Some of my forecasts

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Price Action--I

After being here for a little over one year, the methodology I use is pretty much established in most readers of this thread, whether you are a silent viewer or an active participant. The charts with the green or the purple background with the ichimoku and all the spaghetti (As Eagle calls it.) is what I use to base all my trading decisions and forecasting on. Everything works together for my to form a perfectly unified conglamorate that helps me to accurately forecast the markets. Yet, I am also a constant student of the markets. Sometimes questions run through my head such as, "What if we no longer have access to the indicators that we do now?" Even those answers come without much cogitation.

We are about to embark on another journey that came from one of those answers. Much of this information popped out at me, as I was doing my S&R's over the past several weeks. This series is going to answer questions like:
1. How do I know how to get in on a trend?
2. How can I be forewarned that a correction in the trend is going to happen?
3. Where do I put my stops?
4. What if I just want to ride it out, maximize the potential of the trend and add positions as I go?

You may wonder how is it I have never been a fan of price action and candle formations and patterns, and now I'm going to do a series on all this.
Simply put, if somebody slapped you in the face, you would take notice. This was just about the same effect.
BTW, as far as the price action pros are concerned, if you have some additional light to shed, you feel free to pop in and do so.
As far as this series is concerned, price action and candle formations is about how Pips sees things in his own little world. Now, if you want to enter that world, as always, it my sincerest desire to be of service. Those who have some additional light to show, then it will be my sincerest desire to be your protegee. Regardless of how it comes down, the bottom line is we are all going to be counting pips and lots of them. I may have developed my own personal cliche along those lines, even though I hold with disdain the warn out ones.

Any rate, enough talk. This 1st insertion is only an introduction. The 2nd is coming when most of you pay a visit with the sandman on Thursday night. In my world, it is time for me to visit him now. Poor guy. He never gets to sleep. Someone is always visiting him.

I assure you this series is not going to be a 33-page PDF file.
Good point, SJD. It's a team effort. There weer many points that were not going to be addressed if someone was not going to comment or ask questions.

BTW, this is for everyone. Even though I'm embarking on a new series, everyone feel free to keep those ichi charts, questions and comments coming. I honestly believe more people benefit from others asking questions and making comments than me rambling.
I give the basic tools and a few insights. I've never talked to Smartrade behind the scenes about this, but he had a whole thread on the ichimoku. I'm sure without asking him, he feels he did not cover all there is to know about the ichimoku. He may also agree that there was more enlightenment from others feedback.
Also, if you have read his thread, and then you read my series, everyone will notice the uniqueness both of us bring to the game, yet, it yields the same basic results-- winning trades.

Thanks vikrit for the PDF, timepass for the links and 4X for the knowledge, and others for contributing with their Q&A !!


Well-Known Member
Hi Paul, if you are still awake ... or tomorrow ... & others.
Does someone have SD channel in preferably MetaStock format, and less preferably in Amibroker format? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
SJD, I got it for MT4. E-mail me if you want it.
I ended up staying up later than I wanted to.
I have it for MT4 ... you only sent it ... but due to some issues my data provider (reliability), I switched to MetaStock and AmiBroker. This call is for any people who use this ... and have converted the MT4 code to MS and / or Ami. Will be very helpful.
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