Trading Strategies Using Technical Analysis

Which date should the meet be held?

  • February 27th 2011

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • March 6th 2011

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • March 13th 2011

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member

Here some medicine in case you get caught with a bad trades some times :

A little laughter can be such a wonderful thing in relieving some tension and putting trading in perspective. It's just impossible to spend the amount of time that we do, trying to continually manage unknown outcomes, and not have much relief to the situation BUT while still confronting it.

Being able to laugh at what you 'feel' was a 'dumb' trade and go on to the next setup - instead of going ballistic on yourself for being the most stupid moronic brain-dead trader alive, which is just about going to guarantee you are going to spiral if that next trade is also a loser - may be more beneficial than your 'favorite' trade setup.



Well-Known Member
When tears are in eyes its really hard laughing bro
Hi Praveen taneja

Please don't do so when coming in loss. I know, it can happen and there are reasons behind it. I have seen people crying because of risking to much.

Here some more thoughts to that :

IF there is a transition where the trader goes from acceptable emotion to tradingpsych spiraling THEN there is a crossover point where IF you are aware of the situation, you have an opportunity to 'stop' this transition from completing, what makes this difficult to do, BUT also makes it all the more necessary to be able to do, is that this is happening internally and chances are you typically would not be aware of it until it was too late AND may not even consciously realize it until the spiraling has taken over and you give into it.

In light of this, traders can for example take there key issues and write them on an index card AND stick them on there personal monitors. The objective is realization and making this available to your conscious as a reminder, instead of only available to your subconscious as a problem.

Thus, when you do this, BE SURE that you are writing short non-judgmental notes - DON'T let the 'solution' make the 'problem' worse.

For instance, consider the combination of a build of emotions coming from consecutive losses which are also occurring during congestion - write notes similar to these on your card:

* a build in emotions may come from a series of quick consecutive losses

* quick consecutive losses often come from trading inside of congestion

* are your losses 'base' congestion method trades OR are you overtrading

* there is nothing wrong with 'base' method trade loses

* your trading results are fine when you 'base' method trade

Now consider the same situation BUT different notes:

* don't be a stupid idiot and overtrade congestion like you always do

* you are going to lose your ass and end up with another losing day like usual

* you do this same crap every day and the same thing happens

* you have no reason to even trade if this is all that you are going to do

Does this seem far fetched, does common sense indicate that no one would ever write notes like these? Absolutely some people would write these note AND worse [been there - done that], as they take the attitude that this kind of emphasis on what the problem leads to is an emphatic warning that will keep it from occurring. But instead this backfires, as most derisive self-talk of any kind tends to do. Now not only are the emotions stemming from this kind of self-talk in your subconscious where we know their potential to become debilitating, you have also put them into your conscious. AND since you have them in writing - right in front of you on your monitor next to your trading charts AND SINCE what you have written is a very prevalent tpsych problem - WHERE do you think your focus in going to be? Do you think you will continue to focus on those charts and trading method OR do you think you will keep 'seeing' your notes and intensify the problem and thus the speed of your tpsych spiral? The solution makes the problem worse.

Remain Neutral

* remain neutral - another note for your index card




Gangadharan and All,

Firstly, I like the way you have researched Nifty. What you have mentioned is Mean reversion of prices. This is one technique which works well but is very difficult to time. Anyway good going on that front. Now coming to your query.

The kind of screen we are seeing is bound to shake the confidence of many traders and personally I won't blame any of you if you call me crazy behind being so Bullish. Out of my experience in the market, there is one thing I know and that is that the inherent nature of markets never change. By this, I mean that a long term trend needs to counter itself with "Greater" amount of negative factors for it to reverse and change its course. Let me explain this to you guys.

As human beings, we are always destined to grow into someone who makes significant impact on our lives or on the society in general. The trend is always up as far as our growth is concerned. However, some still fail to reach the heights they are destined to. This is because, they fill themselves up with Negativity and remorse and this counters the god gifted positivity and enthusiasm to do things. Its a fact of life that negativity is far more dominating than positivity and hence this limits the growth of the individual. This is precisely why I say that if one has genuine winning attitude, rest of things automatically fall in place.

Now coming to markets. All the markets in the world exist to grow and rise. History is witness to this and no matter what market you look at, it always has an inclination to grow and rise. Have you ever thought that why do Bull markets last for several years and Bear markets last for relatively fewer years? Again, this is only because markets are always looking for reasons to rise. When they cant find any, they fall. But eventually it will again find reasons to rise.

Having said this, there are certain times when markets go out of favor and some other market begins to rise. This is a cycle which has always existed and will never cease to exist. When a market is in favor, it takes a whole lot of negativity to turn it around. Usually such turns are accompanied by some asset bubble or some serious fundamental issue. As of now, there is nothing of the sort which suggests that we are into some kind of bubble. The next decade or more belongs to Emerging markets and for this to go out of favor, there is something catastrophic which needs to happen. Hence, rather than getting into any technical or fundamental factor, the only thing at this juncture which would sum up my bullishness is the fact that I see Indian markets in favor at the moment. Now whether the rise begins from 5500, 5200 or 4800, I don't care. Even if markets have to enter bearish phase, the transition has to take time. If bear markets are the name of the game in future, there is just one thing I am going to say and that is "Bring it On"!!

Hi Raunak Sir,

Thank you very much for the answer..... The Answer helped me not only to understand the movement of markets but also to understand your view in a whole.

I have checked with the whole nifty chart from 2000 s where it started fro 890 levels and found that only once it corrected more than 50% and all other corrections were some where 15% to 30 %..... so this could not be counted as bear market...... and this should be used as opportunities to grab positions.

My passion is accumulation of fundamentally strong scripts. I use trading and hedging to prevent my investments from lose. A very good lesson learned from your answer.

Your answer made me remembering a story told to me by my dad when I was very young.

Once Hrishi Baradwaja (in his you age) was learning vedas from Brihispathi's(Father of Bharadwaja) class.

Brihispathi was describing that all creation is made by god and Bharadwaja asked........ How did God made all this. The answer was........ God made all these from himself.

Bharadwaja was a very smart student and was very good in mathematics.

He asked......If god made everything from himself....... the god might either become very small or finished now.

Brishispathi answered.


Meaning......... 0 + 0 = 0...&...0 - 0 = 0........ (here starts the vedic Mathematics)
Infinity + infinity = infinity
infinity - infinity = infinity.
infinity always remain........ so.. god is = infinity.

Here market is our god ........ and infinity.

(interestingly Hrishi Bharadwaja was the founder of vaimanika shastra..he made pushpaka viman.

Thanks a lot Raunak Sir,
With Regards,
Dear Raunak bhai and Mates,

Ratan TATA - "I regret being in the telecom Industry."
One of the great person's of our nation.
Sorry to here these words from him.Shame to the politician's.

A scam openly commited by a set of people and the govt is totally inactive.

I don't know if the president is there or not.

As long as these ugly politicians and phony democracy prevails no one can save our country.
I am happy at least the market's reacted to this extent for the comments.

Best Regards,
Winston Churchill had once quoted.
"Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air & water would be taxed in India."

How much of this is true now...?


Well-Known Member
Hi Praveen taneja

Please don't do so when coming in loss. I know, it can happen and there are reasons behind it. I have seen people crying because of risking to much.

Here some more thoughts to that :

Remain Neutral

* remain neutral - another note for your index card

Loved reading this post Dan. Highlights an important saying,

"Conquer your Mind and Conquer the World"



Well-Known Member
Hi Raunak Sir,

Thank you very much for the answer.....

I have checked with the whole nifty chart from 2000 s where it started fro 890 levels and found that only once it corrected more than 50% and all other corrections were some where 15% to 30 %..... so this could not be counted as bear market...... and this should be used as opportunities to grab positions.

Thanks a lot Raunak Sir,
With Regards,
:clapping: :D :clapping: !!!


Well-Known Member

Many of you trade on Intraday basis.

Can you tell be a data vendor for intraday data who gives back fill of 1 year.

Currently I use Reuters Quote Center but that is a standalone software and data cannot be imported in Amibroker. Hence let me know if you know of any vendor who give backfill of one year.


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