Some of my forecasts

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This pair is headed to the moon in 2012. There is no chart for this one, because it is not ready for a signal because the pair is due for what appears to be a pretty good size correction. After it is completed. It should be ready for its launch that will last for a long time. In terms of single currencies, cable is the most OS on the monthly, and Swissy is still the most OB.
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I've got another nugget coming. I was posting in another thread, but there is not enough interest there, and I don't like feeling like I am talking to myself.

I will be posting my daily updates with strict regard to individual OB and OS currencies. The accuracy is stupendous, because what it measures is the most OB currency with the most OS currency, combines them to take a position.

I still use my personal methodology to confirm for personal entries, but what I will be posting is will have no regard for my methodology.
Saif, there must be a problem at your end, because I was wondering why you did not respond all weekend.
Oh no Sir and here I have been wondering since 3 days what actually happened ! I though you again went on a holiday trip sir lol ! Sir I emailed you all the 3 emails together in a single email !
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This is going to be a candid statement, but I can't help it.
I will never do a disappearing act without an explanation. If and when I am having a hard time of things, I won't disappear, then return when things heal up.

So, in advance, it is a sure thing I won't be here the 1st week in August (Okay, I got carried away--lol.)

Oh no Sir and here I have been wondering since 3 days what actually happened ! I though you again went on a holiday sir lol ! Sir I emailed you all the 3 emails together in a single email !
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