Some of my forecasts

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Dear 4xpipcounter,

One question for you. Suppose i develop a methodology and find out important levels of a market. Then how should we go about trading it.
I will say That totally depends on you and how you will be trading and what kind of a trading personality suits you When you develop the methodology, money management and mental discipline the answer to these questions will come automatically friend :)
Blitzz, this is what you will learn as you go. You will learn what is a simple support or resistance, then what is a cluster S or R. You will then learn to evaluate if the reversal is back in a trend or to correct a current trend.
The thing to do is trade as you see it on your demo account and take notes.
Also when the pros say this is an S or R or this is a reversal, or this is where it will continue to, try and see what they see through your own eyes.

There are many good traders in this forum, but let me also put a plug in for Action Forex. I'm not affiliated with them, but their analysis is top-notch, and they show the charts and give the details as to what they see. Their forecasters use a more standard form of forecasting, and then they have a separate group using the EW approach, and another group uses the ichimoku.

I can also speak firsthand for the fact there is no set way of using any one indicator. The ichimoku is the cornerstone of my methodology, but I use it differently than a very respected trader in this forum, Linkon, or the way the people do at Action Forex. These are simple examples of taking an indicator and making it personal for your approach.

Dear 4xpipcounter,

One question for you. Suppose i develop a methodology and find out important levels of a market. Then how should we go about trading it.

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This move was<> forecasted in my Weekly Forecast. I said to watch for the reaction at the cluster event at .8605. We see the result. Either it was going to be a strong bounce, or a strong follow-thru. This was going to be my next post before the commodities I just did. I was going to say it is now headed to the WR3, but it is too late to mention it, as we are already there.

This pair is OS on the daily and is nearing the bottom of the cloud. Anywhere between current level and the WS2 at 119.49 should contain. Watch for a strong break of circa 121.85, and then things might get consolidative once 122.35 has been hit. Afterward, the journey will continue to 123.34. It will be that level that will determine whether or not we go much higher, namely 131.27. The latter is subject to change.
It dawned on me. I did not check the chart yet, but that means the NZD/JPY will be in for a monster move, because I got the GBP/NZD going south.

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I posted my outlook on this pair, the NZD/JPY, but I wanted to address a methodology I talked about in Debarghya's thread. It is also very simple to assimilate, and it works. It involves a MA, and the stochastics. Personally, I do not like the usage of MA's that sell e-books and look good on the chart after the fact. I like the practical usage where they show you the market direction in advance. So, here's the deal:
1. Look for when the candle has drifted further than normal away from the MA. "Further than normal" can be checked with the history. Another way to do it is plot your grids on the chart, then count the number of horizontal grid it has drifted.
2. Check the stochastics. Make sure they are ideally OB or OS and ready to cross, or preferably crossed already.
3. Enter the trade, such as what I did as seen on the chart.
4. Watch price action on the reversal. Minimum expectation should be the MA getting hit. If initial price action is strong, then the MA should be taken out.

This is the daily chart, and the white line is the MA. This trade should be good for circa 300 pips.

I have been experimenting a lot with the 9,3,4 stochastic, which is why it is plotted on my chart.

This trade was actually made based on what I saw through the eyes of my methodology. Longer term, it should be headed much lower. Nevertheless, the stochastic--MA connection is worth watching and confirming on your own.
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