Trading Strategies Using Technical Analysis

Which date should the meet be held?

  • February 27th 2011

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • March 6th 2011

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • March 13th 2011

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



I am also very much a student like you.
Learning a lot from all of you and the great master the markets.
Trading strategies can be taught but not the trading discipline which I am very much lagging.

IMO 10,000 K is realistic and achievable.
I wish you all the best.


Dear Jagan,

In the First Year of my Trading I lost around 2 lakhs... But i realized that i was depending on Media..... and my broker for TIPs in those days.... And in the year 2nd I earned around 6 lakhs and what I learned in the full 2nd year was how not to loose.. That was the year i got a decent advice from My CA. Jeethu bahi about hedging and I was introduced to stock options.

The averaging I learned myself because I did not wanted to sell something below the price I bought it... I belongs to Kerala. and my father was a coconut merchant. I heard him saying that when the price is less you just count the coconuts..... and when the price is high you start counting your money.

And you know coconuts not have a life of more than 1 year after it is picket out from tree........ But here you see shares have a life or more than us with the perpetual existence of the companies that belongs to. then why should you worry about investing.

So, be sure that the day when we earn more than 1 crore from this market is not far.

And I am sure that there are people who earn more than crores per day from this market....... then why cant we?....:thumb:

Thank you,

With Regards.
Pt Bro,

Yes, step out of it. But by no means neglect it.

Above 87 it again becomes active. Short term volatility in markets is spiking up many stocks.

Its bad but I am in love with this stock now after rotating my cost is 80.65 so can wait till therebut is level to avg as i noticed 82 gave good support in it last time so I can double my holding there:confused::confused:
More volatality more chance of getting good stock at cheaper rate and this is FII and DII doing too:)
Yday Took Fortis at 150.05ur view on that want this for kids bcoz after doing MY R&D on this I feel only 7% in public hand and promotors tasted blood when sell Ranbaxy so expect 5-6 time return in it in 2 years I feel ur Idea when it can look towards Hell???



I hope you know what you are doing.

You are begging for the markets to,

a) Wipe out gains of 1st month
b) Wipe out gains of 2nd month
c) Do some serious damage on your account equity

Learn the rules before you start to run. I would hate to see someone taking considerable losses despite of being in the company of some of the traders of Traderji. Just an advice from someone who has seen a lot. Rest is up to you.

Raunak Sir,

I think you did not get me.. I said I was doing Future Trading with NIFTY for last 2 months only. I was worried about the future trading with the lack of knowledge about it. But this is after I join Traderji I dare to trade in futures.

Ok..... now as I was a learner I started trading in Nifty with single lot.... means.. For every entry I used only single lot. I earned 388 points in the first month with single lot...... Ok now after having confidence I started the same with 2 lots. last month I earned about about 421 points in two lots that is 842 points in real.

I experienced my system on NIFTY TRADING performing very well in 80 % times.

The month I am calculating here is the date from which I join here. So from Monday I decided to trade in 5 lots. As lose is very limited with SL and that chance only occurs in 20% time..... I am little more confident.

Monday the result was 58 points with 5 lots and yesterday did not trade because I was not able to sit and today more than 40 points.. in 5 lots and where the question of loosing occurs.

Thanks a lot:)

With REgards

NB. And the amount I am using for total trading.. (index-stocks) are just 20 percent of my corpus.


Well-Known Member
Ho....... oilman........

I am trying to understand you....... I think you are here with a Sicilian defense and playing dragon variation. which I am not able to understand.

Any way if you don't mind, I would like to play chess with you..

Thank you,
I would have played Sicilian Najdof :thumb:
Mr.Gangadharan What happened to your hedging equities?


I would have played Sicilian Najdof :thumb:
Mr.Gangadharan What happened to your hedging equities?

Hello.. Kindman,

It is very difficult to hedge with put options on the time of expiry. At present I am in a winning positions of around 12 % in my total position and start hedging with futures after the expiry ... looking towards the open interests.

Thank you
With Regards,


Well-Known Member
Raunak Sir,

I think you did not get me.. I said I was doing Future Trading with NIFTY for last 2 months only. I was worried about the future trading with the lack of knowledge about it. But this is after I join Traderji I dare to trade in futures.

Ok..... now as I was a learner I started trading in Nifty with single lot.... means.. For every entry I used only single lot. I earned 388 points in the first month with single lot...... Ok now after having confidence I started the same with 2 lots. last month I earned about about 421 points in two lots that is 842 points in real.

I experienced my system on NIFTY TRADING performing very well in 80 % times.

The month I am calculating here is the date from which I join here. So from Monday I decided to trade in 5 lots. As lose is very limited with SL and that chance only occurs in 20% time..... I am little more confident.

Monday the result was 58 points with 5 lots and yesterday did not trade because I was not able to sit and today more than 40 points.. in 5 lots and where the question of loosing occurs.

Thanks a lot:)

With REgards

NB. And the amount I am using for total trading.. (index-stocks) are just 20 percent of my corpus.
Hi gangadharan

A stupid question from outside : Do I get this right. If you trade five lots of Nifty you would have to have 1'200'000 Rs for the margin. This money would be or is blocked.

The profit you made is 290 points in total (5 x 58) which would be 72'500 Rs. You then have to pay what ever and your nett profit would be 40'600 Rs.

So, you have to block 1'200'000 Rs to make maybe 40'600 Rs. That is a lot of margin for such a trade :confused:

I once in my live wanted to understand how the calculation is for such trades in Nifty. I found this page :

I guess, you will know your numbers and it would be no problem for you to prove me wrong or write. If I made the wrong calculation, point it out, so I can see the mistake.


Edit : I may found the mistake : I calculated the margin wrong. It would be only 125'000 Rs ( 5 x 25'000 Rs ) instead the 1'200'000 Rs.

I calculated : One lot = 50 x current nifty contract price, ( which is in the example 4800 ). I then calculated 50 x 4800 = 240'000 x 5 ( as you trade 5 lots ) = 1'200'000 Rs. But I see now by rereading, that the the amount required to trade in one lot of nifty is Rs.25,000 . This amount is called as margin amount. So traders require only margin amount to buy and sell Nifty future contract.
Last edited:


Hi gangadharan

A stupid question from outside : Do I get this right. If you trade five lots of Nifty you would have to have 1'200'000 Rs for the margin. This money would be or is blocked.

The profit you made is 290 points in total (5 x 58) which would be 72'500 Rs. You then have to pay what ever and your nett profit would be 40'600 Rs.

So, you have to block 1'200'000 Rs to make maybe 40'600 Rs. That is a lot of margin for such a trade :confused:

I once in my live wanted to understand how the calculation is for such trades in Nifty. I found this page :

I guess, you will know your numbers and it would be no problem for you to prove me wrong or write. If I made the wrong calculation, point it out, so I can see the mistake.


Edit : I may found the mistake : I calculated the margin wrong. It would be only 125'000 Rs ( 5 x 25'000 Rs ) instead the 1'200'000 Rs.

I calculated : One lot = 50 x current nifty contract price, ( which is in the example 4800 ). I then calculated 50 x 4800 = 240'000 x 5 ( as you trade 5 lots ) = 1'200'000 Rs. But I see now by rereading, that the the amount required to trade in one lot of nifty is Rs.25,000 . This amount is called as margin amount. So traders require only margin amount to buy and sell Nifty future contract.
Dear Dan,

For My Brokerage structure with sharekhan. I will loose around Rs. 110 to 115 as brokerage and other taxes per lot. for buying and selling together.

That means an average of 2.20 points per trade per lot.. I don't hold positions in Nifty future for the next day.. 99.9 times Intraday.

Thank you,
With Regards

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