Some of my forecasts

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Weekly Forecast--120411

EUR/USD: This pair ended last week correcting the break of the 4-hour TL, and it is almost finished. The break was at 1.3337. The WS1 is 1.3312, so that level is worth watching. We should see another strong rebound after the dip has been complete. The journey back to 1.3705 and 1.3811 has not yet been complete. The WR2 at 1.3549 probably contains this week.

USD/JPY: There is a cluster zone from 78.51 to 78.95 that will take a strong weekly move to get through. If the WS1 at 77.62is broken, then it could be a very quick drop to the WS2 at 77.40.

GBP/USD: The WS1 and the MS1 are both 1.5504, so hat contains for the week. The reversal will take the pair to the WR2 at 1.5769, and an additional move to 1.5795 could be expected.

USD/CHF: This pair ended last week moving north after a sharp break of the 4-hour TL. This corrective process is close to being finished, and the WR1 at .9281 should contain, before the reversal takes us back to the weekly kijun at .8941. That whole process may not be finished this week. MT, the thing to watch out for is the reaction at the weekly kijun. If it gives out, then the drop will be sharp. The monthly tenken at .9399 has not been hit yet, and it may be necessary in order to create the necessary thrust.

EUR/CHF: Ever since this pair made the strong move on Sept 6th, movement has been tight with a slight upward proclivity. It is now in a strong decision point area. It has met up with the weekly DOWN TL, and it is a matter of time when this pair is going to put on antoher firework show. The WR2 at 1.2433 is worth watching

AUD/USD: The 4-hour kijun 1.0095 should contain the initial move south. Aferward, the move north should continue to the WR2 at 1.0467, and possibly a little beyond that. After this next upside is completed, this pair is in for another magnificent collapse.

USD/CAD: The moved that headed last week going north will continue to the WR1 at 1.0291. The daily tenken at 1.0036 will contain, or we head to the WS2 at .9985. At that point, the pair is trapped in the cloud, and then it heads much lower.

NZD/USD: Extra strong containment to the upside is seen at .7956. That is going to yield a reversal with strong teeth. The WR2 is .7969, so that could be accomplished this week.

EUR/GBP: This pair is trapped. It seems to want to move higher, but cant get the traction. The problem is if it keeps messing around in the low .8500s, the bottom I going to give out and it will be in for a long drop. It I headed south to start the week, and the WS2 at .8533 should contain. The reversal takes the pair back to the WR1 at .8612, and possibly the WR2 at .8639.

EUR/JPY: If there is a strong break of 104.08, then this pair goes sideways all week. There is cluster S at 103.69 that is also my WS1, so it should contain. Even though sideways movement would be on the agenda this week, there is still enough room for it to move to the WR2 at 105.85, or the bottom of the cloud at 106.15.

GBP/JPY: The WS1 at 120.79 seems a little too deep for any move south this week. This pair has its eye on the WR2 at 123.05, with a projected continuation to 123.32123.82.
I am going to start giving some of my MT--LT views as they become obviated on the charts. These views will drive you nuts if you are the type to sit in front of the computer watching the hourly to 15 min charts. So just because I say it will happen (and it will happen), it does not mean it will start happening tomorrow.

I was even thinking about opening a separate thread for discussion on my MT-LT views.
For now, I'll stay here with them. A chart will usually accompany them, so if you like what you see or you are tracking them to hold me accountable (which I love), then you might want to bookmark the post. Another thing I do is make a PDF of my MT views.

Hint: If I remember, a chart will always accompany those views.

Another hint: Phenomenal weakness is around the corner for the kiwi.

I got alerted to this pair when I was noticing that the CAD/CHF and the NZD/CAD are both due to head south. That could only mean that the NZD/CHF has to head south. Be it far from me to turn down an excellent trading opportunity.

Anywhere between current level (.7153) and .7286 presents an excellent entry that provides some explosive happiness heading south. The weekly kijun at .6565 will be hit, and it could be lower

The other thing to look for is a reaction at the MR1 at .7253, or a firm break of the MP .7124.

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I wanted to make it known that just because I will be posting more of my MT--LT views with the charts, conversations are not limited to it. I'm open to anything that involves TA's, whether it be a market of your choice, indicators, methodologies, or even the update on the weather in your area. Your furnish me the past data, and I will give you the S&R's. If you were living in my area, I would give you a forecast that is more accurate than the weatherman.

In essence, just because I will be posting more LT-MY with charts, I don't want to limited the conversation to that.
I am also planning on an update of all the forecasts, similar to my Weekly Review. In lieu of the MT-LT projections, I'm thinking in terms of something like a Monthly Review. All markets are game for this, as long as it fits the parameters of a MT--LT view. Serious pips or ticks has to be obviated before I consider it for the view that will be featured.

The object of this whole post? I'm trying to make this thread as engaging, interesting, and informative as possible.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to make it known that just because I will be posting more of my MT--LT views with the charts, conversations are not limited to it. I'm open to anything that involves TA's, whether it be a market of your choice, indicators, methodologies, or even the update on the weather in your area. Your furnish me the past data, and I will give you the S&R's. If you were living in my area, I would give you a forecast that is more accurate than the weatherman.

In essence, just because I will be posting more LT-MY with charts, I don't want to limited the conversation to that.
I am also planning on an update of all the forecasts, similar to my Weekly Review. In lieu of the MT-LT projections, I'm thinking in terms of something like a Monthly Review. All markets are game for this, as long as it fits the parameters of a MT--LT view. Serious pips or ticks has to be obviated before I consider it for the view that will be featured.

The object of this whole post? I'm trying to make this thread as engaging, interesting, and informative as possible.
MT--LT is medium term and long term. What is the time horizon of MT and LT.
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