Trading Strategies Using Technical Analysis

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  • February 27th 2011

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • March 6th 2011

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • March 13th 2011

    Votes: 5 15.6%

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Well-Known Member
Hello Sir,

please feel free to go through the attached file.. Sheet No. 2 is to elaborate my view and way of trading and investment..... and sheet no. 1 shows the example.

This way of my trading and investment is formed from my last 3 years experience and last 3 months learning in Traderji. hence I don't claim my way is entirely fool proof because of two reasons.

Reason... 1 Experience is the acquired knowledge or what you are doing and not of what you are not doing.

Reason....2 Learning is a process which continue through out your life...... so you may learn something better tomorrow and the view may change.

My humble request to all my gurus here is to kindly go through this and make the correction with your sharp knowledge..

Thank you all..

Thanks a lot for laying out your trading strategy in the file. Have saved it for reference... :D



Well-Known Member
Hello Columbus Sir,

The chart you shown here... 1m.2m.3m. and 5m. are of Trade Tiger of Sharekhan......... right??.. But how you created the 2 minutes.. My doubt is why two minutes chart is not shown in TT with me.. Can you please explain it. Or are there different versions of TT.

Thank you,

Hello Gangadharan,

Though I have not understood you question completely ,I will explain
how I have made the chart.I think you can produce as many as 8 charts
(I think) at ONE go using TT.At extreme bottom right you will find
I-1.....I-2.......I-3.........I-4........They are INTRADAY-Timeframe.
By clicking on I-1 you get different TF to choose from.
According the graph is shown.Similarly for other graphs.


Well-Known Member

Good you brought this thing up.

I have answered the 'Why' aspects many times. It is only that the answers are so spread out in this thread that it is difficult to see what I see. Hence, I understand your concern here.

I'll combine all these segregated posts and put them into one. This will make you guys to see what I see in the stock. Once we begin to see the same things, the 'Why' aspect will automatically disappear.

Just remind me on Friday.

Dear Raunak,

A gentle request for the above when you can spare some time on one of your weekends .

Thanks & Regards,
hello Raunak ji very very thanks for that good technical knowlege,I read your first page i am intrested in only nifty & bank nifty trading Positional enter in intraday.After reading these 29 pages i understand that you have some good system about it,If you can have afl about it i need it,If you can provide it to me i am very greatful to you,
And other trading statige turtle soup plus discribe in the street smart book,you maintion that you have that afl,but i don`t get this afl till 29 pages,Will you please give me the link of that afl,
Onse again thanks for this very good thread.
And thanks in advance for index trading system.
waiting for your reply

I use a different system for swing trades Nimish ...

The earlier short signal at 5300 was given by my positional system ...



Well-Known Member
Taking Friday's market as a case history I request you to all to explain the market internals.

All the technical indicators are showing weakness in the markets.
Nifty heavily sliding in the last 2 hours on heavy volumes.
But to my surprise FII's and DII's are net buyers.

So who are the sellers ? :D

Hi Jk,

On friday till 2~2.15 every thing appeared normal.
Even in the HUNDI (Donor Box) of Lord Tirumala ,the contributions made
by ordinary people is Large ,whereas ,the contributions made by BIG people
is small.
Same Analogy goes here also, the Worst sufferers are RETAIL investors.
Hello Raunak ji I also post a quote today before,Now i read your this mail i know that you don`t have afl about it,So will you teach me this system on index trading or any other software which have this system or how can you help me about this type of reserch,I need it badly,Please pm me at [email protected],waiting for your reply.
thanks again for this very good thread.

Phanindra, most of my calls are given on a custom made system I have ... Its not an afl and I have mentioned this many times in my previous posts. Its a combination of many factors (price action, some patterns, options data) and so on.



Hello Gangadharan,

Though I have not understood you question completely ,I will explain
how I have made the chart.I think you can produce as many as 8 charts
(I think) at ONE go using TT.At extreme bottom right you will find
I-1.....I-2.......I-3.........I-4........They are INTRADAY-Timeframe.
By clicking on I-1 you get different TF to choose from.
According the graph is shown.Similarly for other graphs.
hello Raunak ji very very thanks for that good technical knowlege,I read your first page i am intrested in only nifty & bank nifty trading Positional enter in intraday.After reading these 29 pages i understand that you have some good system about it,If you can have afl about it i need it,If you can provide it to me i am very greatful to you,
And other trading statige turtle soup plus discribe in the street smart book,you maintion that you have that afl,but i don`t get this afl till 29 pages,Will you please give me the link of that afl,
Onse again thanks for this very good thread.
And thanks in advance for index trading system.
waiting for your reply
Hi Jk,

On friday till 2~2.15 every thing appeared normal.
Even in the HUNDI (Donor Box) of Lord Tirumala ,the contributions made
by ordinary people is Large ,whereas ,the contributions made by BIG people
is small.
Same Analogy goes here also, the Worst sufferers are RETAIL investors.


Even though we may see a little up move after touching 5740 levels, I believe that we are in a bear market till we touch at least 5550 -5560 level which may be seen before the year end.... and there after the market may further weaken till 5380 level and then will be range bound in between 5380 and 5550.. where new buying may happen.

So this market is a short on every high market......

Take care..


Even though we may see a little up move after touching 5740 levels, I believe that we are in a bear market till we touch at least 5550 -5560 level which may be seen before the year end.... and there after the market may further weaken till 5380 level and then will be range bound in between 5380 and 5550.. where new buying may happen.

So this market is a short on every high market......

Take care..

Any reason for this belief:confused:
do u have any inside news or are u son in law of NIFTY chief:confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
Hello Sir,

please feel free to go through the attached file.. Sheet No. 2 is to elaborate my view and way of trading and investment..... and sheet no. 1 shows the example.

This way of my trading and investment is formed from my last 3 years experience and last 3 months learning in Traderji. hence I don't claim my way is entirely fool proof because of two reasons.

Reason... 1 Experience is the acquired knowledge or what you are doing and not of what you are not doing.

Reason....2 Learning is a process which continue through out your life...... so you may learn something better tomorrow and the view may change.

My humble request to all my gurus here is to kindly go through this and make the correction with your sharp knowledge..

Thank you all..

Hi Gangadharan,

Excellent work.YES,learning is an eternal process ,still I am learning everyday.
You have done your work so meticulously, you have given no scope to find fault
with you,this is evident from the fact that only ONCE you hit your SL.
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Well-Known Member
Hi Raunak

About the SL for your option trades. As I mentioned the possibility to use a certain % of your option account as SL, I like to give some deeper thoughts on that subject. I am clear, that this is not easy stuff to understand and I am clear,that this may even not can be made in your home market. Even then, here it goes :

To set your SL on any option trade, you should clearly define what kind of option trader you will be. If you want to be a strategy option trader or if you want to be a short time intra day option trader will be a big different.

- As a strategy trader, you may use the first option just as an entry to the next step. You than have to be 100% sure about the influence of the options greeks on your positions and would define your first SL in this strategy on the move of the underlying include watching the market for any bad reaction. The next stop losses in your strategy are always the break evens of the whole legs you already implemented. This break evens can be seen on any analyzing picture.

- You also can go for a SL with the capital you needed to pay for this option and say, ok it will cost me 300 R and this 300 R I can loose. So, you already decided in advance, what you can loose and in this case it is 300 R which is an other kind of SL.

- If you want to be a short time intra day option trader, you can set a SL individual on each trade. This SL can be soft or very clear defined. As you may remember : Mindless trader has explained the problem with that. If you set a SL very hard, you may get hit and market starts to move again in your direction. On the other hand, if you set a soft SL in your head, you must stay on the screen and watch your position. The danger with this is, that you could fall in a hope trap. You are in a loss and you not get out of the trade, as your mind not can be wrong. If you would have here a hard stop loss, you would be filed and finish. Hope you see the point. It is a little bit like a catch 22.

One solution is to go for a mix of both of this option trader types and SL. If this can be done in your home market, I do not know. Your guys would have to test that.

Buy out of the month options from a share. I know, the volume there is may not so big, but it will be your insurance. You may now say : What insurance ? The next step you will do, is selling actual atm options on the share. You only sell the exact amount of options you bought on this share, otherwise you will have a miss balance on one side of the hedge. If stock moves up, you will make money with the long call.

If stock moves down, you will lose money on the long call and you will make money with the short call atm or itm. As the short call has a higher delta and a quick moving theta, it will make more money, than the out of the month long call is loosing. This two options are your insurance.

So where to set a SL. As the execution of options is not optimal, you go and trade now with the stock instead with the options. As you are better in stocks, you now can trade your stock with a soft stop loss. Your options are the insurance for any bigger mistakes you may make, when trading the stock. Your options should not cost much, as you get money in your pocket with the sold one. With this money you pay the long out of the month option. With other words, you have an insurance for little money. As you now can trade the stock with a soft SL, you will make your money with the stock. The SL for the options you have are given with the break even points on the analyze picture. Check them some times, as they change when volatility changes in the market.

The option strategy is named a calendar call. The way of trading I show here needs a lot of experience, as you have to be clear about the option strategy and you have to be clear about how to trade the stock. Quit advanced, so be very clear by your self what you do.

So, hope it was not to complicated and you may even like such strategies.

Have a nice Sunday evening.

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