Trade Smart Online

Hi ram2010,
1 & 2. Will check with our RMS team and get back to you.
3. Have you tried our margin calculator? You could also try the What-if analysis in NOW and NEST.

Please let us know in case you have any other questions and we'll be glad to answer them for you.
How does one place the order for calendar spread for currency in NOW ?


Well-Known Member

In SPIN, do you have the facility,

1. To plot Previous Day High, Previous day Low, Previous day close ?
2. To plot Previous week high, Previous week low, Previous week close
3. To scan the cross over of price and Previous Day High / Previous day Low / Previous day close ?
4. After every disconnection due to network problem, will the chart update automatically, or one have to update the chart manually. Have you kept any facility to synchronise the data with your server?

In SPIN, do you have the facility,

1. To plot Previous Day High, Previous day Low, Previous day close ?
2. To plot Previous week high, Previous week low, Previous week close
3. To scan the cross over of price and Previous Day High / Previous day Low / Previous day close ?
4. After every disconnection due to network problem, will the chart update automatically, or one have to update the chart manually. Have you kept any facility to synchronise the data with your server?
Hello rrrajguru
Will come back to you on this.

In SPIN, do you have the facility,

1. To plot Previous Day High, Previous day Low, Previous day close ?
2. To plot Previous week high, Previous week low, Previous week close
3. To scan the cross over of price and Previous Day High / Previous day Low / Previous day close ?
4. After every disconnection due to network problem, will the chart update automatically, or one have to update the chart manually. Have you kept any facility to synchronise the data with your server?
Hello rrrajguru
Will come back to you on this.
Hello rrrajguru
Sorry it took some time but we have your answers here
1. Yes you can do it by writing code for Daily timeframe
2. Yes this can be done by writing code for Weekly timeframe
3. Yes you can do it by writing code for Daily timeframe
4. Chart reconciles automatically after disconnect and reconnect. Since it updates automatically we have not yet given a facility to synchronize manually. However, we can keep this in mind.


Well-Known Member
Hello timepass
Please refer to the below screenshot. It might be helpful to explain the same. As we all know, sometimes pictures speak more than words :)

Hey TSO,

I saw that if I want to give order for two different instruments in NEST within same calendar expiry then it is not going through. Suppose I sell Call & Put of same expiry then a pop up comes that the 2 legged order should have two different expiry dates.

If I do remember correctly then it was not like that in the past as I used to give such orders.