Some of my forecasts

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The answer is "yes". The only problem with the rationale is the tenken and kijun make lousy momentum indicators. The jaw is going to start clamping shut as soon as there is a pullback. I mentioned this in the 1st insertion of the ichi series that the tenken and kijun are figured based on the half way points.
The default settings are 9 for the tenken and 26 for the kijun. So, as soon as there is a pullback the peak stays stable, while the bottom rises for the tenken, so it will increase ever so slightly. 9 candles later everything catches up and so it starts dipping.
The kijun is going to be seen a little differently on a pullback. The kijun will most likely continue to rise, because if the dip began at an actual peak, then the dip 26 candles back is probably rising, so the kijun is rising during the pullback. Also, keep in mind, 26 is the proximity of a completed cycle within any TF. So, in theory, the kijun would keep rising until the peak that started the dip was realized. That's in theory and in an ideal world. Nothing is ideal in trading, and so we have to work at constantly perfecting our methodology.

Here's another measure of equilibrium the cloud will help us with.
Look at the chart you just posted. How often do you find the tenken has drifted that far from the kijun? Look at any TF, any market and answer the same question.
You would have to say it does not happen often. So, we must conclude it's jaw will clamp shut.
There is also a way of evaluating which way the market will go in order for it to clamp shut. Count 26 candles back, or for that matter, you can take a cursory glance at the chart and see this next point. Was there a strong rejection candle within the last 26 candles. In other words, is there a candle that has an extra long wick? If the answer is "no", then there was some recent strong one-way action. If you look at the last 9 candles you will see a couple of strong spikes and a couple so unusually long bull candles. If I had the data in front of me and I could plot it on my spreadsheet, I bet those candles would be at least a sigma 2 on the standard deviation of the last year.
A trend, even a freight train, cannot continue at that pace forever. It will go sideways or even the opposite direction. Once the market has attained some equilibrium, then it could be ready to get back in the trend.

The one way thing we know is with the kijun leveling on top of the cloud, it means that area is strong S, as it also equates to a strong congestion area.

Pips, a few words about this please. It is the Bank index. Kijun kissing the top of clouds and the TK combo still in open mouth position. Will the jaw clamp shut ??



Well-Known Member
Crude Oil

Sir we are back to square one
Hourly and 4H cahnged tracks and were bullish yesterday there was breakout of cloud on 4 H chart. We closed avove the cloud but next candle hit it again and went below and by the next one we are again below it There seems to be no change in kijun on 4H and Tenkan will go below it by next candle again
On the Daily Charts we can say Tenken and Kijun Combo pushed the candle below it more closer to cloud
What should be Entry points on both the sides as we know after such a range bound movement we will see strong move on the either side.


Well-Known Member
@4xpip, do you think it is time for the Aud/Usd to retrace? Maybe for long term?
Will that have its effect on Aud/Chf also?

Remember our discussion on looking at this by 2nd week of Feb?
Was abt to ask the same NZD/CHF..since there is also a lot of divergence on the daily...
I am sure on this one lol I personally think In the coming days or weeks it should reverse and head lower as the price action on the weekly has shifted to far away from the equilibrium(T/K and kumo) and it has been chilling at a A class resistance at 0.7610 from a few days !while the daily is diverging and the weekly is to overbought! It is time for the gravity to act and Everything seems to be pretty much clear and pointing out for a reversal south. there is still a good probability for a few spikes up to 0.7700 but overall It should be headed towards 0.7200! woo
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can you please review nifty ? after todays close ..
every one had revised their outlook upwards
if 5290 holds this week should v c a reversal
next week ?

Kiranjakka, I mentioned at Nifty50 that containment is at the weekly TL at circa 5298. It needs to contain before the reversal.

I've been narrowly containing me in this thread, so my apologies to our friends at Nifty50. There is always a lot of drama everytime I hit a "send' button if the message will actually send. The technicians for our ISP still have not gotten down to the bottom of the problems. They are in our area as I am writing this.
I don't mean to air out the local dirty laundry, but I'm just letting everyone know what is going on, and just in case I do a disappearing act, you'll know why. The nice thing is my platforms are all working well.
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