Sector Rotation


Well-Known Member
Thanks Oxy for continuing the thread and thanks Traderji for your timely intervention.

Oxy, maintain the stoic attitude of Savant. This being a public board all sorts of people will be there, can't be helped. Respond only to constructive criticism and relevant queries Ignore the crap.


renu daga

Well-Known Member
hi oxy...

sorry could not post ,,earlier because of poor ,,connection form my side... but now got chance

i wsa laughing on seeong ur post that u want this thread to be stopped....

few days u were telling me something ... remem ber!!!..
one should continue its thread like what siant sir has been doing,,,without any reason/ and with full patience...

and now what happen to u..common...
but i understand ,, when someone...pulls ur back...and especially pointing on ur hard work...u are abs rgt,,,,
forget everything...

try to work more on this... subject .. giving us information...

not an easy task


Well-Known Member
you yourself have said "My decision was rooted in emotions (really bad ones)", so Ithought you are emotional of your thread being spammed.
Vanram, first, I see it fruitless to continue a discussion which is going to end up no where. The bad emotions were for a "person" for the thread"

Then why did you start the thread in the first place? I believe it is to share your knowledge with co-boarders, which in some way is useful to all.
The thread was started so that those who require it may have an additional data to use in their inputs. These sector files are not magic and can easily be replicated by anyone who spends a day on it.

You could have used the way suggested by saint in another thread. i.e, edit, ignore -dev or whoever it is.

Through your, saints, CV,uasish and savant sirs posts I learned to remove emotion from trading and trying to do so in real life also. So it shocked me to see emotion in your post.

Hoping to see great posts from you.

If I have offended you in any way, it may be because of improper use of language and I have no intention of offending u.
Yes, I think it is best idea for us to carry on with the topic. Shall stick to it.


Well-Known Member
For the day ended 26 June 2008

Best Performing:
1) Pharma 90.841
2) Software 82.4921
3) Oil Exploration 78.1580

Worst Performing:
1) Real Estate 37.15550
2) Civil Construction 45.0225
3) Cables 45.3827

thank you for your efforts. How about adding the data for month to date? it will help in gauging short term oversold/overbought sectors.


Well-Known Member
Oxy, the figs you're posting daily is on a wk-on-wk basis or is it the absolute value as it stands on the day In the case of the latter, are the rankings done on the basis of the (same) absolute values or the wk-on-wk change?

Would like to know the ranking for Fertilisers & Auto Ancillaries.

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Well-Known Member
Oxy, the figs you're posting daily is on a wk-on-wk basis or is it the absolute value as it stands on the day In the case of the latter, are the rankings done on the basis of the (same) absolute values or the wk-on-wk change?

Would like to know the ranking for Fertilisers & Auto Ancillaries.

Auto Ancillaries is ranked no.11 at 62.1220 and Fertilizers is ranked no.10 at 63.6401

It is on an absolute basis where the value is measured with base date on 1 Jan 2008.

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