Real Trading Logs by Tamil Trader ( A new born baby )

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Well-Known Member
I also feel the same. It is better to get the job for regular source of income and do trading with EOD chart. I need a break. otherwise, i will become a mentally disordered.

But, There is so much commitments for me personally. So, it gives the pressures to trade again in the market.

I am not able to follow my discipline as per my thread "Crude oil is a human".

When i did the trades for me personally, i earned good profit. So i recommended trading to some people in my city with good intention. i did the trading for them. finally, all money lost. but they are not accepting the loss. if they trade by their own effort, they will also make a loss. but they will not accept the loss done by me. it is the general nature of the people mindset.

I need to review my strategy without doing any trades for 6 months. then, if i start fresh trading, i can recover the entire losses. but who is ready to wait nowadays?

I request all the traders here. "Dont give your money to others for trading. you learn from your own pain. because it may destroy the other's life also. you will lose your money only. but the person doing the trades for you will lose his life also" . I am saying this by my own experience"

I Lost my 3 years profit.

I Lost my properties.

I Lost my good name.

I Lost my parents.

I Lost my education.

But I did not lose my confidence. because all the money lost is existing in the market only. i can again recover from the market. But it cannot be recovered in the single day. Finally, I am searching the job for my regular expenses also. It is my own experience. everyone should learn from my pain. dont do the mistake again and dont get pain.

But, i dont feel guilty for this post. because, there is the lesson to all. if i give the money to my friends, they will be happy that they got their money. but how can i recover my life? who is ready to understand my pain? who is ready to give me a new birth? there is no person in the world.

"Personal Trading is always better than giving commitments to others"- By Tamil Trader
For most of the traders it is otherwise, they can perform well on risk money from others and not from own investments but make the investor very clear the risk involved else as you said trader have to take blame and responsibility, its like you drive my car and met accident, so pay for it to get fixed, you can't call off and say even if you drove its would have met accident.
Honestly your intention was greed to make more money by pooling funds, its not only one case i have seen dozens of such, so your took uncalculated risk and trying of escape mind set and revenges


Well-Known Member
Madan, Your is one of the brilliant post that I have read in the forum for sometime. Please do not hide your lamp under cover, but use it to spread your light. You write well, and your raw and honest words are something many will relate to, appreciate and benefit. While I do know that many time, posting leads to misunderstanding as some traders who disagree, rather than attacking the idea, data etc, aim at the poster. :( Which is no wonder many good threads are never created and we have most related to AFL and making calls etc. But still, we need on TJ more debates, insights, information sharing for benefit of all. I do hope you will create/write in your own thread. Many thanks.

Hi Tamil Trader,

Please bear with me on this long and honest post. I tend not to post much in traderji - just a silent follower but this one made me come out of my shell. I exactly know what you are going through but a hard look on oneself is necessary.

First and foremost, congratulate yourself for being brutally honest with yourself and taking the responses in this forum in a positive stride.

You need to ask some questions to yourself..please don't answer them. But just answer it to yourselves.

1. Why did you sell your house to fund the trading losses? What was the necessity?

2. Why do you want to come back to trading pledging another house?

I would like to share some pointers here. They might not be coherent enough and thoughts could flow from here and there. If i have a magical syringe to infiltrate these pointers in to your brain, i would gladly do so. But, please understand that my intention is to genuinely help.

1. Taking ownership of losses - No one is responsible for our losses except us. Not the market, not the system, not the people who gave us the money to trade. We have to realize that we were wrong, we had taken too much risk, and we were employing trading methods that did not work. Period. No point in blaming outside "manipulators" of markets or bad luck; We, as traders, need to accept that we have completely and utterly made a hash of things (really no choice..this is not the luxury we can afford). In a job scenario, we can blame others and get away with it but not in trading.

2. Stop trading right away - a trader might not like to hear it but this is absolutely necessary.

Take the time to process what had happened, figure out what was done wrong, and make radical changes in the approach to markets.
Jumping from one system to another will not cut it. Optimizing the system based on last 6 month of mkt performance would not cut it. Just a small time-based break would soothe off the mind a bit..Most of the times, this should be enough to come back as a different trader.

3. Refocus and relearn - Use the time away from trading to work on other aspects of your life and career. Create alternate streams of income so that one doesn't depend on trading income alone. 'Depending on trading income' in the initial stages of trading is probably the biggest sin in trading.

Trader should try to focus on building the self-image with other aspects of life not just with trading.In doing that, he can remain opportunity-focused and not regret-focused. Please stay focused on what you could control, not on what you couldn't;

4. See the setback as an opportunity to bounce back - I am sure the loss was very painful .Make sure that you would never go through such an episode again. Try to create a new balance between trading and the rest of your life so that you would never be dependent upon trading results for your happiness and fulfillment.

5. Handling depression - a trader need to figure out how to handle depression..more so, a losing trader. It is better to handle it heads on than brushing the episode aside and continuing to lose money in a state of denial.

Depressed feelings are a normal response to loss: the loss of money, the loss of dreams. Sometimes you have to go through that loss before you can come out the other side as a different person, one who has learned from the experience. So, please stay positive.

6. Get out of need to make money mindset - If a trader gets attached to the need to trade and make money--and once his perfectionistic voice of "I should have bought there" and "I should have sold here" in hindsight kicks in --he is no longer grounded in markets. It's when those frustrations build over time, becoming self-reinforcing, that traders lose discipline and focus and eventually perish. Mental rehearsals would help in these cases.

Please have a look at my recent comment on Zerodha's blog about mental rehearsals

By staying physically relaxed in one's breathing and posture and by mentally rehearsing a mindset in which it is OK to miss moves--there will always be future opportunity--traders can prevent many of these train wrecks.

7. Trading too large for our account size -

Swing in the equity curve almost always is proportional to the negative effect on trader's psyche. Higher the swing, higher the negative effect on pysche and the vice-versa.

When we trade size that is too large for our account size, we subject ourselves to drastic swings in P/L, and that subjects us to drastic swings in mood. In turn, we then make trading mistakes that bring a negative expectancy to each trade, and the size eventually blows us up.

As they say, in trading, if we create drama in your returns, we'll create trauma--and that's how trading careers end.

8. Understand failure - Knowing the worst-case outcome if this trade happens to fail can reduce the fear inflicted by a previous failure from an unseen event. Black swan events aren’t common, so it’s not reasonable to fear them every time you approach a setup. Weigh the potential for loss, and if it’s outweighed by the potential for gain, the probabilities are favorable enough to participate.

9. Psychologically, it's healthy to experience defeat and then overcome it. - It strengthens you to battle back and win. If you lose the wrong way--by taking so much risk that you can't come back for the day, week, month, or year--you rob yourself of the victory that could be yours by going from red to green.

10. Make a choice to move forward - All of us have the ability to choose, whether it’s our career or our spouse or our attitude. Maybe your fear somehow gives you comfort right now, because it’s been a habit you’ve allowed. That won’t cut it though, so it’s time to change. Eventually, you either decide to get back on the right path, or you’re completely done trading. Make your choice and get on with it—and don’t look back.

Hope it helps,


Well-Known Member
Some simple facts to traders

1. Keep optimum capital don't day dream to converts 50000 Rs into 5 L
2. Under stand market micro structure
3. Find optimum capital required ( not margins , but optimum size required to manage risk wrt to your trading system and position sizing methods )
4. Calculated worst possible drag downs
5. Calculate your trade dependency and trade correlations
6. Optimize your TA settings but don't choose to make it to line of fit and over optimize to kill it your self
7. Find the edge in your system
8. Plan your money management ( Fixed or Fractional or any other hybrid models )
9. Follow your position sizing methods and learn to distribute risk
10. And system doesnt meant it need to be based on % of win > % loss , its is better if you can distribute your risk across trades and risk optimized based on your SL size , don't fix your stop based on what you can but based on what is truly needed
11. Never list others as long as your are right!


Well-Known Member
Fxgood, Look forward to seeing your thread. (Not sure if you have one now) But it would be nice to have traders discussing and exchanging ideas (not asking anybody to share their strategies). Thanks.


I have 13+ years of almost full time experience in trading markets and i started in mid of 2000 in trading US commodity futures and IMM futures for one of my NRI friend whom invested some basic account at that time to trade his accounts and later i started to trade on fx and mostly on mcx commodities after Indian exchanges becomes sufficiently liquid to manage decent size of funds on them.

So i far i never lost any of my investments in this speculative markets, worst case of drag down were there were it happened when i wantedly bets my gains to amplify the gains there was both jackpot and failures in such attempts and best real time performances of mine was around 380% gain on mcx and 700 % gain on Fx

I have some very simple strategies most of simple statistical basics with focus more on risk and position management wrt to fund size used and i am firm believer of Random walk hypothesis but in practice i found market is semi random so have to take hints from EMH :D

I wish to contribute some strategies and help traders here again if my time permits to offer analysis in between my trading and other task i am handling at moment


Well-Known Member
Fxgood, Look forward to seeing your thread. (Not sure if you have one now) But it would be nice to have traders discussing and exchanging ideas (not asking anybody to share their strategies). Thanks.
I prefer to teach how to design successful trading systems than providing analysis, like do and don't in elemental system designing and money management.

Lets put a open question to all traders here , how they select required capital to trade the given instrument? on what basics they are making selections, let them share here, so we can guide them further.


Well-Known Member
Fx, I guess its better if you start this in a new thread. Can get discussion from traders in the proper sub-forum. Thanks.

I prefer to teach how to design successful trading systems than providing analysis, like do and don't in elemental system designing and money management.

Lets put a open question to all traders here , how they select required capital to trade the given instrument? on what basics they are making selections, let them share here, so we can guide them further.


Well-Known Member
I also feel the same. It is better to get the job for regular source of income and do trading with EOD chart. I need a break. otherwise, i will become a mentally disordered.

But, There is so much commitments for me personally. So, it gives the pressures to trade again in the market.

I am not able to follow my discipline as per my thread "Crude oil is a human".

When i did the trades for me personally, i earned good profit. So i recommended trading to some people in my city with good intention. i did the trading for them. finally, all money lost. but they are not accepting the loss. if they trade by their own effort, they will also make a loss. but they will not accept the loss done by me. it is the general nature of the people mindset.

I need to review my strategy without doing any trades for 6 months. then, if i start fresh trading, i can recover the entire losses. but who is ready to wait nowadays?

I request all the traders here. "Dont give your money to others for trading. you learn from your own pain. because it may destroy the other's life also. you will lose your money only. but the person doing the trades for you will lose his life also" . I am saying this by my own experience"

I Lost my 3 years profit.

I Lost my properties.

I Lost my good name.

I Lost my parents.

I Lost my education.

But I did not lose my confidence. because all the money lost is existing in the market only. i can again recover from the market. But it cannot be recovered in the single day. Finally, I am searching the job for my regular expenses also. It is my own experience. everyone should learn from my pain. dont do the mistake again and dont get pain.

But, i dont feel guilty for this post. because, there is the lesson to all. if i give the money to my friends, they will be happy that they got their money. but how can i recover my life? who is ready to understand my pain? who is ready to give me a new birth? there is no person in the world.

"Personal Trading is always better than giving commitments to others"- By Tamil Trader
I am really sorry to read this, TT, you need to take off from trading for sometime. Parents and wife are the jewels of life try to convince them before you go full time trading otherwise convince yourself out of trading. I am sorry to hear the loss. Psychological pressure of the loss of money is a scar in heart. I cannot deny that even you cannot. Please consider whether to trade again. Selling assets for trading, I am not a personal believer, but I guess you have already started doing that. I have seen many people who just don't accept defeat, but you are something different. When you able to accept that you are down, 25% of work is over, when you can get up another 25% is over the rest 50% is running towards the end, hope you have courage to do that.

You can get a trader job, some where try for this kind of job. If possible go to pune and join capstone or trade mogul competition is taking place, join there, you might have a chance to get into a trader job.

Tamil trader

Well-Known Member
My Heartly thanks to madan, fxgood. You both have good potentials related to trading. but please allot your time whenever it is possible for you for our traderji members.

your posts induce me to think , think , think

All can benefit from you.

Now, all the silent followers are coming out after disclosing everything here
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