Nifty Intraday Pivot Points

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Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points

Hi Penchant,

It Is Quite Ok, It Was Suggested To Reduce Some Anxiety From Holding Your Position & Gives An Idea Of Trading Too....

Anyways, HOLD Your Position, Let's See How Next 2 Trading Days Pan Out.

Happy & Safer Trading

DOW is bleeding. Our mkts closed on weaker note; ahead of rail & regular budgets.
The last low of BNF on 23/6 is 6980.
Is there a chance that it will go lower than that before going up? if so what s the nxt support below that?
In such a scenario what should be my strategy?
PLZ, ADVICE. Am sorry to bother u yet again.Thanx in advance.


Well-Known Member
Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points


Hi Lancer,

Yes....All Of Them Backfired Badly....Happens....Many Times.
To Make Matters Worse, With The Market My Internet Also Went Down...:)

I Hope You Guys Didn't Have Major Losses....You See Why I Am Hesitant About Starting F&O, Communication Delay...Is Disastrous.

It Is Ok For Those Who Can Apply Themselves & Have Some Confidence In Trading & Understanding Of The Markets.

It Is Perhaps Ok For Positional....But Intraday Calls Are Fraught With Dangers.

Happy & Safer Trading



Hi Savant,

None of the scrips held ground. Choppy market, where there is a tug of war between the Bears and the Bulls. Taking fresh position on Monday may be more practical.

Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points

Savant Sir,

Market went up big time.

I closed my positions in IFCI at an average price of 3.85 so approximately Re 0.85 profit on 2 lots.

I am still holding onto one lot of BNF (entry level 7380). Lost some points due to intraday trading going wrong.

Anil Bezawada


Well-Known Member
Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points

Hi Anil,

As adviced by Savant .....

I am holding one lot at 4.3 and am waiting ....


U r holding IFCI 1 call 60CA @ 4.3. Now its nearing your Buy and Savant sir has made a buy call so its gonna rock ...

I missed out earlier and y'day too I did not trade on the 3 stocks BUT today ICICI rocked .... unfortunately no trade BUT THEN AGAIN i took IFCI @ 3.6-- closed at 4.2 -- carrying it for Monday -- Aar ya Paar :D

btw I have also bot a strangle 4100 n 4700 totalling 200 bucks. Lets see where we can go up on Monday or not ...

Aise bhi upar hi jaana hai :D


Well-Known Member
Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points


Hi Lancer,

Yes....All Of Them Backfired Badly....Happens....Many Times.
To Make Matters Worse, With The Market My Internet Also Went Down...:)

I Hope You Guys Didn't Have Major Losses....You See Why I Am Hesitant About Starting F&O, Communication Delay...Is Disastrous.

It Is Ok For Those Who Can Apply Themselves & Have Some Confidence In Trading & Understanding Of The Markets.

It Is Perhaps Ok For Positional....But Intraday Calls Are Fraught With Dangers.

Happy & Safer Trading


Hi Savant,

I do not agree with you on not starting new thread on FNO. When you talk about deep pocket money, it is a fact. . Folks are interested in learning and you are a good teacher. Let all know the Pros and Cons.:)

But when caught on the wrong foot with a short or long in Futures; I hedge the position with with a long or short of the next month's series. This stratergy converts the intraday to Positional with the margin money close to NIL ( Normally there is a Rs 1 premium on the later month series ) . Have done it twice in BOI in May and SUZLON a week back. Glad to say that the could turn the massive loosing position to a winning one and came out with decent profit. BTW, it is nerve wrecking.;)

Now, look at the EOD spike in the market. One must have the money to hold position or resort to the juggling act as stated above.

Yes ! The pitfalls in Futures are many. You may just stop getting data feed from the server or go off net and suddenly find that your traling looses are in excess of 20K. Put Stop Loss and they get hit frequently.Specifically it is true for high momentum counter...SUZLON, RELCAP, EDUCOMP, ABAN, RNRL, to name a few. :confused:

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Well-Known Member
Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points

U r holding IFCI 1 call 60CA @ 4.3. Now its nearing your Buy and Savant sir has made a buy call so its gonna rock ...

I missed out earlier and y'day too I did not trade on the 3 stocks BUT today ICICI rocked .... unfortunately no trade BUT THEN AGAIN i took IFCI @ 3.6-- closed at 4.2 -- carrying it for Monday -- Aar ya Paar :D

btw I have also bot a strangle 4100 n 4700 totalling 200 bucks. Lets see where we can go up on Monday or not ...

Aise bhi upar hi jaana hai :D
Great trade. Enjoy Bhai.:)


Well-Known Member
Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points


Hi Lancer,

Todays Last Hour Jump Was Like A Replay Before 18th May....

Same Thing Had Happened Before....Looks Like Lot Of Informed Buying Happened Last Minute...

Looks Like Monday Should Prove To Be Good....

Will Start The F&O Thread, Must Get My Workhorse Revived First...:)

Happy & Safer Trading



Well-Known Member
Re: BankNifty Intraday Pivot Points


Hi Lancer,

Todays Last Hour Jump Was Like A Replay Before 18th May....

Same Thing Had Happened Before....Looks Like Lot Of Informed Buying Happened Last Minute...

Looks Like Monday Should Prove To Be Good....

Will Start The F&O Thread, Must Get My Workhorse Revived First...:)

Happy & Safer Trading


Hi Savant,

Informed buying is great news and Monday being good is even better.

FNO is little known segment of investment. Just let the people know.

You have been a great source of inspiration for all types of investors. Have been digging the 'Stocks To Keep Watch On' from the beginning and checked up with the historical prices. Bang On Strikes. Intraday Whipsaws are a part of the market and every intraday investor has to carry that risk. And then the rewards are also high and careless investment leads to capital errosion !

It is just that in Futures one has to understand the intrinsic value of 1-1.5% profit per trade and the continuous process of booking the profits as the brokerages are minimal. Correct me if I am wrong.


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