Some of my forecasts

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Weekly Forecast--112011

EUR/USD: The downside objective has been fulfilled, but that still does not tell us it is over. The upside back to circa 1.3931 has not been. There is potential for a continued downside move towards to 1.3260. Anywhere between current level and 1.3260 should signal the move north towards 1.3931, and maybe beyond. Conceptually, and in the longer term, this pair should now be headed to 1.2130. The next strong leg north should be it, and then we head south to break whatever the dip is on this leg.
For this week, we could see the move to the WS2 at 1.3299, and even a spike to 1.3260. It is also possible to see a strong push from current level, and send this pair rocketing to the WR2 at 1.3725, and beyond. This is a tough call for the week, but the favorable route would be to start the week with a move to the WS1 at 1.3405, then see the bulls takes over for the rest of the week.

USD/JPY: The pair should start off the week with a mile move south towards the WS1WS2 area at 76.6776.44. Anything to the north should be limited to the WR2 at 77.36, which is a strong cluster event.

GBP/USD: MT, this pair is still on its way to the bottom of the weekly cloud at 1.5545, and then to 1.5236. The WS2 is 1.5556, so the bottom of the cloud could be hit this week. Any move north should be contained at the WR1 at 1.5895.

USD/CHF: This pair is reentering an area that could yield a very strong reaction at the WR2 at .9325, if not the monthly tenken at .9399. Until we get the strong reversal, .9104 contains.

EUR/CHF: The bottom of the weekly cloud, currently at 1.2713 will still yield a strong reversal. It just seems like it is taking a long time to get there, because the pair is taking the local going east.

AUD/USD: If the bottom of the daily cloud at .9938 does not contain price action, then the pair is headed to .9700. LT, it appears this pair is headed to .8332. This week it is likely that the WS1 at .9900. The move north will be contained at the WR1 at 1.0108, and possibly the WR2 at 1.0211.

USD/CAD: This pair has gone from what used to be a strong correction mode to being back in the strong move north. We will need a convincing break of 1.0241 before any sign of a reversal. That level is also a distance from the WS1 at 1.0207. The next strong S south is 1.0190. A strong cluster S is 1.0062.

NZD/USD: This pair is in for some strong one-way moves. The bottom of the weekly cloud at .7340 is MT containment, while containment heading north is around .7960. As for this week, a correction of the current DOWN could be needed. Look for the WR1 at .7664 or the WR2 at .7766 to contain.

EUR/GBP: The WR2 at .8604 is a major decision point for this pair. The bottom of the weekly cloud is still containing, but that does not meet it wont give out, especially with increasing pressure coming from the monthly. If the bottom of the weekly gives out, then we are headed to .8167

EUR/JPY: There could be some further downside to explore for this pair, but look for 102.32 to contain. What is really going on is that this pair is preparing for what is going to be a very strong leg that will go to sub-100, and even into the 80.00s. Once we make it to circa 102.32, look for there to be an interim move north to the weekly kijun at 109.31 or the weekly bottom of the cloud at 114.37. This week the upside is probably limited to the WR2 at 105.75

GBP/JPY: There is now potential for a further drop to 119.35. For this week, watch for a reaction at the WR1 at 124.53. We could see a move in that direction to start the week.
Pips, here in India we are legally allowed to trade only 4 currency pairs - INR/USD, INR/EUR, INR/JPY, INR/GBP. A lot of members here trade with Zerodha which allows these trades and would like to take them up. Also, they can be traded with low capital (at least with INR/USD - Rs. 1700 only per trade). It is one of the cheapest futures available and my present softwares (Trade tiger or NOW) do not have any charts for the same... The breakeven for INR/USD is about 0.0700 (how many pips is that ?? The tick size is 0.0025).

At present 1 USD = Rs. 51.44. The view is that it will go upto Rs. 52.xx

Thanks in advance :)
Timepass, seeing I only trade spot, I don't have an accurate handle on what you are referring to, but let me answer it through the eyes of spot, then let me know if it answered your question.

It used to be that the only thing that was offered to be traded were standard size lots Just to cut to the chase a little, no account could be comfortable unless there was a minimum of $5,000 funded in it. IMO, $10,000 is more doable. Each pip would move the account $10. Now, it is down to minilots, which are 1/100th the size of a standard lot. $50 is about the minimum needed to start (Some brokers allow $10, but definitely not advisable.). Each mini-pip moves 10 cents or about 5.1 INR. A winning trade of 50 pips would net about 255 INR. The collateral needed for a trade like that is $2.75, which is about 288 INR, which is paid back once the trade is closed. The collateral is depended on the leverage your account has.

Pips, here in India we are legally allowed to trade only 4 currency pairs - INR/USD, INR/EUR, INR/JPY, INR/GBP. A lot of members here trade with Zerodha which allows these trades and would like to take them up. Also, they can be traded with low capital (at least with INR/USD - Rs. 1700 only per trade). It is one of the cheapest futures available and my present softwares (Trade tiger or NOW) do not have any charts for the same... The breakeven for INR/USD is about 0.0700 (how many pips is that ?? The tick size is 0.0025).

At present 1 USD = Rs. 51.44. The view is that it will go upto Rs. 52.xx

Thanks in advance :)

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Timepass, my charts on all the INR pairs has serious issues. This is what the data looks like on all of them from the 4-hour on up. So, it is very hard, needless to say, to make any educated forecast with this.

What I did get plotted on this chart is symptomatic of an MA stochastic setup.
Price has ranged higher than usual from the MA, and the stochastics are OB and ready to cross, so base on this limited information on the 4-hour GBP/INR chart, the pair is due to drop to 80.12. The stronger the initial move, the further beyond 80.12 the pair will go.

Oh.. I was asking you to also post your forecast specifically about these four pairs. A lot of members would be interested in them.


DJIA 12374.19 12113.31 11956.16 11641.84 11484.69 -11223.81

I got a request for this market before the opening of the week, but could not get to it until now. The strong move already made today I missed out on with regards to forecasting it. It was strongly obviated. The WS3 at 11223 could be hit this week, as the bottom of the daily cloud is on the radar at 11212.


Well-Known Member
Dear 4xpipcounter,

One question for you. Suppose i develop a methodology and find out important levels of a market. Then how should we go about trading it.
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