Trade Smart Online

Its been a habit of traderji members (particularly zerodha clients) to blame nest on day to day basis.

nest is absolutely working fine with my broker.

After disconnection, the cycle starts-' what do you mean?

whenever, there is a disconnection of internet problem, it automatically reconnects . you donot need to log out.
If I name my broker here , some group will mark me as agent of my broker.

iam a full time trader sitting from 10 to 12 pm.

iam forced to reply here, since the same nest trader iam using having zero issues.

when my broker is too slow while activating nest pulse, omnesys took personal interest and made it activated.

I can post the e-mail replies from omnesys .

whatever problem , faced by any member in nest,

iam ready to post screenshots here , even I will try to post it in
real -time to validate my claim.

If you still need any assistance, you can pm.
'The nation wants to know'-

what do you mean by this?

Its not an appropriate sentence for a request.

As I already said, iam full-time trader.

No need to prove anything to anyone.

Ready to post screenshots based on specific problems.
Hello ram2010,

What happened - no reply to post and even PM any specific reason ?

The way you answered my post, you seemed very genuine and eager to help with NEST Trader problems.

Please do post yesterdays screen shots, along with real time screen shots for today.

Kindly do help to solve problems with NEST Trader.

What is the harm in disclosing the name of your broker ? After all, it is for the benefit of all using the combination of NEST Trader and discount broker.

Hope I and others do not face disappointment.

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Well-Known Member
Hello ram2010,

What happened - no reply to post and even PM any specific reason ?

The way you answered my post, you seemed very genuine and eager to help with NEST Trader problems.

Please do post yesterdays screen shots, along with real time screen shots for today.

Kindly do help to solve problems with NEST Trader.

What is the harm in disclosing the name of your broker ? After all, it is for the benefit of all using the combination of NEST Trader and discount broker.

Hope I and others do not face disappointment.

After repeated requests , its time to reply,

1.Its sas online.

iam having 4 accounts with

1. rk global odin diet(recently updated by them)- 0 issues.

2. Alice blue - nest trader- 0 issues.

3. achiievers- nse now- (rarely -pending orders getting cancelled automatically)

4. sas online.- nest trader.

iam trading with sas,

1. cheapest discount broker.

2. best customer support and technical support.

3. nest working fine. Since nest plus data table donot save ieod data for mcx,
based on my request, they made it to save 5 days data.

sorry to post it on TSO thread, because of repeated requests made me to do so.

note- nest needs minimum of 512 kbps to login within 2 minutes.

check your broadband speed at
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Well-Known Member

I am not a customer of Zerodha, I am only with VNS (TSO) as far as discount broking is concerned.

If you are not having any problem with NEST Trader - you must be the lucky person.

Please let us know your broker (with NEST Trader) so that we too can benefit from this uninterrupted service of NEST with discount brokerage

Yes, NEST Trader tries to reconnect after disconnection, but the market watch does not show change in prices, the screen just shows a blue circle which indicates it trying to re-start. After waiting for 30 minutes I have no option but to close NEST and re-start.

During re-start it waits for file download (NEST log in window says 35 %) for 20-25 minutes before it logs me in. Hence the words - the cycle starts...

If you know how to solve the problems with NEST - difficult to log in, difficult to launch NEST plus, charts flickering, NEST plus chart should show 22 days 1 min. data but shows only present day data, etc.. etc.. the list goes on and on..

If you are willing and ready to help, kindly post the details of how to get rid of problems mentioned above here in the open forum for the benefit of all.

I have also send you a PM with my email address.

1. net speed -min 512 kbps (1 mbps is fine) - 2 min login.

2.launch plus- plus will be launched.

3. candles in charts were updating smoothly.I even applied bb, darvas box. etc . ( I use only amibroker)

4. net disconnects and reconnects. nest will be reconnected automatically. ( In preference settings, I made it to prompt for reconcile, so that a dialog box will appear for confirmation- to get the latest positions get updated. - ).
'Never mind'- try to have some responsibility.

All of my posts in this forum were only facts.

nothing else. I need discount brokers for my survival.

It may be anyone. Even TSO. Thats it.
LOL. Please go get some sense of humour and may be watch some news, you will understand what i m saying.

you are one of the rudest person here. you have no clue what you are talking about and you talk about responsibility.

About nest issues, zerodha and other discount brokers do have them and brokers themselves have acknowledged them.

I m sure you are not a full time traders, because if you were you would know what issue real traders face.

I don't even know you and people are here post genuine issue to their brokers and you have go and start fights everywhere.

If your broker is not Zerodha , why do you come there and tell other people there are no issue. What is your business in zerodha's and TSO's thread.

you are a person with motives and we know what you are here to please take your business elsewhere.

Hello All,

NEST Trader is the worst of all the trading software I have seen so far. This is based on the last few days experience and especially today.

Angel's ODIN was working flawlessly while in NEST Trader I am not able to log in after waiting for at least 20-25 minutes and once disconnected the torture cycle starts all over again.

I am now wondering if it was the right choice to shift to discount brokerage firm which give NEST Trader ?

Even VNS (TSO) cannot do anything as it is all under the control of Omnesys.

With the way things are going with NEST, I will surely shift to other Trading software, and happily bear the higher charges for peace of mind during trading hours.

If I name my broker here , some group will mark me as agent of my broker.

iam a full time trader sitting from 10 to 12 pm.

iam forced to reply here, since the same nest trader iam using having zero issues.

when my broker is too slow while activating nest pulse, omnesys took personal interest and made it activated.

I can post the e-mail replies from omnesys .

whatever problem , faced by any member in nest,

iam ready to post screenshots here , even I will try to post it in
real -time to validate my claim.

If you still need any assistance, you can pm.
'The nation wants to know'-

what do you mean by this?

Its not an appropriate sentence for a request.

As I already said, iam full-time trader.

No need to prove anything to anyone.

Ready to post screenshots based on specific problems.
After repeated requests , its time to reply,

1.Its sas online.

iam having 4 accounts with

1. rk global odin diet(recently updated by them)- 0 issues.

2. Alice blue - nest trader- 0 issues.

3. achiievers- nse now- (rarely -pending orders getting cancelled automatically)

4. sas online.- nest trader.

iam trading with sas,

1. cheapest discount broker.

2. best customer support and technical support.

3. nest working fine. Since nest plus data table donot save ieod data for mcx,
based on my request, they made it to save 5 days data.

sorry to post it on TSO thread, because of repeated requests made me to do so.

note- nest needs minimum of 512 kbps to login within 2 minutes.

check your broadband speed at
'Never mind'- try to have some responsibility.

All of my posts in this forum were only facts.

nothing else. I need discount brokers for my survival.

It may be anyone. Even TSO. Thats it.
1. net speed -min 512 kbps (1 mbps is fine) - 2 min login.

2.launch plus- plus will be launched.

3. candles in charts were updating smoothly.I even applied bb, darvas box. etc . ( I use only amibroker)

4. net disconnects and reconnects. nest will be reconnected automatically. ( In preference settings, I made it to prompt for reconcile, so that a dialog box will appear for confirmation- to get the latest positions get updated. - ).
I could have missed something in nest.

So Anyone can get a demo id to check nest, from my broker.

check with them.
Hello ram2010,

Thanks for your reply.

As I said in my first post - Angel's ODIN working nicely but NEST Trader not working.

It means the net connection and speed are ok for ODIN but for NEST Trader I need better speed and connection ?

This is confusing !

Your posts may be facts - no denying but without screen shots it is difficult to accept your claims.

So of the four (4) discount brokers listed you have settled for SAS Online.
You are a full time trader with SAS Online and facing no problems with NEST Trader.

Thank you for the information. Good for you.

Since I am with TSO, I have no option but to bear the problems with NEST Trader, as all of the suggestions given by you are well known to
people facing problems with NEST Trader.

Please the below link may be useful for you --

Thanks again, and hope you will post screen shots (real time if possible) with date and time legible for verification.

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Well-Known Member
LOL. Please go get some sense of humour and may be watch some news, you will understand what i m saying.

you are one of the rudest person here. you have no clue what you are talking about and you talk about responsibility.

About nest issues, zerodha and other discount brokers do have them and brokers themselves have acknowledged them.

I m sure you are not a full time traders, because if you were you would know what issue real traders face.

I don't even know you and people are here post genuine issue to their brokers and you have go and start fights everywhere.

If your broker is not Zerodha , why do you come there and tell other people there are no issue. What is your business in zerodha's and TSO's thread.

you are a person with motives and we know what you are here to please take your business elsewhere.


'Take your business else where'-

thanks for your kind words.

This is going to be last post in this forum.

This forum shaped my career.

Time to say

good bye.

@moderators- pls delete all my posts, since members feel that, iam here to do business.

You are here to do Business. Just like many others. Throwawayacc123 is making the right points. Either answer or stop being a weirdo. You're an SAS online guy. Stop spamming and creating a ruckus on TSO thread. This place is clean unlike SAS online.


Well-Known Member
I am really surprised to see that people in this Trade Smart Online thread are bringing in their fights over SAS.

Keep those fights away for some other thread if you are still interested in pursuing your egoistic fights alive.

Let TSO thread be kept for discussions related to TSO and matters related to them.