Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
Re: Nzd/usd

The reversal begins Wednesday if we finish at least close to current level-- .7467.
Wow, I remember somebody had posted a turn date for nifty as Nov 24 +/- 1 day.

So maybe all the USD pairs?
Re: Nzd/usd

It looks imminent for the reversal on the USD pairs.

There is what is called "Master Calculator where a date is punched in as long as some other information, and then reversals are figured-- interim, corrections, and complete trend reversals. I'm wondering if that is what he used, because it looks like he nailed it.

Wow, I remember somebody had posted a turn date for nifty as Nov 24 +/- 1 day.

So maybe all the USD pairs?
SJD, no traders. They might be over, but it won't be because of that.
The family is getting more spread out all the time. We live in an area where the entire county is 48,000 people, and 5 of our 6 kids live in the county, along with 4 of them whose other side lives in the county. We are going to have traffic coming in and out a good portion of the days, along with spending the day with extended family.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is a wonderful day to set aside just to reflect on all we have to be thankful for, and of course, hit turkey, and all the trimmings that go with it.

I know most readers of this will not have Thanksgiving, but I do wish the very best for everyone.

Hey Paul, what's the plan for thanksgiving? Kids company or traders? Have fun either way.


Well-Known Member
USD/CHF well above .9187, and hovering around .92 for long now.
Do we expect it to move upto .9297?
LTT, it's looking that way. Watch for .9248 along the way. This is one of the markets I am monitoring for a short, but still not ready to pull the trigger.

I did pull the trigger on the NZD/JPY. It's down a bit now, but looking it's a matter of time when it shifts gears north.

USD/CHF well above .9187, and hovering around .92 for long now.
Do we expect it to move upto .9297?
LTT, it's looking that way. Watch for .9248 along the way. This is one of the markets I am monitoring for a short, but still not ready to pull the trigger.

I did pull the trigger on the NZD/JPY. It's down a bit now, but looking it's a matter of time when it shifts gears north.
I have triggered few shorts against USD with a plan in mind. Cud be little early but going with a plan.

I liked the example of conservative trading of warren buffet that the trade must go against 100% to get bankrupt.. i do believe in that.. thats one of the reason MM is so important. Markets are cyclic and at a point of time they reverses.

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