Some of my forecasts

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LTT, I wish I was here when the AUD/CHF reversed the way it did. I know originally I said it was headed lower, but the trip is postponed, and I could see it coming. I did not trade it, but I did have a whopper of a trade on the EUR/AUD.

The AUD/CHF is ready to challenge the swing high on the monthly chart at 1.0151, and then could headed even higher towards 1.0324. It will be anywhere between those 2 points it is ready to negotiate a major reversal.

The AUD/USD looks similar. I already mentioned in an earlier post how it is headed to 1.0925 and possibly to challenge the all-time high at 1.1079.

Next week is the first full week in February. The whole reversal venture still appears it could happen this month.

@4xpip, do you think it is time for the Aud/Usd to retrace? Maybe for long term?
Will that have its effect on Aud/Chf also?

Remember our discussion on looking at this by 2nd week of Feb?
T4J, all I can say is that my approach is always with that confidence, but I missed it this time around-- confidence or no confidence.
The next question I have is that last week the weekly TL was broken. At this point, my question is should I treat it as a minor head fake. If that is the case, then we will have a bear, long candle for sure next week. Doubts, though are settling in. If 5410 is so much as touched, then we will have a continuation to the YR2 at 5554, and the LT DOWN would be safe to say is over. The YR1 at 5089 would then become the LT support.
My assertion at the beginning of last year was we were headed to 4600's, and the dip was 4536. After that dip was realized, and as you know, I was looking at the 4300's and possibly the high-4100's. We are a short ways away from knowing if my original assertion was right, and if this whole turn was premature.

A little Nifty update here in my thread. But, what do you expect? I did a disappearing act all week.

Hello 4xpipcounter,

I am missing your super confidence in NF reversal :(

Hope it will be in near future :thumb:


Well-Known Member
The next question I have is that last week the weekly TL was broken. At this point, my question is should I treat it as a minor head fake. If that is the case, then we will have a bear, long candle for sure next week. Doubts, though are settling in. If 5410 is so much as touched, then we will have a continuation to the YR2 at 5554, and the LT DOWN would be safe to say is over. The YR1 at 5089 would then become the LT support.
My assertion at the beginning of last year was we were headed to 4600's, and the dip was 4536. After that dip was realized, and as you know, I was looking at the 4300's and possibly the high-4100's. We are a short ways away from knowing if my original assertion was right, and if this whole turn was premature.
Paul, good to see your updates and hope your internet provider is all sorted out. We in India are used to such outages, either because of electricity or internet guys and usually have backups for electricity (at least in big communities) and internet (a USB wifi one). No wonder India's economy is going strong because we seem to buy 2 of each ... and that is showing up in Nifty ;-)

I think the fears of low 4xxx are long gone. The question now is where do we see this train stopping or taking a pause. If the US clues are anything to go by (yes funda clues sorry), we may be hitting 5400 next week, maybe even Monday. Let's see.
Hehe, you might say that pair has been heading to the hills.

There is now enough steam left in it to make it to 8000, but I'm not saying that will be the case. As of now, the first sign of a reversal we would have is if the 4-hour kijun at .7597 has so much as a wick pierce. Until that happens, this pair is looking north.

Was abt to ask the same NZD/CHF..since there is also a lot of divergence on the daily...
I did get a chuckle out of you mentioning the FA's. You just had to go there--lol.
Actually, you are right. I mentioned something about 54xx in the other post. If your Monday prediction is right, then the LT DOWN is officially toast.

Our area does no good to even be concerned about peripheral support. I'm sure you know of Time Warner. IMO, they are the only ISP worth considering. They inherited many of the underground cable problems, and the lines problems handed down to them from the previous provider. My hats off to them. They worked relentlessly day and night, 7 days a week to fix the problem. This time, I think it is fixed.
BTW, I would have been looking to some ulterior sources if it stopped my platforms from working. They never quit the whole time. I have some extra time off this year, so I need to make sure I'm trading when I have the chance.

Paul, good to see your updates and hope your internet provider is all sorted out. We in India are used to such outages, either because of electricity or internet guys and usually have backups for electricity (at least in big communities) and internet (a USB wifi one). No wonder India's economy is going strong because we seem to buy 2 of each ... and that is showing up in Nifty ;-)

I think the fears of low 4xxx are long gone. The question now is where do we see this train stopping or taking a pause. If the US clues are anything to go by (yes funda clues sorry), we may be hitting 5400 next week, maybe even Monday. Let's see.
Piratetrader (Funny, before I got back online, I was playing a video game with ships and pirates. I do that, when everything is set up on my trades.
Now, where were we at? Oh yeah, the Kiwi-Swiss.
My data is sketchy on the weekly, but with the strong move it ended the week on, it tells me this pair is not finished yet. Having said, watch for the ST reversal point I mentioned in the previous post. That may be all you need to know. Another thing to look for in times like these (And we both know how OB it is.) is for strong reversal candles. That would be something like a candle on the 4-hour, daily, or weekly with a long upper wick. Don't try and calculate the wick. Just jump in when the candle is complete. It promises to be a furious ride south when it does reverse.

I am sure on this one lol I personally think In the coming days or weeks it should reverse and head lower as the price action on the weekly has shifted to far away from the equilibrium(T/K and kumo) and it has been chilling at a A class resistance at 0.7610 from a few days !while the daily is diverging and the weekly is to overbought! It is time for the gravity to act and Everything seems to be pretty much clear and pointing out for a reversal south. there is still a good probability for a few spikes up to 0.7700 but overall It should be headed towards 0.7200! woo
Yes, I had one of the uninitiated there. He wanted my formulas for my S&R's. I said, "Sure! Here you go. This is exactly how I figure them." NOT!!!!
Actually, when the new people come along, the old-timers have to be chuckling knowing what the answer is going to be.

Welcome back. I even went to your website to check if you were able to post there but not TJ ...
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