Nifty Option's trading.... Earn regardless of where the market goes !!

Total Received = 33,000 ** i made a mistake earlier and wrote 16,500

Net Received = Approx 30,000
dear i did analysis this strategy i found following results :
1 > do it reverse what you say i.e. short wala long and long wala short
2> maximum profit will be 61400
3> loss will be infinite
4> loss will start below 3993 profit upto 4757


Well-Known Member
dear i did analysis this strategy i found following results :
1 > do it reverse what you say i.e. short wala long and long wala short
2> maximum profit will be 61400
3> loss will be infinite
4> loss will start below 3993 profit upto 4757

loss wiill start below 3993. when the profit will start ? whats 4757 ? if i want to get out in 10 days and assming that nifty trades between 4200-4500, approximately how much profit/loss i will make ? also when should i start taking exit strategies
Im sorry but i didn't get you properly....

Could you kindly elaborate what you are saying.....

Appreciate that you took time to give your suggestions :)
Hey thanks for the strategy but i guess if market goes above 4900 and above we cam make huge losses coz we have shorted the 4600 call please check it and let us know
thank u
*For the month of September...

Buy 100 4600 Put @ 285
Sell 200 4300 Put @ 135(i.e you get 135*2=270)

Buy 100 4100 Put @ 75
Sell 200 3900 Put @ 37(37*2 = 75 approx)

Total Investment = 1500 Rs

Also Sell 200 4600 Calls @ 65
& Sell 200 4200 Puts @ 100

Total Received = 33,000

Net Received = 30,000
Hey thanks for the strategy but i guess if market goes above 4900 and above we cam make huge losses coz we have shorted the 4600 call please check it and let us know
thank u
Dear arnav, my question is where to close all pos. U mean to say mkt will be in btwn 4200-4500 and if breaks either side we come out of our pos. If that is true if we sqrd off our pos @ 4600 or @ 4100 what according to u will be pft/loss. Pl clarify.


Well-Known Member
boss thanks for nice strategy but i did ulta then it works means ( long wala short and short wala long)
dear i did analys this strategy i found following results :
1 > do it reverse what you say i.e. short wala long and long wala short
2> maximum profit will be 61400
3> loss will be infinite
4> loss will start below 3993 profit upto 4757

Are you saying i should do as you said in 1st point ? or should i tell you what will happn if you do the ulta ? :confused:

2)Yes max profit as per my strategy = 61400

3)Loss will be infinite.... true

But well will keep on trading as per where the market takes direction and so highly unlikely we would experience a "heavy or infinite" loss...

4)loss will start below 3993 profit upto 4757

These Calls/puts are not hold up till expiry.... From anyday starting tomorrow We would start Trading in the strategy we have made...

ill try to clear up my intentions in the next few posts ...


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the strategy but i guess if market goes above 4900 and above we cam make huge losses coz we have shorted the 4600 call please check it and let us know
thank u

Aah see IF you "Hold" the strategy till expiry then, maybe you can make a big loss...

BUT, as i said earlier we would trade in this strategy and for E.g , If say market crosses 4476 or say 4400 then maybe At that time we would square off the 4600 Calls that we have SOLD....


Well-Known Member
Dear arnav, my question is where to close all pos. U mean to say mkt will be in btwn 4200-4500 and if breaks either side we come out of our pos. If that is true if we sqrd off our pos @ 4600 or @ 4100 what according to u will be pft/loss. Pl clarify.
Yeah, True that we have just made a strategy right now and we would trade in it according to where the market takes us ....

We wont Square off ALL our Positions When Market reaches 4600 or 4200...

We Would Maybe ONLY square off our 4200 Puts of 4600 Calls and keep the rest .... according to the market conditions ...

We would try and alter our strategy As time goes by & As and when we find newer Opportunities .... !!


Well-Known Member
OHK for the Simplicity OF every1 as this is the 1st time you all may be dealing in such a complex Strategy ... ill make it simpler...

Assume that We have 2 Different Strategies ....

1st Strategy ....

Buy 100 4600 Put @ 285
Sell 200 4300 Put @ 135(i.e you get 135*2=270)

Buy 100 4100 Put @ 75
Sell 200 3900 Put @ 37(37*2 = 75 approx)

Total Investment = 1500 Rs
2nd Strategy ...

Also Sell 200 4600 Calls @ 65 ( you may even see 100 calls& Puts)
& Sell 200 4200 Puts @ 100

Total Received = 33,000

From Tomorrow Onwards We may start squaring off some Puts & Calls and or add some other things too because im a little on the bearish side for now so would like to reduce our risk if the market goes down....

**But that doesnt mean we would start to short because thatz not the Purpose of the thread !! We Dont Do Any positional Trades !! We let the market go where ever it want to goooooo !!
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