Some of my forecasts

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This pair kind of irked me, in spite of my nailing the top. I was forecasting 2.1041 to be the peak, and it was actually 2.1044. I was talking about the dramatic reversal that was about to take place. It happened!It irked me because I did not take advantage of it. My platform was loaded which is why.
It's time to say it again! Get ready! This pair is prepared for a huge reversal.

The nice thing about returning north is that the weekly monthly are in agreement. LT projection shows this pair heading to the 2.2800's (no misprint). The next clear MT target is 2.1411, however, there could be some zigzag motion before we get to that point. For now, 2.0323, 2.0500, 2.0738 appears to be clear MT targets without much interruption.

The chart will come later. Image Shack has problems.
Re: Gbp/nzd

The chart will come later. Image Shack has problems.
Pips, there are alternatives to There is and

I have illustrated here.
Nanda, it is in context. An MT or LT view will always have strong obviations from the daily, weekly, or monthly TF's. So, if was look at the previous example from the GBP/NZD, it is a virtual trifecta. You could take that trade to 2.2800 and stay in it for months. It will take a few monthly candles to get there. OTOH, you could take the trade to 2.0323, 2.0500, or 2.0738, and it would be a matter of days to get to that point.

Another way to gauge it is to look at the past. Look at the daily chart on the GBP/NZD and notice how many candles it took to drop that distance, and then do the same thing on the weekly and monthly. Notice the quantity of candles, and then remember each one of those candles represents a day, or a week, or a month.

MT--LT is medium term and long term. What is the time horizon of MT and LT.
Wow! I love it!
You don't get all the garbage on like you do at Image Shack.

LOL, they got these stupid advertisements on there like "Date 50+ singles". What am I going to do with 50+ singles. I'm still dating my wife. I don't need anymore than her.

Yeah, yeah. I know 50+ means the age, but I guess you got the pun.

Now, let's see if this works:

Pips, there are alternatives to There is and

I have illustrated here.
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