As far as I have heard, you either get the web version or ODIN.
Are you able to access both?
That is really good because many brokers will give you ODIN but if you don't have odin installed on your computer then you have to call and trade.
For the dll errors, you can try some generic fixes:
-Start> Run> regsvr32 Xceedzip.dll
-Check if you have a file in the odin folder that has the extension of .bat, open it in notepad and see if you can find the location of xceedzip in it by searching for xceedzip
-If that doesnt work then you will need to check if you have Xceedzip.dll on your computer first. If you don't then maybe some other ODIN user can search for it and upload it here and give the location of the file on their computer so that you can replace it and check.
-If it doens't work even after replacing then try Start> Run> regsvr32 <full path to the file>\Xceedzip.dll
That should definitely work.