 is a nice entry with a stop loss of 102.

Happy Trading!!
Hello Saint!

Thanks for the prompt response as always!!!!!


avinash said:
Thanks.....Saint,Have a question.Please answer it whenever you are free(weekend,etc.)

==I have been entering into the stocks that you have recommended but no specific sharesize.Am I right?Sometimes I see in your updates the stop loss is quite far far what I've chosen among your stocks I have been very profitable.But if the stop loss gets hit the loss is huge.I am a bit I am a novice and you have helped me a lot,please teach this one thing many shares to buy? :confused: :confused: thanks in advance.

Hi Avinash,

Share sizing is an art form .....Understanding it gives you great power and great profits.Also the stop loss when triggerred does not affect you in the least.One just moves on to get another stock and make profits there.

Let us for example use ISPAT INDS.I caught this move from November last year so it's easy to quote this as an example.

STEP 1:First,I should know the capital that I have.Let us presume it is 10 lakhs that I am playing with.How much am I willing to risk per trade?Anywhere bet 0.5%-2%.Let us say that I am willing to risk only 1% per trade.Therefore what is my risk per trade?Ans:1/100 times 10L=Rs10,000/-

STEP 2:Next we go to our charts.Entered on November 3rd at 13 with a stop loss of 11.So we got our ENTRY and STOP LOSS.

STEP 3:Now is this trade worth it?Therefore we calculate the reward to risk.The ratio should be greater than 2:1.Our target is 20.That gives us a 3.5:1 reward to risk.

So this trade is worth taking,We have a great entry point,a stop loss and a target.The reward to risk is worth it.But how many shares?

STEP 4:A s we calculated just now,for a capital of 10lakhs,we are risking only Rs10,000 for this trade.Meaning if the stop loss is hit,we lose Rs10,000.So how many shares do we buy?Ans:10,000 divided by the dist from entry to stop loss=10,000 divided by(13-11)=5000.

So we buy 5000 share of ISPAT at 13 with a stop loss of 11 and a provisional target of 20,with a reward to risk of 3.5:1.

Once a perfect entry,stop loss and share size is looked into,the trade is now on auto-gear.Then we trail stop it upwards till target or till taken out.

Hope I have helped answer your doubt.

Happy Trading!!


Well-Known Member
Outstanding stuff saint.
Thanks very much.
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