The Survivors!!

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Well-Known Member
I fear that I don't want to join the bandwagon of people who keep searching for the holy grail. :? I have been successful in FA but everywhere I read there are just discouragements towards TA. I don't know what to do! In FA I have something real that I can hold on to. I am a value investor.

I buy stocks looking like dying flowers, then magically the flowers rise up again just like my stocks. Its all miraculous.

In TA I see everyone following the price, I get left behind as I am the guy who hides behind balance sheets, P&L statements. I dont know what this chart business is! But I want to learn! I have a library shelf full of FA books security analysis being on my desk at all times.

In TA i see on the internet that everyone is either looking for the holy grail or selling it. It is very confusing as to what works and what doesn't.

I am taking it as a gambling approach, learning money management first and then pattern trading. What are everybody's thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
Poor ST,if he has to comment on every thread started on TJ,think he will be near Lunacy.
This is a special thread. This means Saint is back. All the folks who are waiting for a direction will be lead by the best!

This thread is special. All of us know it.

Make a clear and distinct condition that the thread in which you start guiding the newcomers should not be veered by Seniors. Either they join with the flow of the thread or just watch. Do not comment on questions that are intended for Saint. (Unless you appoint an authorized Moderator for it. I think TJ will give you special privilege)

Its high time. I think you should call the new thread "Trading for Newbies".


Well-Known Member
This is a special thread. This means Saint is back. All the folks who are waiting for a direction will be lead by the best!

This thread is special. All of us know it.

Make a clear and distinct condition that the thread in which you start guiding the newcomers should not be veered by Seniors. Either they join with the flow of the thread or just watch. Do not comment on questions that are intended for Saint. (Unless you appoint an authorized Moderator for it. I think TJ will give you special privilege)

Its high time. I think you should call the new thread "Trading for Newbies".
I will be first member then! :clap:


Well-Known Member
You need to change the "I" from you. if you want to be a Trader.otherwise market will change you .. no offence .. just my experience :)

I fear that I don't want to join the bandwagon of people who keep searching for the holy grail. :? I have been successful in FA but everywhere I read there are just discouragements towards TA. I don't know what to do! In FA I have something real that I can hold on to. I am a value investor.

I buy stocks looking like dying flowers, then magically the flowers rise up again just like my stocks. Its all miraculous.

In TA I see everyone following the price, I get left behind as I am the guy who hides behind balance sheets, P&L statements. I dont know what this chart business is! But I want to learn! I have a library shelf full of FA books security analysis being on my desk at all times.

In TA i see on the internet that everyone is either looking for the holy grail or selling it. It is very confusing as to what works and what doesn't.

I am taking it as a gambling approach, learning money management first and then pattern trading. What are everybody's thoughts on this?
I fear that I don't want to join the bandwagon of people who keep searching for the holy grail. :? I have been successful in FA but everywhere I read there are just discouragements towards TA. I don't know what to do! In FA I have something real that I can hold on to. I am a value investor.

I buy stocks looking like dying flowers, then magically the flowers rise up again just like my stocks. Its all miraculous.

In TA I see everyone following the price, I get left behind as I am the guy who hides behind balance sheets, P&L statements. I dont know what this chart business is! But I want to learn! I have a library shelf full of FA books security analysis being on my desk at all times.

In TA i see on the internet that everyone is either looking for the holy grail or selling it. It is very confusing as to what works and what doesn't.

I am taking it as a gambling approach, learning money management first and then pattern trading. What are everybody's thoughts on this?
Honest opinion

Your Cup is Brimming Full and Overflowing . ..


:) Happy


Well-Known Member
This is a special thread. This means Saint is back. All the folks who are waiting for a direction will be lead by the best!

This thread is special. All of us know it.

Make a clear and distinct condition that the thread in which you start guiding the newcomers should not be veered by Seniors. Either they join with the flow of the thread or just watch. Do not comment on questions that are intended for Saint. (Unless you appoint an authorized Moderator for it. I think TJ will give you special privilege)

Its high time. I think you should call the new thread "Trading for Newbies".
Opening a thread that is dedicated to the guys still doggedly after the markets all these years,....dedicated to them but not restricted to them.... :D

Some of us have done well,some of us may be struggling,some have had their troubles and coming out of them,some have focussed on the research and development part and now getting ready to fire,some have made a tonne.....

To all of these guys,humble guys are on a Rodeo Bull called the Markets and whether you've been thrown off the Bull a 100 times or a 1000 times,you have not given up with the concept of Riding that Crazy Bull.Hats off!!

Have not been here in many years,and it is so nice to see many of these Survivors......... This thread is a mix of everything,it can range from Super sensible talk to Frivilous talk,from talking about methods to talking about failures and successes.

Open to the Survivors from the Past and to the wannabe Survivors........ we might have made a tonne of money,or maybe not...But we definitely have made a tonne of mistakes you don't need to repeat to succeed to cut short your Learning Curve. :)
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