Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
Pirate, I will put Crude on my list. I see you did request that in my absence. The NZD/USD is always featured in my Weekly Forecasts, so you'll have that to look forward to when I am done with it, which should be around 3:00am Sunday IST.

Just to wet your appetite, I disagree with you on the reversal point. I think the reversal point will be .8402.

(Just joking. I think it will be much higher than that.)
any developements on nifty charts pips?


Well-Known Member
after reading your post me sure you are not alright... lol:lol:

Nikrit, I'm not alright. I fell off the face of the earth for about 1 1/2 weeks.
Man! It feels good just seeing your posts again.
Just in case you did not read, the ISO in our area was down all that time. Major connectivity issues in the area. The only good that came out of it was that I was able to bring my platforms up.
Pirate, no one said all my jokes would be good. You will see the update on the pair in my Weekly Forecast.

no kidding that was not a good joke LOL but atleast I expect 0.8402 to be a Temporary R area and a maximum fall to around 0.8238/daily tenken .for a full reversal south I think 0.8516 or 0.8717 but we need a lot more confirmation than that :)

On no! I just saw what I did. That was a typo. Honest it was.
I got in a bit of trouble in this forum a few months ago. I chopped one letter off someone's name, and I guess in Indian, it was a degrading name.
Any rate, in your case I hope it was a typo only.

after reading your post me sure you are not alright... lol:lol:
Thanks for the review Paul. In your weekly's you have 5408.91 as WR1 and you mentioned if we touch 5410 it will zoom towards 5554. So you mean nifty should face alot of congestion in the 5410 area? and incase we trip off from there (ie around 5410) what levels would you watch out for on the downside? would you still be looking for 168 points as the long bear candle? Thanks again.

T4J, all I can say is that my approach is always with that confidence, but I missed it this time around-- confidence or no confidence.
The next question I have is that last week the weekly TL was broken. At this point, my question is should I treat it as a minor head fake. If that is the case, then we will have a bear, long candle for sure next week. Doubts, though are settling in. If 5410 is so much as touched, then we will have a continuation to the YR2 at 5554, and the LT DOWN would be safe to say is over. The YR1 at 5089 would then become the LT support.
My assertion at the beginning of last year was we were headed to 4600's, and the dip was 4536. After that dip was realized, and as you know, I was looking at the 4300's and possibly the high-4100's. We are a short ways away from knowing if my original assertion was right, and if this whole turn was premature.

A little Nifty update here in my thread. But, what do you expect? I did a disappearing act all week.
Wow! You pointed it out, and I didn't notice that until you said something. There may not be any congestion at that point. It could hit the WR1 and keep motoring with the continuation. AMAF, closer look says if the
hed, then we are headed to 5554 level.
If the WS2 at 5190 is touched this week, then it will be a mjor decision point. The 168-point candle, which is Nifty's sigma 2 on the standard deivation, will be seen if the reversal happens. OTOH, I've missed 2 major areas on the call of the reversal, so it deos keep fooling me.

BTW, that will happen because of a premature reversal. Certain area are containment in a correction. If the so-called correction turns out being a complete trend reversal, then there are issues with the forecasts.

Thanks for the review Paul. In your weekly's you have 5408.91 as WR1 and you mentioned if we touch 5410 it will zoom towards 5554. So you mean nifty should face alot of congestion in the 5410 area? and incase we trip off from there (ie around 5410) what levels would you watch out for on the downside? would you still be looking for 168 points as the long bear candle? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
On no! I just saw what I did. That was a typo. Honest it was.
I got in a bit of trouble in this forum a few months ago. I chopped one letter off someone's name, and I guess in Indian, it was a degrading name.
Any rate, in your case I hope it was a typo only.
dont worry paul, i know you fell off. :p

just kidding, it's ok, typo happens.:)

Oh Wow! all the way to 5554 from 5410 levels. No major hurdles in between?(that is if we touch 5410 levels comfortably as you mentioned)

Also you mentioned "If the so-called correction turns out being a complete trend reversal, then there are issues with the forecasts" I thought that was your original premise, that this would lead to a reversal which will take us to 4400 and 4000 levels (correct me if i am wrong) Thanks much.

Wow! You pointed it out, and I didn't notice that until you said something. There may not be any congestion at that point. It could hit the WR1 and keep motoring with the continuation. AMAF, closer look says if the
hed, then we are headed to 5554 level.
If the WS2 at 5190 is touched this week, then it will be a mjor decision point. The 168-point candle, which is Nifty's sigma 2 on the standard deivation, will be seen if the reversal happens. OTOH, I've missed 2 major areas on the call of the reversal, so it deos keep fooling me.

BTW, that will happen because of a premature reversal. Certain area are containment in a correction. If the so-called correction turns out being a complete trend reversal, then there are issues with the forecasts.
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