Trading Strategies Using Technical Analysis

Which date should the meet be held?

  • February 27th 2011

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • March 6th 2011

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • March 13th 2011

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hi Raunak,

I am hold chambal fertilizer dec series 85 call. is there any chance of chambal moving above 85 in this series or what should be the stop loss for this. Please advice.

Thanks and regards


Well-Known Member
Raunak Sir,
I need your advice again..
I tried swing trading, but stocks like SBI,Ibrealest are so volatile that stoploss gets triggered often before targets..
While some stocks like Canara Bank,Bank of Baroda dont move much ..
Am i wrong in choosing stocks for Swings ??
Also, I am struggling in ATR stoploss method ,its not easy to understand..
Can u suggest something for this..(some reading or any advice)
Mostly i use trailing stoploss if stock moves in my desired direction ...
but to predict price targets gets very difficult..plz help me in this also..
thnx in advance..:)

1) For Swing trading, you are selecting the right kind of stocks. You need stocks which are volatile and you certainly don't need stocks like NTPC,HUL etc.

2) From the look of it, you are struggling to keep up with Volatility. If that's the case, then you need to get your psychological make up correct for Swing trading. There is no getting away with Volatility when you need to Swing Trade. Hence ask yourself if you are a Swing trader. Don't just do it because I am successful with it. Swing trading is difficult.

3) ATR is not for short term trades. Atleast not for me. Hence, your stop's need to be according to what you see on charts. Look at Pivot points, other uncommon support and resistances. ATR in swing trades can be looked for Targets. But certainly not for stops. For short term targets you can look at a stock moving 2 or 3 times the ATR.



Well-Known Member
Jagan My dear,

Markets are dynamic. Hence views are always dynamic. I am still Bullish and retaining my longs, but certain indicators like (Leading sector like Bank,Auto doing poorly, defensive sectors like consumption and IT doing better) do make me jittery. This in itself indicates that markets are defensive currently. Hence, I have turned a bit cautious. Not Bearish.

One cannot have a single opinion and stick with it. Adaptability is absolutely critical.

Band remains intact Jagan.

And look at the bounce from there.

Things remain positive. But caution is the name of the game.



Well-Known Member

I don't trade with pattern. Hence cannot comment on it specifically. All I can say is that, Tata steel will break this range within 1-4 weeks if everything remains positive.

Regarding Hindalco, the trend is mature because it is forming Higher highs and higher bottoms. Have explained about Hindalco a few pages back with a chart.


There you go. Tata steel has broken the range.

Hope you benefited from it.



Well-Known Member

I won't be on TJ for sometime now. Our yearly target was achieved today and hence will be closing the accounts on Monday - Tuesday for this year. I am going for a vacation and will be back sometime in January. I'll try and devote time here, but the fact is that during the last one month, I have hardly been able to devote any time to TJ. Anyway, for all those who have done well this year, congratulations to you guys. For all those willing to do well next year, be resolute and make it a point to learn.

Self inspection in life is very important. Hence, before you go to sleep, close your eyes and ask yourself whether you know how to make money. In my opinion, there are two kind of market players; one who earn on 'Will' of themselves and others who earn on the 'Will' of others. If you fall in the latter category, you will never succeed in the long run. Trust me on that. The problem is, many of you don't want to read this. You'll be happy as far as your account is getting filled. This is precisely why self inspection is so important. The answer lies within you, if you search for it.

The reality of trading industry is that very few people actually reveal how to make money. Most of the experts either evade the questions or reveal only limited information in seminars/training etc. This in my opinion is not wrong. What is wrong is that unsuccessful traders expect the successful one's to reveal their method. Successful traders do reveal limited information which is enough for smart traders to latch upon and build something substantial. And I feel this is how it should be. And this is something which I have always done.

The correct way to approach the market is not to ask someone to show you the way. But it is for you to find what your mind leads you to. If I were to be believed, then making money in markets is only a state of mind. Nothing more and nothing less.

Many of you (Apurv, Rahul,VJAY, Gangadharan, Alroyraj, Amin, Jagan, Crown, Gauhar, Nimish and others) are already nearing success. I hope some of you are realizing that. You need to push forward and trust your instincts. Take the leap forward and see what happens next.

@Alroyraj - You have very good grasping power. And you have the ability to read in between the lines to get the actual crux. I don't know whether you have become a self sustaining trader by now. If yes, then please pardon me for posting this. Else, let me tell you that you are not far away.

@VJAY & Rahul - You guys have been learning for sometime now. I don't see why you should not be able to make it on your own. Try and give it a shot. Trading on your OWN.

@Gauhar - You have the eagerness to learn. But more than that you have the eagerness to make lot of quick money. I have told you before, and I will repeat it, you need a plan and you need to stick to it. Be patient my dear.

@Nimish - You are one trader here who knows how to integrate macro economic stuff into trading action. Problem with you is that you don't fully believe in yourself. You have the basics in place and you need to trust your instincts now.

@Jagan & Gangadharan - Jagan, you are patient and are working towards a plan. This is the right approach. The good thing about you is that you think logically. Keep working towards your plan and soon you should be where you want to be. Gangadharan, I have no doubt that you will succeed. Your attitude towards trading is the one every trader should have. Keep up with it.

@Amin and Apurv - I have interacted with you guys the most. Both on & off the forum. Hence, I have already told you what you guys need to do. Amin, you in particular have been very patient and have chosen the right track to get educated first. You will succeed. Just keep up with the good work. Apurv dear, what should I tell you. You and your MDP will simply rock going forward. :)

@Crown - I like that you have an approach of following your own trades. I simply adore that. The power of one's mind is simply unbelievable and I think you are trying to explore that. Good luck with it.

Just my observation on some of you guys here. Hope I have not hurt any sentiments. Its all in good spirit.



Well-Known Member
Thank you Raunak sir for all the lessons and strategies you have taught.

Enjoy your vacation. See you at TJ in January... :D



Well-Known Member
Hi Raunak

I wish you a very nice holiday. Enjoy Christmas and enjoy Silvester night. It was nice to post some times in your thread. I loved to read your thoughts as well as I did from all the other members. Even I am not a stock trader, I learned the views of stock traders. So, thanks for that to you and to the others. You may learned some thing from me and if so, we all expanded our minds and knowledge. See you then some times in 2011. Until then :thanx::clapping:


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