Some of my forecasts

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Nikrit, I'm not alright. I fell off the face of the earth for about 1 1/2 weeks.
Man! It feels good just seeing your posts again.
Just in case you did not read, the ISO in our area was down all that time. Major connectivity issues in the area. The only good that came out of it was that I was able to bring my platforms up.

hi paul, wer r u? is everything ok?

working with ADX setup told you about if tomorrow get trigger or some sign to explain it, then will post details on weekend.

There are times the S&R's, for the most part, and the ichimoku are not necessary in determining future price action, and this is one of them. You would not have caught my attention anymore on this if you had picked up a cream pie and smacked me in the face with it.

There is an obvious 1-2-3 on the weekly that has been formed. All that is need is the 2 to be broken and this jet north has made it reservations, gassed up, and ready to go. Simply put, there are 2 levels to look for. The 2 on the formation is at 83.93 that needs to be broken and the scenario evolves right before your very eyes.
If the current value of the daily kijun (Yeah, yeah, some how I couldn't stay away from it.) is so much as touched, pack your bags and head south. The overall momentum suggests the 2 gets broken.
Now you'll need a final destination, but let me point something out first. The bottom thick golden rod line is the YR1 at 83.78, just a few pips under the 2If we get a spike on the other side of the 2, we should still get a corrective process, but that is all it will be. From there is heads to the upper golden rod line which is the YR2 at 89.11.

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good to see you came back :) what about eur/aud? There is nothing stopping the pair from blasting south I went long on this pair yesterday on the former dip 1.2231 and things didn't go to well ! 1.2164 is the latter dip
Thank-you, I hope this time to stick around a day or 2--lol.

The EUR/AUD is also coming up in my Weekly Forecasts. They will be on time this weekend.
I am actually holding short on the pair. It will drop into the 1.2000's, at least.

good to see you came back :) what about eur/aud? There is nothing stopping the pair from blasting south I went long on this pair yesterday on the former dip 1.2231 and things didn't go to well ! 1.2164 is the latter dip
Pirate, I will put Crude on my list. I see you did request that in my absence. The NZD/USD is always featured in my Weekly Forecasts, so you'll have that to look forward to when I am done with it, which should be around 3:00am Sunday IST.

Just to wet your appetite, I disagree with you on the reversal point. I think the reversal point will be .8402.

(Just joking. I think it will be much higher than that.)

and also your views on nzd/usd I think the level 0.8401 should trigger the reversal .
Pirate, I will put Crude on my list. I see you did request that in my absence. The NZD/USD is always featured in my Weekly Forecasts, so you'll have that to look forward to when I am done with it, which should be around 3:00am Sunday IST.

Just to wet your appetite, I disagree with you on the reversal point. I think the reversal point will be .8402.

(Just joking. I think it will be much higher than that.)
no kidding that was not a good joke LOL but atleast I expect 0.8402 to be a Temporary R area and a maximum fall to around 0.8238/daily tenken .for a full reversal south I think 0.8516 or 0.8717 but we need a lot more confirmation than that :)

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