Some of my forecasts

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Saif, the pair is always vulnerable when faced with a thin cloud. Tuesday's peak is probably it for awhile. As per my Weekly Forecast, the WR2 at 1.0510, which is near the top of this cloud would be containment. The peak was 1.0497.

Hello sir,Sir I would be emailing you in a moment, Sir I am seeing the aud/usd daily chart and the pair is at a critical level well above the trend line it seems like almost getting to the D cloud Span sir - A,Sir there is a fresh future bearish cloud in confluence with the stoch ahead , and the chikou span resting at just Span -B and the logic adds up that a correction to 1.0119 to take place sir ?

Yash, the one thing that seems certain is that you are in a stable field, and you are probably making good money right now. There are also benefits with your current job you have right now. These are all thing to factor in when you consider trading as a full-time career.
Having said that, we need to talk not only safety, but security. If you are considering growing a trading career into something that will make a full-time income for you, and me knowing you are new to the field, then I can assure you that in order to make the intelligent choice for yourself, it will probably take some time and growth for you personally.
The obvious question is, "Can it be done?" I'll tell you beyond any shadow of a doubt that answer is "Yes!"
I posted much about what is needed to begin your career in post #1724. Develop, but not copy a methodology of your own. There is a lot of excitement of late about the ichimoku cloud. Those that use, love it. If you pursue it, then make sure it is a conviction of your heart and not just something you have heard about and you are adopting it because of that. Don't believe anything you here, but treat what you hear as something constructive, then let the advice be proven or to be held in disdain by you on a personal basis.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. As you see your methodology develop, then you will be able to move on to the next step in the process.
As we take out the telescope and peer into your future, be patient!!!! You have a good and secure job right now. Don't let the glitz and the glamour of being your own boss beguile you. Make sure you are perfectly comfortable with your life and your finances before you go full-time.
I could paint you many rosy pictures:
1. I answer to myself.
2. I sit at home or on a boat while at work.
3. I take Tucker out when I want and chase him around our property.
4. I go where I want when I want.
5. Blah, blah, blah

Now, let's keep this balanced, because I'd be lying if I said that was the whole picture:
1. My own hard-earned money is constantly on the line.
2. I have to deal with broker glitches, computer crashes, technological problems.
3. All my wife knows is I make money, and with her, that's how it has to stay. She could freak out if she only knew what really goes on at times.
4. There is always an amount of uncertainty, regardless of how much money you made.

In essence, this is the good life, but heed the warnings.

It also cannot be stressed enough the mental part of trading. If you are stable psychologically, then you have a good shot of making it. If you are not, then you have a lot of work to do. The mental discipline is the intangible element of trading that no one will really know about except you.
Believe it or not, I'm not the patient type by nature, and I can be very impetuous. Those elements of Me had to be harnessed, and keep harnessed, or I would be dead in the water. That's how important the mental part of trading really is.

hello sir

sir, i wanna ask one question that can i make forex trading as safe future career?

i am asking this because i am an engineer and i am not interested in that field because i have to be dependent on others thats why, so is forex be the good future market as its totally independent market and all is depending on me ?
The screen time is all relative. When I started, I was like Yash. I had a FT job, but I enjoyed it. My screen time was about 2 hours per day when I started. After all, not only did I have the job, but also a wife.
The best thing to do is stay involved, be devoted to the cause, and keep notes of different observations. The screen time will be needed. My screen time ended up replacing video and board games. It is a give and take.

Hello, read the above post number #1724, Paul sir has clearly explained it! btw It looks like you have just entered the market ! Sir, you should continue your engineering and when you are free open a demo account and start practicing ! your post is illogical about forex is dependent on one's self and not on other so it is better than engineering !it is not like a job where you follow a same routine everyday do the same work everyday! Sir what will be the use if you are not winning?first you should have that winning system,experience and mental discipline to win it requires lots of screen time after all 90% of people are loosing in the forex market!
The screen time is all relative. When I started, I was like Yash. I had a FT job, but I enjoyed it. My screen time was about 2 hours per day when I started. After all, not only did I have the job, but also a wife.
The best thing to do is stay involved, be devoted to the cause, and keep notes of different observations. The screen time will be needed. My screen time ended up replacing video and board games. It is a give and take.
You have nailed it in your previous post and this post. I was about to answer but you have said it what I wanted to say.

I had a FT job and my screen time is around 2 to 3 hrs and sometimes breaks in between because of my active lifestyle. I dont mind going little slow but at the same time do not want to miss the things I like in life.

All I want to say is to look at the longterm perspective.. take one step at a time and move on with time.

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Raj, this is my job, career, and even my hobby right now. The thing is regardless of the love I have for this, there has to be balance in the life. You all know about my family and they deserve time. There also needs to be time for relaxation, exercise, a nice walk in the park, a drive in the hills, and whatever else. This time of the year I'm also getting ready to rake the leaves.

IMO, all of the above helps the critical mental or psychological part of trading. Even though, we sit behind this screen, a fresh attitude, good health and a healthy outlook is needed to accompany excellent trading.

Oooh yeeeah. Now if I can get Tucker off my lap, I think I'll go grab another cup of green tea before I go to bed.

You have nailed it in your previous post and this post. I was about to answer but you have said it what I wanted to say.

I had a FT job and my screen time is around 2 to 3 hrs and sometimes breaks in between because of my active lifestyle. I dont mind going little slow but at the same time do want to miss the things I like in life.

All I want to say is to look at the longterm perspective.. take one step at a time and move on with time.

Hello All,

Am into Equity Trading and very much interested in Forex....Can i have some basics of forex???....It would be great if i get some basics as to how it it goes etc etc...thanks...

Since am totally rookie(in forex) if anyone interested in letting me understand then you know how to start......Thanks a Ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deepti, I see you are brand new to Traderji, so welcome!

Please feel free to read through this thread, and there are many other informative threads on this site.
Forex is basically a comparison of one currency index to another. If one is extremely overbought, and the other extremely oversold then you will get an extreme reading on that cross's chart.
Let me also say if you are a technical analyst, then reading charts is going to be the same way with forex as it is with equities. If you are a fundamentalist, then this thread is probably not going to help you at all. While we cover a lot of areas here, the thread was originally orchestrated to feature forecasting of the markets. I am 70% technical, 30% fundamental (Ha ha. Just joking all you eaves droppers.) Seriously, I'm 100% technical, which is why I brought it up.

Do some personal study, then ask the related questions.

Hello All,

Am into Equity Trading and very much interested in Forex....Can i have some basics of forex???....It would be great if i get some basics as to how it it goes etc etc...thanks...

Since am totally rookie(in forex) if anyone interested in letting me understand then you know how to start......Thanks a Ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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First, I'm sharing my new look chart after my other computer crashed.

There has been some talk about this pair lately. I mentioned in my Weekly Forecast about 1.0510 containing for this week, and the peak was 1.0500, and it will stay that way.
Initial support will be the tenken at 1.0302, and then the kijun at .9944. Do not count on the latter being hit. The weekly has a lot to say about that. We could see 1.0244 hit this week. If it does get hit, then it contains.
Hello sir, Sir This is a pic of usd/chf Sir I have read in the recent posts that it is headed south to the W-Tenken further to the W-kinjun, but here there is a break of the daily trend line and the correction back has yet not taken place !

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