Trade Smart Online

Hello TSO,

How many Computers are in use in your office ? :rofl:

How many Chairs & Tables have been procured for your office ? :D

Many intriguing questions ... :p
Do you own those computers/tables/chairs or is everything rented ?
Dear TP, have you traded with them? any feedback on service?
You will find my feedback somewhere in this thread itself and on the other threads on the forum. In my opinion, VNS is a very good service provider. I have often mentioned the only drawback - that their backoffice software looks a bit primitive, but servicewise, never a problem - timely and complete.

Jokes apart, my question to you is a genuine query. Instead of just thanking other posts, you should reply too. Please tell me why are you feeling so defensive. Everyone understands that discount brokers need to cut corners everywhere. Its not like your revelation makes a difference to you.

Jokes apart, my question to you is a genuine query. Instead of just thanking other posts, you should reply too. Please tell me why are you feeling so defensive. Everyone understands that discount brokers need to cut corners everywhere. Its not like your revelation makes a difference to you.
Hello market oracle,
We do not believe in cutting corners. If we offer something we want to be good at it or we'll not offer it at all.

We believe in efficiency and our objective is to focus on ways that can further improve the customer experience as that is what is the most important.

We'd like to reiterate if you have any suggestion/issue please do share and we'll definitely look into it.
Thanks for avoiding the main question. I want a reply sir. How many employees do you have in total? When.clients open.accounts you ask for so many documents, signatures and other things to stay clear of all risks. What about us? Don't we have the basic privelage of knowing more about you?
Hello market oracle,
We do not believe in cutting corners. If we offer something we want to be good at it or we'll not offer it at all.

We believe in efficiency and our objective is to focus on ways that can further improve the customer experience as that is what is the most important.

We'd like to reiterate if you have any suggestion/issue please do share and we'll definitely look into it.
Thanks for avoiding the main question. I want a reply sir. How many employees do you have in total? When.clients open.accounts you ask for so many documents, signatures and other things to stay clear of all risks. What about us? Don't we have the basic privelage of knowing more about you?
Agreed. Re-reading the whole thing, jokes apart, market_oracle has asked a fair question, reasonable. I think a fair reply is warranted.
Agreed. Re-reading the whole thing, jokes apart, market_oracle has asked a fair question, reasonable. I think a fair reply is warranted.
Thanks for avoiding the main question. I want a reply sir. How many employees do you have in total? When.clients open.accounts you ask for so many documents, signatures and other things to stay clear of all risks. What about us? Don't we have the basic privelage of knowing more about you?
We are transparent with all our policies but are not sure how sharing this information on a public domain is going to help all.

We consider it a competition sensitive information and hence would not like to share it at this point.